[花邊] Poole晃倒Pritchard,嘲諷後空檔不投
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[花邊] 普洱被交易後IG取消關注嘴綠Jordan Poole appears to have unfollowed Draymond Green on IG right after his t rade to the Wizards 普洱稍早被交易到巫師,被發現IG已經取消關注嘴綠爆
[花邊] 普洱被蓋超級火鍋後發球低級失誤THE JORDAN POOLE EXPERIENCE: Poole got blocked, then got up, inbounded the bal l & had a brain freeze, passing it right to Jamal Murray of the Nuggets Starting tonight, the Wizards announced Poole was coming off of their bench. What’s wrong with Jordan Poole?爆
[討論] Jordan Poole去巫師的表現怎不如預期?Jordan Poole 普洱哥 今年被勇士交易到巫師 本來以為普洱去巫師 跟褲子馬組成泳褲連線 整體數據可以起飛 巫師現在後場沒啥人可以跟普洱搶球權 應該會有不錯的表現才對 但這幾場看下來 普洱的表現似乎不太符合大家對他的期望 目前開季四場的數據(借用藍波大的BOX數據)爆
[花邊] 今日普洱替補僅得2分(先發時場均29分)Jordan Poole off the bench: 2 PTS 0-5 FG 0-3 3P He’s averaging 29 PPG when starting this season.爆
[情報] 普洱在板凳席抓K湯膝蓋普洱在板凳席抓K湯膝蓋 Jordan Poole trying to injure Klay Thompson. Very interested to see what happens here. (Via r/i_canseeyoujohn on @GSWReddit) 普洱試圖傷害K湯。非常有興趣看看這裡會發生什麼。 影片:爆
[外絮] 普洱:當我和咖哩沒有同時在場,我會得到普洱:當我和咖哩沒有同時在場,我會得到與咖哩同等的防守待遇 Stephen Curry needs to be guarded as soon as he walks into the parking lot at an arena. The Golden State Warriors superstar is simply unstoppable if not guarded properly, and teams regularly sell out to stop him. And with Poole now leading the bench unit, the coverages that Curry sees are also being thrown his way. At爆
[花邊] 普洱上半場29分 其餘先發隊友共6分Jordan Poole in the 1st half: 29 PTS 8-14 FG 4-8 3P爆
[情報] 記者:普洱表示沒必要禁賽嘴綠"Poole and Draymond spoke in front of the team a couple days ago and Poole didn' t think it was necessary that Draymond get a suspension," Spears said. ESPN記者Marc J. Spears在節目中表示:幾天前,在普洱、嘴綠和球隊管理層都在的一次 會議上,普洱表示禁賽嘴綠是沒有必要的。17
Re: [花邊] Jordan Poole和勇士續約普洱才是這季最overrated的球員吧 吹羊至少carry了一場 對國王整個系列賽的表現就是垃圾 鐵到不行就算 還各種低能失誤 對比國王的Monk兇猛的火力13
[閒聊] 普洱今日搞笑操作今天普洱搞笑又來了 甩開防守者之後不知道是卡頓還是怎樣 然後就吃了一記火鍋
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