PTT推薦 Tonybrothers 過去發表過的文章
[情報] Josh Hart假摔被罰兩千鎂來源: Josh Hart was assessed a $2,000 fine for this flop, per the NBA Josh Hart昨日對青塞的比賽有假摔的動作。 後來被聯盟罰了兩千元。爆
[花邊] A. Gordon:我灌籃大賽的灌籃優於VC的來源: "I think if you put my 4 dunks up [from 2016] against Vince Carter's 4 dunks [ in 2000], objectively I think my 4 dunks were better." (via @RunItBackFDTV) Aaron Gordon說如果拿他2016年灌籃大賽的四次灌籃跟Vince Carter 2000年灌籃大賽的15
[情報] 2303 聯電 1月營收標題:2303 聯電營收 來源: 公開資訊觀測站 本資料由 (上市公司)聯電 公司提供 民國114年01月 單位:新台幣仟元- 這是湖人拿到泡泡賽冠軍後的魔術強森受訪時說的話。 當下魔術講這些話時,大家根本覺得是有夢最美。 結果Luka最後真的就加入湖人了..但不同的是AD並沒有留在湖人。 ----- Sent from PttX on my Android
[花邊] 談生涯16,000分,KT:才知道LBJ多扯來源: It's cool, but it makes you realize how ridiculous it is that LeBron [James] h as 40,000. Ridiculous. That's insane." Klay Thompson on reaching 16k career points 當談到生涯得到16000分,KT說:「蠻酷的,但也讓你知道LBJ能拿到40000分是多麼誇張70
[花邊] Poole晃倒Pritchard,嘲諷後空檔不投來源: 皮丘防守普洱被普洱晃到在地,普洱在三分線有大空檔。普洱指著在地上的皮丘,然後瞄 籃 又騙起一位防守者,最後把球傳掉。36
[花邊] 2024Basketball Reference最多瀏覽球員來源: Basketball Reference 統計其網頁各州最多瀏覽數的球員頁面。 NBA球員中,LBJ佔了47個州。 如果是NCAA的話,Bronny最多。 Like father, like son.69
[情報] 10年來僅3球隊開季前20場戰績優於騎士來源: 騎士今日以101:117不敵老鷹,開季前二十場的戰績為17勝3敗。 過去這十年只有三支球隊前20場戰績比他好。 分別是 2021-22 勇士 (18-2)62
[花邊] Shaq拒絕Howard的拳上約戰來源: Tyson跟Jake Paul拳賽打完後,Howard發推約戰Shaq。 但Shaq拒絕Howard的約戰,理由是他不跟只有一枚冠軍戒指的人打。 Howard隨後發推說:抱歉,我應該要先讀規則書。(鴨子emoji) 過去兩個人有很多小插曲,例如Howard只把Shaq排在湖人隊史最佳防守第十位。Howard打爆
[花邊] Iguodala:2015 FMVP應該給Curry來源: "I don't know why they gave it to me. They were supposed to give it to Steph." Andre Iguodala on winning the 2015 NBA Finals MVP over Steph Curry Andre Iguodala上知名實況主Kai的直播時,被問到他為什麼可以拿2015的FMVP Iguodala說他不知道聯盟幹嘛給他,應該是要給Curry。爆
[花邊] Isaiah Stewart 對字母犯規遭驅逐來源: 公鹿活塞比賽,字母籃下進攻對位Stewart,Stewart在字母起跳時拉字母的球衣,字母被 往後拉摔倒在地。 Stewart此行為被判F2,隨後遭判出場。84
[花邊] 老河:我們會進季後賽,甭擔心來源: Doc River: We will make the playoffs. I am not worried about that. Despite a six-game skid, Doc Rivers is confident in his team 儘管公鹿開季以來1勝6敗,老河仍然對球隊很有信心。 認為他們會進季後賽,他不擔心。6
[分享] 今日Tommy Kahnle 0.0IP: 0.0 H: 2 R: 2 RBI: 2 BB: 1爆
[情報] 今日Nikola Jokic阿肥生涯第150次大三元,幫助金塊在延長賽贏籃網。 阿肥成為NBA史上首位在開季首四場比賽多場大三元與多場四十分紀錄的球員。 阿肥今天打了40分鐘。56
[情報] 上次湖人2-0開季的教頭是禪師來源: The last coach to start off 2-0 with the Lakers was Phil Jackson The JJ Redick era has arrived 上一位湖人2-0開季的教頭是Phil Jackson(2005-2011執教) 到今天JJ Redick才又做到84
[花邊] 湖人今年新秀攜手在第四節及OT連拿22分今日熱身賽湖人對上太陽隊。 Q4 剩1:23秒時,Bronny上籃進兩分將比數追至106:111。42
[花邊] 多名NBA球員發推驚嘆Sabrina Ionescu來源: 今日為WNBA總冠軍賽第三戰。 在剩餘2.4秒時,自由人與山貓77:77平手。 Sabrina Ionescu在弧頂三分線外一大步投進關鍵三分。 最終幫助自由人以80:77取得第二勝。6
[問卦] 青色是綠色還是藍色阿?如題青色是藍色還是綠色阿 一般想到青蛙是綠色的 青花瓷是藍色的 所以青色到底是什麼顏色阿 -----72
[花邊] LBJ駁斥是因為Kobe的末期待遇才加入湖人來源: Legion Hoops在X(twitter)上寫,LBJ加入湖人的部分原因是看到Kobe生涯最後幾季湖人給予他的待遇。 LBJ在他的X上寫道: 我加入湖人是因為我想幫助Jeanie贏得冠軍,把這些榮耀帶回湖人隊,並看到我的家人在南加州成長。 我為什麼要根據別人的待遇來做決定?3
[問卦] 其他國家國內也對立很兇嗎小妹土生土長台灣人,一輩子沒出過國。 看台灣媒體炒作對立很嚴重,想問其他國家例如日本、美國、歐洲各國也是對立成這樣嗎 ? 像是颱風天,見不得北部爽放假,這類的例子 -----15
[花邊] 球員會想改變什麼規則?來源: NBA球員被問到會想要改變的聯盟規則有哪些: 1. 增加四分線--小李、球三、Seth Curry 2. 被犯規就罰球--字母 3. 學FIBA規則,球在籃框上時就可以碰觸。74
[花邊] 記者:你還有任何成就未達成嗎?LBJ:No來源: I asked LeBron James if he feels like there’s anything left for him to accomplish on the court. LeBron: “As a basketball player? No.” 記者問LBJ,作為籃球員,他是否還有想達成的成就?4
Re: [問卦] 明天新竹不放假說不過去吧?昨天代理市長臉書寫今日正常上班、上課,但底下又寫市民盡量避免外出。 我在底下留言回了一個疑惑的表情符號,就被封鎖了... 請問我今天要去哪裡看最新消息 ----- Sent from PttX on my Android65
[花邊] Jimmy Butler媒體日頭髮正常來源: Jimmy Butler took a less alternative approach to his haircut for NBA media day this season Jimmy Butler:「我來了,我不亂搞了」爆
[花邊] Jokic:不笑,不代表我不期待開季來源: 記者說每年熱身賽、例行賽都沒有太大的不同,都是一成不變的。 他問Nikola Jokic整賽季要到什麼階段他才會覺得有趣? Jokic回說雖然每年似乎都一樣,但他每年都想進步。 他也說:「我沒有笑不代表,我沒有期待新的一季。9
[問卦] 我小孩的志願寫想當記者老師出了我的志願為題的作文,幫小孩檢查時發現他寫說長大想當記者。 請問我該怎麼做?是否該全力支持小孩,如果該支持小孩應該給予什麼樣的支援? ----- Sent from PttX on my Android --55
[花邊] 甜瓜解釋奧運金牌之於NBA總冠的價值來源: Carmelo Anthony explains why he values his gold medals over an NBA championship “Three gold medals, four medals for me is bigger than the NBA championship because I understand the impact of it. Not everybody wins a gold medal, not27
[花邊] AE不解觀眾幹嘛噓Embiid來源: Edwards jokes about boos for Embiid: 'Why would he play with y'all?' Anthony Edwards jokingly reacted to boos for Joel Embiid, claiming France already has Victor Wembanyama and Rudy Gobert: "You got Wemby and Rudy; You want three 7-footers?"爆
[花邊] LBJ 獲得新綽號:Captain LeMerica來源: LBJ在法國奧運擔任掌旗手後,在Basketball Reference有新綽號。 叫做:Captain LeMerica爆
[情報] 強森(Chris Johnson)去新北國王來源: 新北國王今(7/24)宣布外援陣容補強,網羅2022-23 PLG總冠軍最有價值球員強森( Chris Johnson)加盟,新球季將鞏固國王禁區,與李愷諺組成「FMVP連線」,期盼為新 北市的榮耀再次衝擊冠軍金盃。 強森在今年剛滿39歲,211公分來自美國華盛頓,2009年投入NBA選秀開啟15年的職業生涯爆
[花邊] LBJ與兩個兒子同隊的可能?來源: The Los Angeles Lakers are reportedly ready to offer a 3-year $162M contract, which would keep LeBron James on the team through the 2026-27 season. Bryce Ja mes is eligible to enter the NBA in 2026. The Lakers just drafted Bronny James... Imagine LeBron playing on the same tea爆
[情報] 今日Tim Hardaway Jr.12 min 15 pts38
[花邊] Mazzulla拿月最佳教練曾說:Who cares來源: Derrick White names his favorite Joe Mazzulla quote: “When he won coach of the month, I said ‘hey, congratulations.’ And he just looked at me and said ‘nobody cares.’” Derrick White說他曾經在Mazuzulla拿月最佳教練時跟他道賀。58
[情報] 假日:The job's not done來源: “The end of the day, the job’s not done.” Jrue Holiday channeled his inner Kobe Bryant as the Celtics go up 2-0 on the Mavs in the Finals 在今日青賽在總冠取得2-0的領先優勢後。爆
[花邊] 077:全都怪我來源: “My turnovers and missed free throws cost us the game.” — Luka Doncic Luka說今天的比賽是因為他的失誤以及錯失罰球而輸掉。 底下留言:爆
[花邊] AE:我仍不認為他們可以擊敗我們來源 "I still don't feel like they can beat us, bro" what Anthony Edwards told his teammates in the locker room after game 3 loss to Mavs. 「老兄,我依舊不覺得他們可以擊敗我們。」AE於G3輸給獨行俠後,在休息室告訴他的隊友們。 "Time to make history, fellas... We are here now." 「是時候創造歷史了,夥伴們!」58
[情報] 李凱爾不服被吹進攻犯規,又被吹了T來源: Kyle Anderson receives a tech after an offensive foul 李凱爾在灰狼隊進攻時,因為掩護擋人,被裁判Tony Brothers吹了進攻犯規。 李凱爾對此吹判極度不滿,一度以手勢要求重看,並在向Tony Brothers揮手後被吹了技 術犯規。爆
[情報] Rick Carlisle:全都怪我來源: "This loss is totally on me. With 10 seconds in regulation, we should have jus t taken the timeout, advance the ball and found a way to get it in and made a free throw or two and ended the game." Rick Carlisle after Pacers-Celtics Game 1.X
[花邊] 嘴綠:溜馬是支例行賽球隊,只因其在東區來源: Draymond Green made it clear that he isn't apologizing for claiming the Pacers are just a regular season team. "You got to take your hat off to the Indiana Pacers. I still personally think97
[花邊] SGA:我不該犯規的來源: Shai Gilgeous-Alexander: “I shouldn’t have fouled him.” Said he can’t/won ’t watch replay. SGA說他沒辦法看最後他對PJ造成三分犯規的replay,並且談到 :「我不應該對他犯規的 。」29
[情報] JT 因不滿Tony Brothers的吹判被吹T來源: 今日賽騎G5上半場讀秒階段,JT在三分線單打Garland,出手後被撞倒。 JT認為他被犯規因此向Tony Brothers示意,但Tony Brothers似乎不這麼認為,因此JT對 他揮了手。73
[花邊] Tony Brothers連吹兩個T給灰狼球員來源: Kyle Anderson and Nickeil Alexander-Walker were both assessed technical fouls after exchanging some words with referee Tony Brothers over this call 今日灰狼金塊第三戰, Alexander-Walker在第四節防守時,被阿肥的掩護撞倒。爆
[情報] 被問到今晚命中率,Luka:Who cares來源: "Who cares, we lost. We just gotta move on to the next one." Luka on a tough shooting night in Game 1 記者問到Doncic今天投籃狀況不佳,Doncic回覆說: 關心這個幹嘛?我們輸球了。我們應該要前進到下一場比賽。40
[花邊] 明日裁判名單來源: 騎士@波士頓 #48 Scott Foster #47 Curtis Blair #27 Mitchell Ervin38
[情報] 金塊隊史季後賽單場15投最低命中率紀錄來源: 金塊隊史季後賽FG單場至少15次出手,最低命中率的紀錄是: 甜瓜 2004年:6.3% 莫雷 今晚 :16.7% 甜瓜 2009年:18.8%55
[情報] 季賽Tony Brothers吹公鹿1-3,季後賽淘汰來源: According to basketball reference, the Bucks are 1-3 with Tony Brothers reffin g this season- Darvin Ham: “It’s been a hell of a two years sitting in this seat, I’ll tel l you that. It’s been a hell of a two years.” Ham:「這兩年在這位置上如同身處地獄。我告訴你,這兩年真的太痛苦了。」 -----
[情報] Siakam、天空貝被吹T,Portis遭驅逐今日溜馬跟公鹿的G4,目前為止: 1. Siakam在灌籃後瞪著Portis然後被吹了一個T Pascal Siakam was assessed a technical foul after staring down Bobby Portis 2. 天空貝上籃得分後,比了"too small"慶祝手勢,也被吹T71
[花邊] PJ:不惜一切代價保護77來源: P.J. Washington is on the path to Dallas cult hero status after an iconic pose and some superstar protective services in a playoff win. “Always got to prot ect 77 at all costs,” Washington told ESPN. 衝突最初是龜龜跟077開始,PJ從中介入並與龜龜有了言語的交換。95
[情報] 今日Westbrook+罵獨行俠球迷F you來源: 上場:19分鐘 7投0中 2失誤爆
[花邊] DLO不參與湖人隊討論來源: D’Lo refusing to take part in the huddle now. 湖人在暫停圍圈討論比賽時,Russell自己在旁邊,沒有參與其中。 今天上場24分鐘 7投0中XX
[情報] Embiid:我無意傷害任何人來源: Embiid said he had flashbacks of Jonathan Kuminga falling on his knee earlier this season when he committed the flagrant foul on Robinson in the first half. “I didn’t mean to hurt anybody. In those situations, I got to protect myself , because I’ve been in way too many situations where I’m always the recipien52
[情報] 太陽0-2後的戰績是0-14來源: The Suns are in uncharted territory Phoenix is 0-14 all-time when down 0-2 in a best-of-7 series. Can they overcome this deficit and make some team history? 太陽在季後賽改為7戰4勝制後,在0-2的戰況下,戰績是0勝14敗。91
[花邊] 魔術強森:關於湖人g2輸球,我難過來源: Magic broke his silence after Lakers Game 2 loss (via Magic Johnson/X) 魔術強森在湖人G2輸球,沉寂一陣子後,發聲了:爆
[花邊] Ham:很痛,G3討回來來源: Darvin Ham: “It stings. Remember this feeling as we go back to LA. We need to give them this feeling in Game 3.” 湖人教練Darvin Ham說: 「記住這椎心刺骨的感覺回到LA,我們要在第三戰也給他們這種感覺。」爆
[情報] 今日LBJ來源: LeBron in the loss: 26 PTS 8 REB 12 AST7
[分享] 今日黃子鵬投球局數:5.2 安打:8 四壞:2 三振:2 失分:42
[情報] 今日簡浩來源: 上場時間:33:12 得分:4 兩分:1-1 三分:0-8爆
[情報] 金塊季後賽史上第二少罰球次數獲勝來源: Free throw attempts tonight: 19 — Lakers 6 — Nuggets The second fewest FTA ever in a playoff win.18
[花邊] Tony Brothers賽前與Jokic抱抱來源: Tony Brothers賽前與阿肥相談盛歡,前者是本日金塊與灰狼比賽的主裁判 ----- Sent from PttX on my Android