[外絮] Bronny James 獲得數千張全明星賽選票

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Bronny James Shockingly Receives Thousands of All-Star Votes

圖 Bronny James 獲得數千張全明星賽選票

Despite playing in the G League for most of this season, Bronny continues to receive NBA All-Star votes.

儘管本賽季大部分時間都在G聯盟打球,Bronny James仍然持續獲得NBA全明星賽的選票。

The Los Angeles Lakers drafted Bronny James in the second round of the 2024 NBADraft knowing that he was going to spend the majority of this time in the G League. He still has to develop his overall skills before he's ready to make an impact on an NBA roster.

洛杉磯湖人在2024年NBA選秀的第二輪選中Bronny James,當時就知道他將大部分時間待在G聯盟。他仍需發展整體技能,才能為NBA輪替帶來影響。

So far this season, James has played in nine G League games. In those games, he's averaging 14.7 points, 4.4 rebounds, and 4.3 assists. He's also averaging three turnovers a game and is shooting just 38 percent from the field. Clearly, he still has some things to work on.


That's okay for a player like James. He was a second-round pick for a reason. The G League is perfect for someone like him who has raw talent but needs to refine the skills. Still, fans want to see him play in the NBA more, even though he only gets in when the game is out of hand.


So far for the Los Angeles Lakers, James has also played in nine games. He has played just 2.4 minutes, which is expected. Despite this low amount of minutes, he's played thus far, he still has received thousands of votes from fans to makethe NBA All-Star game.


James received over 8,000 votes for the NBA All-Star game. Of course, the fan voting isn't the only way that NBA All-Stars are chosen. There is also a coach vote and a media vote. He won't be making the NBA All-Star game, but making the G League All-Star game isn't totally out of the question.


In order for him to make the G League All-Star game, he needs to have some big games. His numbers right now aren't All-Star worthy, but he certainly would drawa lot of eyeballs to a game that not a lot of casual basketball fans watch. That would make more sense than for him to make the NBA All-Star game.


James needs to focus on continuing his hard work on his game and not worry about stuff like this. It's unlikely that he will even make the NBA Rising Stars game, so he should just focus on playing well in the G League so that these conversations are more realistic next year.

Bronny應該繼續專注於提升自己的技術,而不是過於關心這些事情。他是否能進入NBA Rising Stars賽事的可能性不大,因此應該集中精力在G聯盟表現出色,這樣明年這些討論才會變得更為現實。

When James is playing more regularly in the NBA, he will receive even more votes for the All-Star game by fans.




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Dong02 01/10 15:44唉滴正確

Dong02 01/10 15:44直接轉職朗尼特派記者

Dong02 01/10 15:45原來是今天-14啊

roger262390001/10 15:45明星賽教練決定 姆斯多打一點電話 說不定皇子就能

roger262390001/10 15:45打了

ccccccccccc 01/10 15:45每天都要更新朗尼哥日記!

e8e88 01/10 15:45頭號煎粉

WIGGINS22 01/10 15:46噓 L**********7: 拜託 推一下 誰去幫我帶風向

seerp 01/10 15:46NBA 林力仁

hcl00 01/10 15:48真愛

rayli1224 01/10 15:48分給cc一些好嗎

killermanJ 01/10 15:48LBJ再打個兩三年明星賽感覺都沒問題 問題是皇子

malain 01/10 15:49有冠軍DHA的94不一樣!

GTR34 01/10 15:49為什麼一堆人要故意噁心他 XDDDDDD

Sessyoin 01/10 15:50-14 ?! SOP ?!

Sessyoin 01/10 15:50誰 誰-14

love1500274 01/10 15:51我覺得應該不止千張欸

LatteCat556601/10 15:51父與子同台全明星 這畫面太美

Barbarian12301/10 15:52他拿了幾千張對明星賽票選真是一種污辱

Fezico 01/10 15:52父子同台ASG,這紀錄大概百年內都破不了

cd928 01/10 15:53山羌の野望 父子同隊明星賽

Dong02 01/10 15:54渣渣都能有44萬票了,幾千票很難嗎

pneumo 01/10 15:54一生只督你一人

nasa01 01/10 15:55網軍洗的吧

Fezico 01/10 15:55皇太子空拋給山羌在字母哥頭上爆扣,這海報賣爆

jay60202 01/10 15:56愛伯尼

limitlesscit01/10 15:57如果真的讓布朗尼上明星賽我猜一堆球員會不爽吧

leo255112 01/10 15:58連NBA都可以靠爸,瘋了

jamescle23 01/10 15:58忘記分類了 [Bronny戰報]

hsiung9 01/10 15:59讓他煎!!!

furjai 01/10 15:59每日朗尼戰報

jamescle23 01/10 16:01拜託你!!我破防了!!創個Bronny Times吧

sunnyyoung 01/10 16:02讓他上讓他上 反正明星賽超難看

hitomi47 01/10 16:02他爸有去 他就會去 不用另外投

f6312467 01/10 16:025884….

hide0325 01/10 16:03定位越來越往熊貓靠攏了

kuchibu 01/10 16:04人正真好

a516013 01/10 16:05\幫你煎/幫你煎\幫你煎\幫你煎/

MK47 01/10 16:08LA唯一太子

alex0936 01/10 16:08老實說我想看他上場 起碼讓明星賽不那麼無聊 - -

CycleEnergy 01/10 16:08NBA團寵

c7683fh6 01/10 16:09太子拿幾千張票不過分吧

benen 01/10 16:10寫的有夠委婉...但還是希望BJ能持續進步啦

A00610lol 01/10 16:12幫你煎

steven183 01/10 16:12\幫你煎/\幫你煎/

akko76815 01/10 16:13佔一個位子陪真正的明星折返跑 先不要吧

NanaoNaru 01/10 16:15吐了

a1486739200201/10 16:17

wayne0120 01/10 16:22就是煮必須先發!

abbei 01/10 16:22\幫你煎/\幫你煎/

stkoso 01/10 16:25反正大家都嫌明星賽無聊了阿 放個小丑上去也沒什麼

mars329 01/10 16:31太瞎了 雖然已不看明星賽多年

danielgogogo01/10 16:31太子先發 對面的可能會出全力打喔…

lafeelbarth 01/10 16:35說真的他去打可能比較好看…

asfg465223 01/10 16:36打的好不如投的巧

melzard 01/10 16:40我想投票了 一人一票送布朗尼進明星賽

k798976869 01/10 16:42這票給我就幫你煎鬆餅

CircusWorld 01/10 16:43布朗尼是未來NBA巨星的門面 進入明星賽也是合情合理

IaKoMu 01/10 16:49支持幫你煎明星賽!!!\幫你煎/

Aether13 01/10 16:50投給他是也沒啥 反正綜合票不會上啦

GiantChicken01/10 16:55還幾千也真少

DogBe106 01/10 16:57太神拉皇子終於球迷得到認可

sky001tp 01/10 17:00NBA明星賽,父子同台!!!

ARTORIA 01/10 17:01反正都是三分折返跑 誰上有差嗎

Wesker 01/10 17:02讓他煎!讓他煎!凍蒜

GT47 01/10 17:04放皇子上去也好 不然阿肥跟77也是要打不打的

TDKnight 01/10 17:05明星本來就該比人氣呀 有票也是實力的一種

jerrylin 01/10 17:06很棒 明星賽該給他上場刷一下數據了吧

jerrylin 01/10 17:06不然明星賽都要沒人看了

alex8725 01/10 17:25說真的我寧願看幫你煎 至少他一定會全力打 比起某

alex8725 01/10 17:25些人愛打不打的樣子好很多

kaka2001 01/10 17:27明星隊父子同時上場 保證改善每況愈下的明星賽收視

kaka2001 01/10 17:27

James102211 01/10 17:27幾千而已 還以為幾萬 ZZZZ

Demia 01/10 17:29有天父、爸氣又父責,值得明星賽先發吧?

rettttt5 01/10 17:30突然間想看他先發全明星了

icosahedron 01/10 17:32他很棒,努力投胎也是努力

iamnotme 01/10 17:40我覺得大家只是想看笑話