[花邊] 誰會贏下今年總冠 Dr. Fauci: 湖人

看板NBA標題[花邊] 誰會贏下今年總冠 Dr. Fauci: 湖人作者
時間推噓13 推:15 噓:2 →:6

來源: TalkBasket

Dr. Fauci on who will win the NBA title: “I have to say the Lakers for sure”
講到誰會拿下今年總冠 Dr. Fauci: 我必須得說一定是湖人

The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
Dr. Anthony Fauci, recently expressed support to the NBA’s plan to resume
the season. He also has a strong opinion on who will win the NBA championshipthis season.
美國國家過敏及傳染病中心主管Dr. Anthony Fauci最近對於NBA聯盟計畫重啟賽事表示支持的態度。而且,他對於本季哪一隊會拿下總冠也有很明確的意見。

“Well you know, I have to say the Lakers for sure!” Dr. Fauci said. Los
Angeles is currently sitting atop the Western Conference with 49 wins and 14
losses and is widely regarded as one of the top favorites to win it all in
「嗯,你們知道的,我必須得說一定是湖人,」Dr. Fauci說。湖人目前戰績暫居西區第一,49勝14敗,普遍被認為會是這次在奧蘭多復賽拿下冠軍的熱門隊伍之一。




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Miyanishi25 06/15 10:07穩了

chh1470 06/15 10:08這次,誰會是贏家?

Xenogamer 06/15 10:11草莓獸沒了ㄟ

leophior 06/15 10:13美國防疫爛成這樣不是時鐘是喪鐘吧

HIGHSCHOOLDX06/15 10:13牧師詹會去開導魔獸的

bxxl 06/15 10:17他還算正常吧,但是川普常不聽他的話

qwerty789 06/15 10:22誰?防疫差成這樣還有空引戰?

ccc5b683 06/15 10:24湖人穩了

kooyoo1144 06/15 10:34姆斯:我等等打個電話給魔獸☎☎☎

floriany 06/15 10:36無知鄉民,要酸也不是酸他。

bond30422 06/15 10:48

uuuuOPuff 06/15 10:58喪鐘XDDD

pig 06/15 11:03要講喪鐘紐約州那個亂搞的還比較像

god2 06/15 11:07這次的星號*絕對最大顆

GeeBen 06/15 11:10難怪湖人堅持要打

ZacHsu 06/15 11:11這麼篤定,似乎又有好戲看了

tomx 06/15 11:16到時候不是就糗了

YOYOISGOOD 06/15 11:30LBJ的新一冠又要被打星號了嗎

AhirunoSora 06/15 11:38死這麼多人好意思說時鐘喔

ethel7669 06/15 12:52時中:我也押湖人~

juniorpenny 06/15 15:30禪師、歐肥:今年冠軍要打星號,啥?湖人奪冠機率最

juniorpenny 06/15 15:30大,那當我們沒說

randy2903 06/16 17:55你家替補中鋒支持罷賽唉