[情報] 球團拒絕70場提案 以及其他健康問題

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時間推噓15 推:16 噓:1 →:9

工會今天提出的70場方案 立馬遭到球團拒絕


"I told him 70 games was simply impossible given the calendar and the public
health situation, and he went ahead and made that proposal anyway,'' Manfred

Both MLB and the union proposed starting the season on July 19, and players
said it should end Sept. 30, three days later than management. Citing Dr.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, MLB does not want to extend playing deeper into the autumn.

依照之前美國陳時中Anthony Fauci的意見


"Dr. Fauci's out there telling us that football should [be] playing in a
quarantine. The other two sports are playing in a quarantine," Manfred said,
referring to plans for the NBA and NHL. "Our guys want nothing to do with
that. No. 2, Fauci says we shouldn't be playing in October and their proposalcontemplates lengthening the season."



MLB also does not want to bunch more games into the same time period.

"We told them we're not playing doubleheaders," Manfred said. "Our public
health guys tell us you should not put people together for that number of
hours in the day. It's not safe. But they just keep ignoring those things."

球團的醫療意見也建議不要打雙重賽 減少接觸時間



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ChrisDavis06/19 11:49可憐哪

sustainer12306/19 12:01MLB要不要直接當沒2020算了?

mightymouse06/19 12:16看不是很懂工會在幹嘛

sikerkuaitai06/19 12:25現在重點不是2020 而是2021可能也是縮水賽季

sikerkuaitai06/19 12:26最壞情況是CBA也可能讓2022封關或延後開

sikerkuaitai06/19 12:26*封館

saiulbb06/19 12:32棒球之神請保佑MLB 50場也好 沒辦法接受一年沒看球QQ

c87111111606/19 12:34Clark+Manfred 兩大絕配 呵

olin774506/19 13:02工會就想要打拿錢,但多打一場球團賠一場,球團立場就是

olin774506/19 13:02有打就好了,球員立場是打越多越好

Roshiel06/19 13:05兩個主席快滾蛋啦

chaolin06/19 13:18今年打不成的話會不只是一年沒球看喔 2019/11起就沒比賽

combro4006/19 13:42比賽拖 球季冗長 喬事也是史上最沒效率跟小孩吵架一樣

combro4006/19 13:42垃圾MLB

Sechslee06/19 16:33看這兩個談判都快中風了

hsuan887106/19 18:07年初有幾場熱身賽啦

Eddward06/19 19:28原本我還在罵球團貪婪 現在球員工會是在?

Roshiel06/19 22:23下週應該會提個65場方案吧...看看哪邊提

catsondbs06/20 00:21費城人在佛州的訓練營爆感染了 暫時8人驗出確診

catsondbs06/20 00:235名球員 3名工作人員

ianshadow06/20 02:24這系列談判一直是工會讓人看不懂R

appshjkli06/20 07:39費城人訓練營炸了 球員工會還想打幾場來著?

Aretimis734506/20 14:39樓上 70場 1場都不能少(?)

Aretimis734506/20 14:41天使也炸了 資方大概又能往下壓場次了

Roshiel06/20 14:55為何美國疫情不像其他國家會驅緩啊?

hyc0725zz06/22 01:46一堆人生涯突然中斷真的很可惜