[外絮] Silver:若閉門後有更多陽性 可能會再停賽

看板NBA標題[外絮] Silver:若閉門後有更多陽性 可能會再停賽作者
時間推噓31 推:38 噓:7 →:34

來源: Yahoo Sports

Adam Silver admits more COVID-19 cases in NBA's 'bubble' could shut down
season again
Adam Silver承認 若有更多球員在閉門比賽檢測出陽性 可能會再度中止比賽

NBA teams have begun flying to Orlando to restart the season at Disney World,where they will isolate for two days and undergo more coronavirus tests
before playing again.

At that point, the NBA will hope it has set up a “bubble,” a concept
endorsed by Dr. Anthony Fauci in which a league plays games in isolation to
prevent players from being exposed to the virus.
以現在的狀況,聯盟希望可以建立一個"封閉場所"的概念,也是Dr. Fauci所建議的,就是聯盟要在一個隔離的狀態打球,以避免球員暴露到病毒。

Per ESPN, NBA commissioner Adam Silver said at a virtual conference that the
league expects to see more coronavirus cases as teams arrive. If the league
encounters more cases after that, though, the situation could apparently growdire:
根據ESPN報導,聯盟主席Adam Silver在一場虛擬會議上說聯盟預期在球員抵達迪士尼做完檢查後,會知道有更多球員有感染。但是,若在那之後還有更多球員檢出陽性的話,情況很顯然就會很糟糕了:

"We won't be surprised when they first come down to Orlando if we have some
additional players test positive," Silver told Fortune Brainstorm Health.
"What would be most concerning is once players enter this campus and then go
through our quarantine period, then if they were to test positive or if we
were to have any positive tests, we would know we would have an issue."

"... We would know that there's in essence a hole in our bubble or that our
quarantine or our campus is not working in some way," Silver added later. "Sothat would be very concerning."

Silver said any significant amount of positive cases inside the protected
campus could result in a second shutdown of the NBA season.

That last sentence is obviously the NBA’s nightmare.

Just one coronavirus could turn into dozens if a player enters a game not
knowing he could transmit the coronavirus to other players, and dozens of
cases would be more than enough to endanger the entire league. Ideally, a
bubble league would prevent any players from being contracting the virus,
but, unfortunately, we already know the NBA’s Disney World set-up won’t be
a true bubble.

While NBA players, coaches and other staff will be staying on the Disney
World campus until the end of their seasons, the Disney World employees
cooking their meals, cleaning their rooms and doing everything else to
support them will not.

And many of those employees live in some of the worst COVID-19 hot spots
right now, according to the Orlando Sentinel:

"Of the 20 Central Florida ZIP codes with the most Disney workers representedby union Unite Here, half rank in the region’s top 30 ZIPs for confirmed
COVID-19 cases, an Orlando Sentinel analysis shows. More than 8,600 Disney
workers live in those ZIP code areas."

"Measures will reportedly be taken to minimize exposure between Disney
employees and the NBA, like masks, other protective equipment, social
distancing, frequent cleaning and frequent testing. But all it takes is one
leak to create a problem."

A number of NBA players have indicated they are preparing for the worst.

Portland Trail Blazers guard Damian Lillard, New Orleans Pelicans forward
Brandon Ingram and Philadelphia 76ers center Joel Embiid are all among the
players skeptical of the NBA’s plan.
阿拓後衛Damian Lillard,鵜鶘前鋒Brandon Ingram,76人中鋒Joel Emiid就是那群對於聯盟計畫表示懷疑的人之一。

Embiid said he “hated” the idea, Ingram said he’s “not very confident”
the NBA’s experiment will work and Lillard doubted players would adhere to
the NBA’s rules. Several more players have already opted out of the bubble,
for varying reasons.




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nyu5765 07/08 10:10加油把他打完吧

theBATMAN56 07/08 10:10頭都洗一半了還來阿

dogville 07/08 10:11敢先講數量嗎?不然直接說誰確診就停賽比較快

sampsonlu91907/08 10:11這樣的話 2020賽季會比想像中來的久

sikerkuaitai07/08 10:12封閉環境大概得參考台灣 我們才是真正有達到這條件

larryleepig 07/08 10:17Lillard擔心很合理 看看之前那個確診球員如何趴趴走

Bigcookie2 07/08 10:20一堆不遵守的 自以為很厲害的 害死一堆健康的人

※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 07/08/2020 10:23:20

CMPunk 07/08 10:27噗 現在這比例還不夠高啊

bores 07/08 10:29Silver:姆斯中標我們才會停賽

c32867689 07/08 10:31球員亂跑 確診後害聯盟停賽 然後沒球打沒薪水領 何

c32867689 07/08 10:31必呢

sampsonlu91907/08 10:47無論如何 怪物奇兵2幾乎確定不可能在2021的7月上映

sampsonlu91907/08 10:47

kai08130623 07/08 10:47終於調整了,之前還說不管怎樣都會打完根本不合理

Kidd0502 07/08 10:47公鹿可惜了 今年很有機會

liuuuuuu 07/08 10:48停一停啦

a55770 07/08 11:02再停的話,沒疫苗下季也不會開打

super009 07/08 11:04姆斯:不停賽直到冠軍到手

steven24205 07/08 11:04姆斯:沒有觀眾我不打

Xhocer 07/08 11:21復賽粉怎麼都不敢說話了

dixieland99907/08 11:26煉蠱啊...

ignativs 07/08 11:31今年合約到期的,還蠻慘的

nuturewind 07/08 11:39阿銀會被某些球員的球迷嗆寧願病死也不願餓死吧xd,

nuturewind 07/08 11:39辛苦了,這明顯是個父子騎驢的狀態,打不打都要被嘴

tliu223 07/08 11:43簡單說就是集中隔離的感染人數與現在不隔離、放球星

tliu223 07/08 11:44到處跑的感染人數接近時,就說明聯盟的隔離有漏洞了

xo45527788 07/08 11:44每次看到這種文都會有人說別打XD

tliu223 07/08 11:44那樣再打就沒什么意義了

windowdoor 07/08 11:53目前看起來 本季不打完 下季更難開打

issusu 07/08 11:54人命在冠軍獎盃面前這麼廉價 ㄏ

ccc5b683 07/08 11:59都你在講

ooplus 07/08 12:25復賽還是要復啊 現在的目的不就是為了朝復賽前進

ooplus 07/08 12:25 不集中管理永遠別想復賽

TheoEpstein 07/08 12:27這是對的,現在確診的都是集合前,在自己家趴趴走的

answertw 07/08 12:27issusu 好 那休兩年 等疫苗出來+有效 這樣好不好

answertw 07/08 12:28你好棒

TheoEpstein 07/08 12:28但「集合後」還有確診的話就糟糕了,代表NBA防疫出

TheoEpstein 07/08 12:28了問題,就是Silver說的「泡泡破掉」。

TheoEpstein 07/08 12:28另一個重點是沒復賽,這些球員還是感染一堆只是不驗

TheoEpstein 07/08 12:29一驗下去就一堆確診了,現在把確診的隔離起來,健康

TheoEpstein 07/08 12:29的帶去奧蘭多。

tailsean 07/08 12:38會被球員抗議侵犯自由

kuloda 07/08 12:50有沒有鄉民家裡有執行過居家檢疫或住防疫旅館的經

kuloda 07/08 12:50驗?你會發現真的非常容易出現漏洞,不容易很落實

kuloda 07/08 12:50的,更何況在美國

Blazeleo819 07/08 12:59小李跟DeRozan的想法都是就算聯盟定了再多防疫規則

JoeChang556607/08 12:59來台灣打喇

Blazeleo819 07/08 12:59你也很難要求所有的球員都去做到.現在算是且戰且走

roger262390007/08 12:59隔離那些真的沒做好當然不要復賽啊 現在不就相信聯

roger262390007/08 12:59盟能做好嗎?

TheoEpstein 07/08 13:21其實球員部份就算沒做好也在泡泡裡,怕的是工作人員

TheoEpstein 07/08 13:21球員只要不走出泡泡「理論上」要是安全的。

TheoEpstein 07/08 13:21這篇也講到問題在「迪士尼員工跟聯盟人員的接觸」

TheoEpstein 07/08 13:22球員只會接觸到NBA工作人員,但NBA工作人員可能會接

TheoEpstein 07/08 13:22觸到迪士尼員工,而迪士尼員工是不安全的。

TheoEpstein 07/08 13:23所以防疫的重點就在「聯盟跟迪士尼員工的接觸」了

toolittle 07/08 13:53先隔離再開打... 就是這麼簡單

bxxl 07/08 13:56他們也沒驗很多次吧,難免會漏一些

ko373328 07/08 14:0887

mikeneko 07/08 14:25更多陽性停賽(X) 姆斯陽性停賽(X)

nothing188 07/08 14:41一定停賽的, 疫情沒有趨緩

nothing188 07/08 14:43除非來台灣,隔離14天,才有救

Ommmmmmmmmm 07/08 15:02翻譯:湖人快拿不到冠軍就停賽

bond30422 07/08 16:22山羊

issusu 07/08 16:35休兩年想真多 目前配套很明顯沒有很全面 Sliver自己

issusu 07/08 16:35也知道 而且還在疫區嚴重的地方 不然那些反對的球

issusu 07/08 16:35員是在擔心什麼

khristian 07/08 17:12希佛:考慮上場戴口罩(誤

tliu223 07/08 17:37防疫旅館要做的很多啊,比如外界人員通道與內部人員

tliu223 07/08 17:38要分開;外界人員進入要全程防護服;及時消毒;隨時

tliu223 07/08 17:38洗手等等,就看聯盟這邊做不做得到了

myps6312 07/08 20:39為了總冠軍 為了歷史定位 一定得打

Ommmmmmmmmm 07/08 20:42為了姆咪的一冠 多少人要陪演這齣?

leoc554 07/08 21:42Nba乾脆來台灣打好了

lastpost 07/08 22:27那些球員會乖乖聽話隔離?有懲罰條款嗎

dash007 07/08 23:46還得考慮潜伏期的問題……

potterpig 07/09 04:06那些鄉民講一句就馬上噴的復賽粉去哪了?

kobe7785075 07/09 12:25別打了啦 這賽季結束了

lexus3310 07/09 20:09恭喜姆咪