[花邊] Mitchell將捐給母校12M美金

看板NBA標題[花邊] Mitchell將捐給母校12M美金作者
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Donovan Mitchell gives back to Greenwich school with $12 million donation

Mollie Walker (New York Post)

After signing a five-year, $195 million rookie extension this offseason, Utah Jazz star Donovan Mitchell is sharing the wealth.
在簽下5年195M美金的合約之後,Donovan Mitchell便慷慨解囊。

Mitchell and his family agreed to the largest single pledge of support in the history of the Greenwich Country Day School, promising $12 million to the school he graduated from in 2012, according to a press release Friday.
根據週五的報導所稱,Mitchell和他的家人同意了一筆12M的贊助,給他在2012年畢業的母校Greenwich Country Day School,此承諾為該校歷史上最大的贊助。

His mother, Nicole, was a lower elementary school teacher at GCDS from 2007 until just last year and his sister, Jordan, graduated from the school in 2017.

Some of the funds will be used for the Mitchell Family Scholarship Fund, which is set to help GCDS “remain a leader in providing need-based aid for students in grades Nursery through 12,” per the release. There will also be a Nicole Mitchell Faculty Support Fund, awarded annually at the opening faculty meeting to a teacher in each of the four divisions at the school who has demonstrated the “passion, enthusiasm, optimism, and love for children always shown by Nicole Mitchell.”
部分資金將用在他為該校設立的獎學金(Mitchell Family Scholarship Fund)上,用於為幼稚園到12年級的學生的基本所需提供幫助。
也有部分用在以他母親命名的教師基金(Nicole Mitchell Faculty Support Fund)上,用於每年獎勵該校四個部門中各部門符合資格的一位老師,跟他的母親Nicole一樣,總是對小孩保持熱心、熱情、樂觀和愛心。

Additionally, Mitchell’s donation will be used to build “The Determination Over Negativity Mitchell Family Athletic Center.” According to the announcement, it will be a “state-of-the-art gymnasium and will house one full court (NCAA regulation court) with full stands on both sides.”
除此之外,資金也將用來建造體育館(The Determination Over Negativity Mitchell Family Athletic Center),這將會是最先進的體育館,並有一個兩側看台的NCAA標準的球場。

“I know how lucky I have been to have the foundation of my education happen here at Country Day,” Donovan said via the school’s press release. “This school
has shaped who I am in so many ways, and I feel blessed to be able to give backand make the Country Day experience available for more kids especially those from inner-city neighborhoods or with backgrounds like mine.

“Over the past few years on my NBA journey, I have made it my mission to champion the causes of equity, social justice, and equal opportunity, especially in education. There is no better school anywhere to carry forward this mission and my family is excited to make this happen.”

During the 2019-20 playoffs in the Orlando bubble, Mitchell became the third player in NBA history to score 50 or more points twice in a playoff series, joining Michael Jordan and Allen Iverson.
在2019-20的「泡泡」季後賽,Mitchell繼Michael Jordan和Allen Iverson之後,成為史上第三位在同一個系列賽拿下兩次50分以上的球員。

It was a no-brainer for Utah to extend Mitchell, who quickly asserted himself as a cornerstone of the organization when he was runner-up for the rookie of the year award, to a guaranteed $163 million deal with an incentivized maximum of $195 million.

“As great an athlete as he was, Donovan was an even nicer young man,” GCDS head Adam Rohdie said of the 2020 NBA All-Star. “He is a man of the highest character and he has lived his life embodying the Country Day creed of TIGER PRIDE which asks our students to be kind, empathetic, respectful, thoughtful, and to actwith the highest levels of integrity.”
「Mitchell是個出色的運動員,更是一名優先的年輕人。」該校負責人Adam Rohdie在2020全明星賽時說道,「他是一個品格高尚的人,他秉持著本校TIGER PRIDE的信條,該精神要求我們的學生友善、善解人意、尊重、為人著想,並以最高的誠信行事。」



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ken720331 12/05 13:15好事給推

LuckyoPuppy 12/05 13:15善事

Myosotis 12/05 13:16推Mitchell

dwiee 12/05 13:1712m欸 很大一筆 做善事 推

roger262390012/05 13:1812M真的蠻多的 畢竟他的大約還沒開始領

FAYeeeeeeee 12/05 13:18他還有A牌給的錢

VAIO911 12/05 13:18

pighong 12/05 13:18很讚

※ 編輯: XperiaZ6C ( 臺灣), 12/05/2020 13:18:54

randykaku 12/05 13:19

sosad0128 12/05 13:20不知道稅制怎樣,光看帳面至少也是年薪30%了

※ 編輯: XperiaZ6C ( 臺灣), 12/05/2020 13:20:59

web946719 12/05 13:21

GABA 12/05 13:23超過台幣三億……

trylin 12/05 13:24超多

will556688 12/05 13:25

kkkjjjaaa13512/05 13:25

ya123yo 12/05 13:26

kobebryant0812/05 13:29這可以抵稅吧

SEXYFUCK 12/05 13:29賺得多也捨得捐佩服

q4690744 12/05 13:32每次看到類似文章底下都有人在說“可以抵稅”,報

q4690744 12/05 13:32導這個用意是讓你知道這可以抵稅還是讓你知道善事

q4690744 12/05 13:32的?真慘

MK47 12/05 13:32可以底稅那你有捐那麼多嗎?你館人家可不可以抵 捐

MK47 12/05 13:32得出來就很屌了

cvbn7910 12/05 13:33抵稅方式很多,但有愛心就給推,捐款真的不是他的

cvbn7910 12/05 13:33義務

tjtcgcha 12/05 13:34

cup40iilove 12/05 13:35推推

BaDouYauo 12/05 13:36

floriany 12/05 13:3912M真的很多

whatahw1 12/05 13:39推啦 年薪基本上捐了2/3

whatahw1 12/05 13:391/3

whatahw1 12/05 13:40打錯

wayneshih 12/05 13:40很大一包耶,這個得推

loaf3011 12/05 13:40硬要提抵稅的 就是要表達捐錢的人沒那麼偉大 只是因

loaf3011 12/05 13:40為沒什麼損失

kiawe 12/05 13:44他不捐整年稅後收入$19M, 捐了稅後扣掉捐款剩$11M

qwe0804 12/05 13:44捐超多 好屌

yiersan 12/05 13:46

a11011788 12/05 13:46好多 牛逼了

DirkMavs 12/05 13:4712M是不是可以再蓋一座了...強!

gn00945822 12/05 13:48

super131556612/05 13:48推@@ 真的愛心

s66449 12/05 13:49

z45678915 12/05 13:5712M好多

uyrmb47 12/05 13:58提抵稅沒啥吧 抵稅和捐那麼一大筆也沒矛盾阿

darkreborn 12/05 14:01

kkl522608 12/05 14:0212M超多的欸

PonyTail090112/05 14:03Mitchell沒拿過新人王吧?


tinglottery 12/05 14:06夠大筆 牛逼

ai6xu4u86 12/05 14:13這真的捐很多 給推

SwissMiniGun12/05 14:17不管是一口氣捐還是分幾年捐 這金額都蠻大的耶

ishigakis 12/05 14:1912M wow

SDGGF 12/05 14:20這裡指的是最佳新秀第一隊


※ 編輯: XperiaZ6C ( 臺灣), 12/05/2020 14:23:33

LoveDonGin 12/05 14:231200萬美金欸 夭壽 大手筆

CKNTUErnie 12/05 14:25

girlkissme 12/05 14:29

stevenlovego12/05 14:32善人米丘

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a3504121 12/05 14:52

xru03 12/05 14:59

jonmida 12/05 15:00很讚~推!!!

cayalst 12/05 15:14超大手筆滿扯的!

edwinrw 12/05 15:16

o0991758566 12/05 15:17WOW 推

zold 12/05 15:23

nuggets0916 12/05 15:25拷貝這超多

Vedan 12/05 15:28

BallDontLie 12/05 15:43

Newstart 12/05 15:47偶像是姆斯 真的有學到

peadon 12/05 15:53鳩都媽爹! 你妹叫什麼!?

Rukiyako 12/05 16:10善事推

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IamJJ 12/05 17:23

icou 12/05 17:23不錯不錯

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YuChanChung 12/05 18:34超多乾

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KomeijiYuki 12/05 19:51有夠多

mark60917 12/05 19:54推!邊某李好多了!不嘴砲領高薪低調做善事

best0811 12/05 20:02一次就捐兩個蛇蛇 XD

lkk88 12/05 20:08捐款幫助學校的同時他自己也抵稅 並不衝突 雙贏

gogopacer 12/05 20:18好多!

PrimeChaoz 12/05 20:43這不推不行

pyroru 12/05 22:40妹妹叫Jordan?

kissung 12/06 00:58南無阿彌陀佛觀世音菩薩QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ

wesley72338612/06 01:18超多...推善心

tan7777 12/06 01:42

blitz 12/06 02:30推打球帥又好心

hugram 12/06 03:23

nostar 12/06 07:27

stja 12/06 09:55

kings45 12/06 13:49推推推

iamaq18c 12/06 14:24好狂 也捐太多

pippen2002 12/06 19:3912m欸 很大一筆 做善事 推!比我身價還高10倍多!