[情報] 灰熊與拓荒者比賽延期

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Grizzlies-Blazers game postponed for Health and Safety Protocols

NEW YORK, Jan. 20, 2021 – The National Basketball Association game schedule
d for tonight between the Memphis Grizzlies and Portland Trail Blazers at Mo
da Center has been postponed in accordance with the league’s Health and Saf
ety Protocols.

Because of ongoing contact tracing within the Grizzlies, the team will not h
ave the league-required eight available players to proceed with the schedule
d game against the Trail Blazers.



Sent from BePTT on my Google Pixel 3a


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※ 編輯: hanson90244 ( 臺灣), 01/21/2021 06:12:23

KevinIngram 01/21 06:22KI不打的第二場就是對灰熊?

ashebird 01/21 06:47不過沒人能打只要延期就好 那有啥損失嗎?

gold33 01/21 06:51Fantasy玩家表示有差QQ

laptic 01/21 06:53

puro 01/21 06:56不要Morant 我FB有他

uqwqw 01/21 07:15可能被大V感染吧,他先躺下了

lovemeteor 01/21 07:17太陽才剛打完灰熊搞不好又要被隔離延賽,真的被搞

DraymondGree01/21 07:34FB同時有Morant和小李......

me91 01/21 08:20後勤人員上班時間,場地都準備好了,該不會以為比

me91 01/21 08:20賽只要有球員就好了吧

scatman 01/21 09:30靠 熊最近狀況很好耶

era120 01/21 11:28有人玩運彩嗎?延賽會有預計延到哪一天打嗎?