[花邊] 對手不包夾?DDR:在荒島我會是最先找到鳳梨

看板NBA標題[花邊] 對手不包夾?DDR:在荒島我會是最先找到鳳梨作者
時間推噓56 推:56 噓:0 →:26

來源: 馬刺記者Jeff McDonald推特

DeMar DeRozan, on teams choosing not to double him in big moments down the
stretch: “If you want to stay on the island with me, I’m going to be the
one to get the pineapple first … whatever the hell that means.”
DeMar DeRozan對於對手球隊在最後關頭緊要時刻選擇不包夾他:「如果你想要跟我一起在個小島上,我會是那個最先找到鳳梨的那個人....不管那是代表什麼意義。」



"He has such a way with words "

"Or a way with pineapples"

"Demar dresses as spongebob when he's at home."

"3 men are ship wrecked on an island where they are captured by cannibals. Thecannibal leader says he'll let them live if they go out in the forest and
grab 10 of the same fruit.

They all run off, when after a while the first person comes back with 10
apples. The cannibal leader then says, "You must shove them up your ass
without any facial expression, and then you will live." The man tries but he
winces after the third apple and was killed on the spot.

The second person comes back with 10 cherries and is told the same thing. He
starts shoving them up his ass with no difficulty, but he starts laughing
hysterically after the ninth cherry and is killed on the spot.

In heaven the two people meet, where the first person ask, "Why did you
laugh, you could have gotten away?" "I saw the other guy come back with
在天堂時這兩個人碰面了,第一個人問說,「為什麼你笑出來啊? 你本來可以活下去的?」「我看到第三個人帶鳳梨回來。」

"SpongeMar RozenPants

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea.... SpongeMar RozenPants ...."

"Its confirmed, Demar likes pineapples on his pizza... whatever the hell thatmeans."


SpongeMar DerozePants


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bn5566 04/25 14:48今天很嗆是吧.jpg

laputaca 04/25 14:48XDDDDDDDDDDDDD我快笑死

tinhanho 04/25 14:48什麼比喻==

Miyanishi25 04/25 14:48我也...為此而來

o0991758566 04/25 14:49很深奧的寓言故事

kenny30139 04/25 14:49這...有特色

kkl522608 04/25 14:49三小 為什麼荒島要找鳳梨?

charlie01 04/25 14:49.........

gp03dan 04/25 14:49外國鄉民那笑話,雖然老還是很好笑

Arigatosam 04/25 14:49食人族笑死

hank7218 04/25 14:50有夠老的笑話

STRO 04/25 14:51食人族笑話第一次聽到是國小時了,有夠懷念

kill780215 04/25 14:54484在推銷台灣鳳梨

MaxwellDSA 04/25 14:56食人族笑話太老了吧

ssh012314 04/25 15:00私訊喔~

rexagi1988 04/25 15:00原來塞屁股還可以有這種變化XD

WINKAO 04/25 15:02我還以為披薩梗只有台灣欸

Hiara 04/25 15:05所以找鳳梨到底啥梗

YamagiN 04/25 15:09那個笑話超級老了 馮翠凡演的電影裡面有的女的叫

YamagiN 04/25 15:10贏馬的 電影裡面就有這個梗

zlzooq 04/25 15:13迪羅展在供殺小XD

MyKal1001 04/25 15:15JoJo式比喻

MattiaPasini04/25 15:22

圖 對手不包夾?DDR:在荒島我會是最先找到鳳梨

s8800892000 04/25 15:23這笑話超老

NightElf 04/25 15:24是不是想蹭我大鳳梨薯叔r

MK47 04/25 15:27我看不懂梗= =

loserloser 04/25 15:33這故事至少30年了

asd07633 04/25 15:45國小聽過老師說的笑話...

icou 04/25 15:51以前超多原住民部落領袖滿足條件就放生這種笑話啊

peter89000 04/25 15:58這個笑話還有人記得阿,老到爆

tomlee1130 04/25 16:04很老但還是很好笑XDDD

Sickboy 04/25 16:05幹這個笑話真的有夠老

marchcharlie04/25 16:05Jojo的奇妙比喻

arashicool 04/25 16:12所以第三個人有塞完嗎?

lai162 04/25 16:18我爸那年代的笑話 但還是很好笑XD

rammstein 04/25 16:26沒看懂,韓導式辯論法?

ymsc30102 04/25 16:26榴槤換成鳳梨有比較好塞嗎

BearGrylls 04/25 16:31笑話超白痴的XD

ChenWay 04/25 16:33那個小島該不會是台灣吧,鳳梨剛好過剩

Csir 04/25 16:35靠要這老梗我還是笑了

bilibo 04/25 16:38好老的笑話

iversonok 04/25 16:53哇!是珍妮佛肉配汁

jesuscries 04/25 17:15經典老笑話XDD

daniel8694 04/25 17:17感謝西哥分享 雖然是老笑話但我還是笑出來了

semicoma 04/25 17:31鳳梨pizza是加拿大人發明的 不愧是暴龍出身

sntutelc 04/25 17:54講完了 有聽咚嗎?冥白嗎?

rojjujj 04/25 17:57鳳梨迪羅斬

ozzie12 04/25 18:01I have a pan, I have an apple…

gadoma 04/25 18:07為什麼會塞一個笑話XF

takechance 04/25 18:14Lowry:那我是率先找到蘋果的,而且塞得下去

xxoooxx3456704/25 18:16這笑話XDD

iwinlottery 04/25 18:24這笑話應該是英翻中的

allyourshit 04/25 18:29習亞康:我是找到櫻桃的那個人 T.T

cauliflower 04/25 18:29食人族:我們不會做布袋雞,所叫他們自己塞

v125428 04/25 18:38不管lowry找到什麼感覺都能塞的下

xxxrecoil 04/25 19:19我聽到的版本是榴槤

free120 04/25 20:22這笑話也太老了

ldeathkiller04/25 20:28這笑話我笑到流淚...

vvnbear 04/25 20:48為什麼我只聽過阿魯巴或者死的選擇?

josephpu 04/25 20:55這吃到popo口水吧xdd

blairchief 04/25 21:46嗚~~~~是誰住在深海低大鳳梨裡

Lycoris1290 04/25 21:49我聽到的版本是不能掉出來,第二個人看到第三個人

Lycoris1290 04/25 21:49拿榴槤回來不小心把塞進去的葡萄噴出來

JayceYen 04/25 22:05靠北 是嗑藥喔 笑死

cian0923 04/25 22:13很明顯 偷喝教練的紅酒~

ganhua 04/25 22:40第一次聽到那笑話XDD

aegisWIsL 04/26 00:25那笑話都比我老了

vvvvaaaa 04/26 00:27這笑話有夠老,第一次看到這笑話是在3310的簡訊裡

terop 04/26 00:30我聽到的笑話是 臺灣人日本人美國人 一起掉到荒島

terop 04/26 00:30被食人族抓到 酋長就說你們三個人GG加起來如果有超

terop 04/26 00:30過30公分我就放你們走

terop 04/26 00:31第一個美國人15公分 第二個台灣人10公分 第三個日

terop 04/26 00:31本人6公分 剛好超過31公分 酋長說話算話就放他們走

terop 04/26 00:33他們三個人劫後餘生頭也不回逃離這鬼地方後 日本人

terop 04/26 00:33就說

terop 04/26 00:34剛剛我很緊張 可是看到旁邊食人族女生沒穿衣服GG就

terop 04/26 00:34硬了....

zaqpptuse 04/26 00:44老人笑話

gydiaw 04/26 07:43原來這笑話有英文版的 我一直以為是台灣本土笑話也

jhunfong 04/26 10:11靠北 笑死

leonightmare04/26 13:25知道那笑話的應該都30幾歲了哈哈

eternal999 04/26 20:51荒島上找到貝爺再來說嘴