[花邊] FBI解密曾有男子要幫Kobe殺掉性侵案原告

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圖 FBI解密曾有男子要幫Kobe殺掉性侵案原告
The Federal Bureau of Investigation released documents detailing a man's off
er to make Los Angeles Lakers guard Kobe Bryant's 2003 rape case disappear b
y killing his accuser. The man reached out to Bryant unsolicited and didn't
appear to have any ties to the Lakers star.


In the17-page document that was released last week, the person who made the
$3 million offer was not identified, but the man claimed he was from Switze
rland and had a California driver’s license.


The man was later identified by other news outlets as Patrick Graber, a body
builder who lived in a Los Angeles suburb.

後來,其他新聞媒體證實,這名男子名叫帕特里克·格雷伯(Patrick Graber),是一名健身運動員,住在洛杉磯郊區。

The probe started after Bryant’s bodyguards received a FedEx package with a
letter in it describing the plan. The letter was turned over by Bryant's se
curity team and his attorney to the LA County Sheriff's Department.


Graber was caught by FBI agents when they met with him and arranged to make
a payment using fake money


Graber pleaded no contest to grand theft and was sentenced to three years in
prison and was subsequently deported after his release.


Bryant was in Vail, Colorado, prepping for knee surgery in July 2003 when a
woman accused him of raping her in a hotel room. Bryant was arrested but den
ied raping the woman and the case was dismissed after his accuser said she d
id not want to testify at trial

2003年7月,Kobe在科羅拉多準備膝關節手術時,一名女子指控他在酒店房間裡強姦她。 Kobe被逮捕了,但他否認強姦了這名女子,之後由於原告拒絕出庭作證,該指控被撤銷

The woman filed a civil suit against Bryant, which was settled out of court.


Bryant and seven others, including his 13-year old daughter, Gianna, died on
Jan. 26, 2020, from injuries following a helicopter crash



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yuliyeah 09/10 12:16最後一行多餘的 QQ 老大

swingingbear09/10 12:23完全不意外

asdfzx 09/10 12:23知錯能改的老大

rex9999 09/10 12:25俠客也幹了

nowitzki020709/10 12:25老大年輕玩很大...結果碰釘子

windsp00 09/10 12:30合理

liusim 09/10 12:36這殺手為什麼會覺得300萬鎂搞不定這案子XD

rex9999 09/10 12:36

圖 FBI解密曾有男子要幫Kobe殺掉性侵案原告

uuss 09/10 12:37最後一行…所以是有什麼陰謀論啊

im31519 09/10 12:39大家好 歡迎來到X調查

fahrenheit 09/10 12:39紫金吳亦凡

windsp00 09/10 12:45反正還是有人會支持老大

ksk0516 09/10 12:45狂柯迷

ks96021019 09/10 12:49俠客才花100要我花300肯定不行

Cireiat 09/10 12:53紫金吳亦凡,笑死

hohoman 09/10 12:58和解費也是從他的老大-歐肥付封口費得到的明燈,也

hohoman 09/10 12:58算另類的OK連線吧!

DUNHILL3 09/10 13:01紫金吳亦凡

wayne0215 09/10 13:09老大品行真的令人佩服

WardellSteph09/10 13:15ok連線,夜御百女!

ILLwill 09/10 13:19超級柯粉

jerry060432109/10 13:21強爆的後果

CountingStar09/10 13:27柯粉素質

TexasFlood 09/10 13:31資本主義社會嘛,什麼生意都有人想做

lonelysam 09/10 13:36紫金吳亦凡XDDDDDDDDDDD

a92005712d 09/10 13:36柯酸終於可以出來透透氣了

PTTfaggot 09/10 13:39釣魚執法

PTTfaggot 09/10 13:40辯稱我只是想要詐騙kobe的錢不就好了

firemm666 09/10 13:41紫金吳亦凡笑死

kosha 09/10 13:56又可以黑單一串人了 moptt 好用:)

firemm444 09/10 15:08最後一段哪會多餘 畫龍點睛

victor05081209/10 16:50紫金吳亦凡

deanisme 09/10 17:13紫金吳亦凡是殺毀啦

sunnyyoung 09/10 17:15好蠢 殺手不是這麼當的吧

swimbert 09/10 17:52逍遙法外!

lkk88 09/10 17:54...吳亦凡是誰 沒FOLLOW相關資訊 完全陌生的名字

ando 09/10 17:55所以無意凡是黃曼巴?

LuisSeverino09/10 17:55吳亦凡應該是台灣綜藝節目的主持吧,之前好像有看到

o0991758566 09/10 18:26這年頭一堆想騙錢的 還好還Kobe清白

nicemood 09/10 18:28就唱甄嬛傳片尾曲淚崩了那個女生 後來也沒紅

kcv0519 09/10 18:43沒跟上,如果沒有幹嘛庭外和解?

humorchou 09/10 19:33純噓最後一段

damingli90 09/10 20:13世紀之謎 kobe到底有沒有呢?

DogBe105 09/10 20:48kobe還活著一定一堆梗

ddbig 09/10 21:24許鱉 新封號:紫金.吳亦凡

hayate11356809/10 23:55紫金吳亦凡感覺好中二

ponguy 09/10 23:56給錢就和解了 還能洗成清白啊

bakedgrass 09/11 01:22美式的新聞最後一段很正常啦。不是在暗示甚麼

yust 09/11 14:24然後就死掉了

dk31odd 09/11 16:07老大!!!