[花邊] Shaq訪問統整

看板NBA標題[花邊] Shaq訪問統整作者
時間推噓19 推:21 噓:2 →:17

作者:Mark Medina USA TODAY

1.Who's your NBA title favorite?

O'neal:The Lakers look good. Brooklyn looks good, question mark, question m
ark, question mark. You have to respect the champs (Milwaukee Bucks). Golden State is back. Don’t forget about Utah, Phoenix and Boston.
O'neal:湖人看起來很棒,籃網也是(???考量ki出賽的問題) ,你必須尊重公鹿(上季冠軍) ,勇士也回來了,但也別忘了爵士、太陽、賽提。

Every year we have six or seven teams that have a shot to win. But I think ifit all goes down the way the world would want it to, we would love to see Brooklyn versus the Lakers.

2.Who do you have in a Nets-Lakers Finals?

O’Neal: “I got the Lakers. They seem to be a little bit more together. For t
hem and Brooklyn, they have two issues. How are the egos managed and the health.

If everybody plays their role and everybody does what they’re supposed to do and everybody sacrifices and stays injury free, I think those two teams are the frontrunners and have the best shot.

3.What are the question marks you have with Brooklyn?

O’Neal: “Is Kyrie going to play or not? That’s it. One question – are you
playing home games or not.”

4.Who do you have as your MVP?

O'neal: “Steph Curry. Look at what he did last year without Klay. He just kept playing. The way he shot the ball and how he shot the ball, I’ve always liked him.

There’s always an argument on the TNT set that ‘You can’t be MVP if your te
am doesn’t have the best record.’ I’ve always found that wrong. I always fe
lt MVP was about singularity and not about team success. I’ve always like how Steph plays."

5. Where do you stand on some players, such as Kyrie, Andrew Wiggins and Bradley Beal, declining to take the COVID-19 vaccine?

O’Neal: “In this line of work, sometimes you have to be selfless. The day I
decided it wasn’t all about me and it’s about us is the day I started winnin
g and really started dominating.
自己,而是為了讓球隊可以開始贏球並主宰比賽(後續也提到不想成為一個因為不能團結再一起而造成無法奪冠的人) 。

I understand the issues and all that. But I took the vaccine because I’m not trying to get my mother sick, or my sister or my brother or people around me. I know people say, ‘The vaccine came too fast and is it healthy.’ To each h
is own. But sometimes you have to think about the overall picture and you have to think about more than yourself.




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※ 編輯: liuuuuuu ( 臺灣), 10/01/2021 12:38:40

s90188 10/01 12:38O'neal:劫he

※ 編輯: liuuuuuu ( 臺灣), 10/01/2021 12:38:58

dream6789 10/01 12:40

SEVEnMonth 10/01 12:40沒有在搞笑欸,是正經的問答

jsliao9786 10/01 12:41歐肥真的咖哩腦粉

sxzc 10/01 12:42不是自我健康 是「自我」與健康 太針對了歐肥 你真

sxzc 10/01 12:42的太針對了

Flitz 10/01 12:42很想問歐肥:你真的會被curry跑死嗎

phoenix286 10/01 12:43O’Neal這麼看好Boston?

positivezero10/01 12:46are you playing home games or not是指他不打疫苗

positivezero10/01 12:46沒辦法在主場出賽吧

airandy1102 10/01 12:47賽提根本不夠格吧,公牛金塊咧?

histing 10/01 12:52腦袋越來越靈光

roger262390010/01 13:00關於疫苗很多人都很理性 就看那5%了XD

wayne4225 10/01 13:03勇士不意外啦哈哈哈

KBchen 10/01 13:36home games 主場不能上直接缺席一半

lkk88 10/01 14:04不想成為影響大家團結而無法奪冠的人 聽到了沒 自

lkk88 10/01 14:04私的KI和圍巾

t79102xw 10/01 14:15鯊魚怎麼會那麼喜歡我咖?

liusim 10/01 14:30可能覺得跟他是兩個極端吧

liusim 10/01 14:30另一個原因或許是 當年他差點成為第一個全票MVP

ando 10/01 14:38說要尊重公鹿但是沒選XDD

ljk476820 10/01 15:09籃網沒KI還是熱門啦 有KI就變成沒奪冠是笑話 就是這

ljk476820 10/01 15:09麼穩的一隊(健康的話)

DevilMayCry410/01 15:20因為Curry沒像Nash那樣搶了他的MVP XD

leo755269 10/01 15:34最後一個回答 觀念正確

dgq75148 10/01 15:47歐肥難得正經

ILLwill 10/01 16:19捧咖貶奈

xkiller1900 10/01 17:53歐肥怎麼講話這麼得體,被附身阿喔XDD

asdfzx 10/01 17:55請問米邱是哪裡惹到你了?咖哩是哪裡好到天?

Puye 10/01 18:31這次怎麼沒引戰

jump693 10/01 20:11推 KI場外問題太多了

waitwind 10/01 21:40也提到Simmons為何要如此生氣?

waitwind 10/01 21:41所以他覺得是76人的管理層有問題才造成這局面?

chanbing 10/02 00:13 沒,原文俠客說不懂西門為何沮喪

kevin0733 10/02 00:42倒數第二段意思不對

kevin0733 10/02 00:43他是在講他自己 當他了解團隊重於個人時 才開始贏球

kevin0733 10/02 00:44開始有統治力

ocean0817 10/02 01:08不錯,可見之前鯊魚的po文俠客喇叭死神老大神咖哩

ocean0817 10/02 01:08的6選5肯定會留咖哩

EricTao 10/02 11:18鯊魚也很喜歡AI 所以喜歡咖哩也不奇怪啊