Re: [外絮] 龜龜反問記者:你有答案嗎?然後轉身離開

看板NBA標題Re: [外絮] 龜龜反問記者:你有答案嗎?然後轉身離開作者
時間推噓 推:0 噓:0 →:0

轉身離開 比賽贏不下來
山羌找龜組團 只是一場意外

不如彼此 各自當刷分仔
搞到現在 沒得打附加賽


※ 引述《arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)》之銘言:
: 龜龜反問記者:你有答案嗎?然後轉身離開
: It has been a frustrating season for the Lakers, and after Tuesday night's l
: to Dallas, Russell Westbrook made it clear that he's completely out of answers
: 對於湖人隊來說,這是一個令人沮喪的賽季,在週二晚上輸給達拉斯獨行俠隊之後,龜
: 確表示他完全沒有答案。
: During one exchange with a reporter in the post-game press conference, Russ
: up and left the room after one particular exchange.
: 在賽後接受新聞採訪時與記者的一次交流中,龜龜在一次特定的交流後便起身離開了現

: (per Harrison Faigen)
: Russell Westbrook took issue with a question and got up and left the press c
: rence, asking repeatedly "do you have the answers for me?" to a reporter.
: As best I can gather, the question Russ took issue with was about the standi
: The reporter replied to Russ saying "do you have the answers for me" with "I'
: not up there playing" and then the audio cuts off as Russ got up.
: 龜龜對一個問題提出疑問並起身離開賽後採訪現場,反覆對記者問「你有答案給我嗎」

: 記者提出的問題是關於排名的,龜龜重複回答了這個問題「你有答案給我嗎?你有答案
: 嗎?」,隨後記者表示「我又沒在場上打。」之後龜龜便中斷了賽後採訪起身離開。
: It was a bizarre and awkward moment, for sure, but you can't blame Westbrook
: losing his cool. He was asked that question earlier this week and didn't have
: uch to say then either. Truth be told, nobody can say for certain where things
: ent wrong.
: 當然,這是一個奇怪而尷尬的時刻,但你不能責怪龜龜失去冷靜。本週稍早他被問到這

: 題,當時也沒有太多話要說。說實話,沒有人能確定哪裡出了問題。
: The Lakers have been abysmal and Westbrook has been the biggest scapegoat.
: 湖人隊一直很糟糕,龜龜一直是最大的代罪羔羊。
: 轉身離開 有話說不出來


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