[情報] Tomas Satoransky 接近與巴塞隆納簽約

看板NBA標題[情報] Tomas Satoransky 接近與巴塞隆納簽約作者
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Tomas Satoransky is leaving the Washington Wizards and closing on a deal withBarcelona

Tomas Satoransky 即將離開巫師隊,並接近與巴塞隆納敲定合約

By Antigoni Zachari

Washington Wizards guard Tomas Satoransky is leaving the NBA and closing on adeal to return to Barcelona, according to Eurohoops’ Aris Barkas.

根據 Eurohoops 網站主編 Aris Barkas 的報導,巫師隊後衛 Tomas Satoransky 將會離開 NBA,並敲定一份合約以回到巴塞隆納隊。

Satoransky, 30, signed a deal with the Wizards on February 28 for the
remainder of the season and has been exploring his options after the end of
the 2021-22 NBA season. EuroLeague champions Anadolu Efes have been a
reported suitor for the Czech guard, though ultimately his wish is to play
again for the Spanish club and that has been taken into account.

三十歲的 Satoransky 於今年二月廿八日與巫師隊簽下一份打到賽季結束的合約,並在
2021-22 賽季結束後積極探索著各種可能性。先前據稱,歐洲聯賽冠軍安納托利亞艾菲斯對該位捷克籍後衛表達了興趣,不過他實際上希望能再次為該西班牙球隊效力,這部分亦已納入考量。

His connection with fellow Czech NT teammate Jan Vesely, and the latter’s
reported move to Barcelona as a replacement for Brandon Davies, also plays a
role in Satoransky’s decision. It should be noted that in theory, Fenerbahce
could make a push to keep Vesely on board with a contract extension.


For the moment, the negotiations between Satoransky and Barcelona are near
the end, though there’s no final deal in place yet.

現階段,雖然還沒來到最終協議,不過 Satoransky 和巴塞隆納隊之間的談判已經接近了尾聲。

Satoransky spent the 2021-22 season between the New Orleans Pelicans, San
Antonio Spurs, and the Wizards, averaging 3.6 points, 3.3 assists, and 2.3
rebounds in 10.2 minutes across 55 games.

Satoransky 在 2021-22 賽季期間,曾為鵜鶘隊、馬刺隊和巫師隊效力,出賽場次達五十五場,場均上陣十點二分鐘,可得三點六分、三點三個助攻和二點三個籃板。




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kobe30418 06/20 23:55他在巫師也不得志啊 巫師教練根本不會用他

kobe30418 06/20 23:56在鵜鶘更慘就是了

kobe30418 06/20 23:56他放在1號位是不錯的選手

Ayanami5566 06/21 00:03以前在巫師跟公牛當先發時還不錯吧 FB算好用

Ayanami5566 06/21 00:03助攻不少 失誤不多 蠻穩

lens82801 06/21 00:07在巫師跟公牛都不錯,被交易到鵜鶘後超慘

skylove21 06/21 00:27鵜鶘就陣型不合 後來就棄用交易掉了

karmel 06/21 00:47沒其他隊會想收他?

ultralarge 06/21 00:50FB好用 最後靠他刷好幾場助攻跟AT

frank901212 06/21 00:53有可能有年紀了想離家近一點吧,之前Mirotic也是在

frank901212 06/21 00:53場均還有接近雙十的時候回歐洲打球

MadK17672 06/21 00:5630歲高大控球前鋒 在現在的nba不至於沒球打吧

nkjbond 06/21 00:56建議拿底薪加入勇士試試

qoqocat 06/21 00:58在鵜鶘給他拿球也是不行啊,水鳥外圍太爛持球手沒什

qoqocat 06/21 00:58麼空間操作

skylove21 06/21 01:00水鳥自從球哥走之後 基本上就等到CJ來才有好持球手

boss8792252206/21 01:00牆哥時期算很稱職的替補高控衛吧

qoqocat 06/21 01:06啥? 鵜鶘最主要持球手是BI吧?

qoqocat 06/21 01:07下球終結都不太行的後衛,球哥是要談什麼持球手

skylove21 06/21 01:30當然是除了BI以外都沒人啊QQ

Giovinazzi9906/21 02:25太好了 不用看巴薩一直給希臘光頭亂打

Chongwen120406/21 03:08國際賽超強 很喜歡他的籃球智商

Gsun 06/21 03:08灑脫男司機

Sorry5566 06/21 05:01殺頭爛司機

gn00152097 06/21 09:31他在NBA不至於沒球打 但薪水低阿

gn00152097 06/21 09:31他又不是還在追夢的年紀 回歐洲薪水可能比NBA多很多

Larry0806 06/21 10:01Wall爆炸那年 我FB因為他受益良多