Head to Head -Points 10月5日21點12人差6人
Auto-renew Enabled: Yes
Draft Type: Live Standard Draft
Draft Time: Sat Oct 5 9:00am EDT [ Add to My Calendar ]
Cash League Settings: Not a cash league Convert to cash league
Max Teams: 12
Live Draft Pick Time: 1 Minute
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head - Points
Max Acquisitions for Entire Season: No maximum
Max Trades for Entire Season No maximum
Trade End Date: March 6, 2025
Allow Draft Pick Trades: No
Waiver Time: 2 days
Waiver Type: Continual rolling list
Waiver Mode: Standard
Allow injured players from waivers or free agents to be added directly to injury slot: Yes
Can't Cut List Provider: Yahoo Sports
Trade Review: League Votes
Votes Required to Veto: Default
Trade Reject Time: 2 days
Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules
Max Acquisitions per Week: 4
Weekly Deadline: Daily - Today
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Playoffs: 6 teams - Week 20, 21 and 22 (ends Sunday, Apr 6)
Playoff Tie-Breaker: Higher seed wins
Playoff Reseeding: Yes
Lock Eliminated Teams: Yes
Divisions: No
Lock Benched Players: Yes
Make League Publicly Viewable: Yes
Invite Permissions: Commissioner Only
Send unjoined players email reminders: Yes
Roster Positions: PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN, BN, IL, IL, IL
Players Stat Category Value
Points Scored (PTS) 1
Total Rebounds (REB) 1.2
Assists (AST) 1.5
Blocked Shots (BLK) 3
Steals (ST) 3
Turnovers (TO) -1
Sent from BePTT on my iPhone 15 Pro
[情報] 老鷹在兜售首輪籤 目標是下賽季進季後賽Report: Hawks 'shopping' first-round pick to make a playoff push When the Atlanta Hawks are on the clock with the sixth overall pick in the 2020 NBA draft, they may not be the team making the selection. Instead, the Hawks may look to trade the pick in order to acquire a veteran player that can help win now.13
Re: [情報] 公鹿將失去2022二輪選秀權As a result of the Bucks losing a second-round pick due to investigation, there will now be 59 players -- not 60 -- selected in the 2022 NBA Draft, the league informed teams. 明年確定少一個人QQ ----- Sent from JPTT on my Realme RMX2020.13
[情報] MLB & MLBPA 談判結果草稿Twitter 有幾個記者已經把大略結果整理出來 應該這一兩天就有完整新聞稿: 1. 選秀: @Ken_Rosenthal8
[外絮] Buha湖人(與一點點快艇)消息作者:Jovan Buha Lakers NBA Draft intel: Options for No. 17, and why a trade is increasingly possible 湖人NBA選秀消息:17順位籤的選項與為何交易可能性逐漸增加7
[情報] 韓職廢棄二軍FA、恢復規則五選秀After a board of directors meeting with the 10 club presidents, the Korea Baseba ll Organization (KBO) decided to bring back its "secondary" draft, the South Kor ean equivalent of the Rule 5 draft in Major League Baseball (MLB). 在二軍FA制度失敗後2
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[已滿] 今晚九點 獎金競標盟 特殊規則"今晚九點來點不一樣的" "同隊至少有三個" "一人至少有兩隊" 選人的過程中每一份籌碼都是珍貴的! 舉例:我同時擁有塞提雙探花+小白 這樣算一隊- What we know and don't know ahead of the draft, free agency and the start of the 2020-21 NBA season Brian Windhorst
- 聯盟網址: Password: 選秀時間 [台灣時間]: 10/23今天晚上11PM 聯盟類型 [roto/H2H]: H2H 玩家隊數 [12/其他]: 12