[校園] 台大因應師大之防疫措施說明

看板NTU標題[校園] 台大因應師大之防疫措施說明作者
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NTU’s Measures in Response to the Confirmed Case at NTNU






NTU’s Measures in Response to the Confirmed Case at NTNU

Dear students and colleagues,

Upon learning of a confirmed case among the students of National Taiwan Norm
al University (NTNU) last evening (March 30), NTU has contacted NTNU for fur
ther information about the student’s history of recently visited locations.
The student is not enrolled in any cross-campus courses at NTU. However, tw
o of our students are in the same class at NTNU with the confirmed case, and
have been required not to enter the campus within the two weeks following t
he last contact date. NTU will also restrict the individuals who are listed
by NTNU for self-health management from entering the campus.

NTNU, National University of Science and Technology (NUST), and NTU have all
ied to form the National Taiwan University System (NTU System). Within the N
TU System, nearly 60,000 students and faculty members engage in frequent exc
hanges, closely sharing learning, teaching, and campus resources with one an
other. It is unfortunate that a case of COVID-19 was confirmed at NTNU. We t
hank NTNU for providing the case’s history of visited locations so that NTU
can respond immediately, take preventive measures according to the scope of
impact, and presently avoid halting exchanges between students and faculty
members of NTU and NTNU.

As the epidemic is still expanding, NTU will adjust its response measures ac
cording to outbreak severity to ensure campus safety and protect the health
of all NTU members.

Sincerely yours,
NTU Secretariat


Sent from BePTT


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AprilMight03/31 22:45提供足跡就不會不以為然了XDD開心齁

yayahappy9603/31 22:45感覺很多人根本沒搞清楚為什麼對中研院比較嚴格誒XD

joseph4003/31 22:45被搶先一步了><

yayahappy9603/31 22:45學校的聲明都講得蠻清楚了吧?還是為酸而酸呢呵呵


※ 編輯: wl2995014 ( 臺灣), 03/31/2020 23:03:46

QAQQQn03/31 23:08作為被影響到進度的研究生之一,我覺得學校對中研院反應

QAQQQn03/31 23:08有點過度吧QQ

verdandy03/31 23:11109至少還知道傳染源是剛回國的老師,122的更恐怖耶

verdandy03/31 23:11122是傳染源未知,對比109來看,對於122的應對措施確實

verdandy03/31 23:11鬆散很多

alex872503/31 23:20好像是說師大那個沒來修課

dreamgirl03/31 23:55校車宿舍校園趴趴走,只遇到兩個台大??

CryptoNTU04/01 00:27test

abacada04/01 00:37前面不知道是誰一直在講啥師大可以管理健康狀況喔

abacada04/01 00:38結果過沒五天就爆炸了 這種立論基礎薄弱與否事實已經證明

hoos89140504/01 00:43師大校方就被學生罵慘了,但台大也沒種讓所有去過師

hoos89140504/01 00:43大分部or 所有師大人不能來台大

janeration04/01 01:36嗶嗶,雙重標準啦

cwh010504/01 01:39校友崩潰

cwh010504/01 01:41可惜沒有合法數據能證明校友確診數

chiuyipo04/01 07:50坐等交流版崩潰

AllenHuang04/01 08:06完全不意外 台大只是看中研院不爽罷了

klub04/01 11:24二樓要不要解釋一下R 為什麼對109還有122標準不一樣

alex872504/01 16:11其實邏輯還是一樣 從簡單的處理起

alex872504/01 16:12師大要處理範圍很大 中研院相對是閉鎖環境

greywagtail04/01 17:36猜是因為師大有給足跡,且剛好快到清明連假,有時間

greywagtail04/01 17:36可以爆一爆,之後再想對策

tynse7186404/03 14:55中研院路過一天整個很雖……