[校園] 因應敦睦艦隊群聚感染防疫措施

看板NTU標題[校園] 因應敦睦艦隊群聚感染防疫措施作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:6


國軍敦睦艦隊發生「嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎」群聚感染,若您收到中央流行疫情指揮中心簡訊,或者您曾經與敦睦艦隊成員於同時間地點(請參考以下連結: )一起出現的話,請您主動通報單位防疫聯絡人,並進行「自主健康管理」14天,期間不得到校上課上班。

1、 暫停100人以上之活動或集會;
2、 暫停教職員工出國;
3、 暫停非必要實體會議;
4、 暫停開放綜合體育館、體育館(舊館)及戶外游泳池;
5、 持續因應疫情辦公人力規劃及備援措施;




秘書室 敬啟

Dear students and colleagues,

A cluster of COVID-19 infections on ROC’s Fleet of Friendship (Dunmu敦睦) was confirmed the other day. If you have received a warning text message from the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), or if you have been to the places atthe same time when the Dunmu confirmed cases visited them (check locations and times of visit at, please actively report to the contact person in pandemic of your department/institute/office, conduct a 14-day self-health management, and refrain from coming to the campus for work or class during this period.

The following anti-COVID-19 measures will be extended to May 31:
1. Suspension of gatherings or assemblies of 100 people or more;
2. Suspension of international travel among students and colleagues;
3. Suspension of nonessential physical meetings;
4. Temporary closures of the Sports Center, Gymnasium, and outdoor Swimming Pool;
5. Office HR Planning and Backup Measures during the COVID-19 outbreak.

In addition, starting April 27, all courses enrolled by 60 students or more should move to distance learning.

Regarding NTU’s guidelines over building access control and temperature checks, visitors are, in principle, only required to both swipe their ID cards andhave their temperatures taken at first entrance, after which only card swiping is compulsory for (re-)entrance. Whether or not temperatures should be takenagain for (re-)entrance, will be determined by individual buildings.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We will make timely changes to our response measures according to COVID-19 development to ensure campus safetyand protect the health of all NTU members.

Sincerely yours,
NTU Secretariat


※ PTT留言評論
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washi5404/21 20:04所以畢業典禮到底是還有沒有要辦?

cookiebar04/21 20:56問畢典要辦與否都不回的

eddy1304/21 22:23畢典是派代表參加,至於小畢典應該是看各系吧

hippo13004/22 00:49畢典在六月 現在說不準吧 搞不好五月中過後都+0啊

hippo13004/22 00:50應屆畢業生還是希望有畢典的吧 就博都沒了 找不到工作是

hippo13004/22 00:50要簽博嗎QQ

washi5404/22 01:38沒畢典還是會發畢業證書啊

Leafa04/22 05:58還好學務長說還是可以到校考試,不然期中考要出事了

starryjcl9604/22 14:43畢典派代表參加 不開放學生跟家長觀禮(目前聽到的

starryjcl9604/22 14:43消息是這樣)

starryjcl9604/22 14:48不過還是等校方公告才能真的確定就是了xx

starryjcl9604/22 14:49啊上面xx是誤按 沒有任何意思

hjkkk12305/11 01:22守住這波