[情報] POE2 開發者更新報告 (類營火晚會)
Some of these changes have already been deployed without a realm restart,
others will be deployed in an upcoming patch.
----- Dodge Roll Changes 翻滾相關-----
A lot of players have expressed frustration about being trapped in by monsters. While it is intended that monsters are able to trap and kill you, we felt
that the frequency of this was a little too high.
We will be deploying the following changes in an upcoming patch:
Player size is now set to Zero units while dodge rolling instead of One unit
Some smaller monsters can now be pushed while dodge rolling. This includes
monsters such as the Adorned Beetles in Keth.
This should result in getting trapped less often. Note that you can still be
trapped. A player size of a zero can still not phase through monsters, but itcan get through even the smallest gap between them.
-----Checkpoint Changes傳送點相關-----
A lot of players have been reporting that it can be tedious to need to retread areas of maps in order to get back to objectives that they already found.
We will be deploying the following change in an upcoming patch:
Clicking on a checkpoint will allow you to teleport to other checkpoints in
the area that are explored on your minimap
Checkpoints have been added to all entrances and exits of zones to allow for
A Checkpoint has been added to the midpoint of the first Dreadnaught area
We will be making further adjustments to checkpoint positions as we continue
to gather feedback.
----Item Changes物品改動----
One of the major problems that players have been experiencing is feeling thatthe game is not rewarding enough. This is an area that we have to be very
careful when adjusting because it's very hard to reduce drops if we increase
them by too much. We have identified a few key areas that we believe will
significantly improve the experience that players are having.
----Rare Monster Changes稀有怪改動----
We felt that Rare monsters were not rewarding enough. This didn't affect the
campaign as much because there are more Unique bosses, increasing the overallamount of drops, but it's especially noticeable when playing in the endgame
where Unique monsters are less common. In particular, the reward that you were getting for the increased difficulty of rares wasn't lining up.
我們認知到金怪獎勵不夠豐厚,特別是金怪的獎勵與擊敗他的難度而言不成正比。雖然整體來說獨特頭目的獎勵有一定程度減緩這問題,但玩家在end game時候的感受將更強烈-因為end game頭目較少的緣故。
We have deployed the following changes:
Rarity bonus per rare mod has been doubled
+10% Quantity bonus per rare mod
Increased the chance of rare monsters inherently having more modifiers as youprogress through endgame
金怪擁有多條詞綴的機率上升,在end game更為明顯。
These changes will cause rare monster rewards to naturally scale up as you get to higher levels because the number of mods a monster can have increases
throughout the campaign and into endgame. In addition, many other forms of map juicing will indirectly cause rare monsters to have more mods as well,
increasing the rewards of these other mechanics too. Also note the change
below to make sure each map has a minimum number of rares which will also
increase the average number of rare mods, and thus increasing drops further.
----Currency Changes通貨改動----
We felt that players were not getting enough of certain currency either in the early game, or to sustain adding mods to maps.
We have deployed the following changes:
Regal orb drop rates increased around 40%
Disenchanting of six mod rares to give two regal shards instead of one.
Lesser Jewellers orbs drop rates increased around 33%
Reduced the drop rate of Chaos Orbs slightly as they are less valued and so
that it doesn't consume so much of the "rare currency" drop pool. This causescurrency such as Exalted Orbs to increase somewhat.
Gemcutter's Prism drop rates increased by 500%
Gemcutter's Prisms now increase quality on gems by 5% instead of 1%
----Map Mod Changes地圖改動----
Like with rares, we felt that players were not being rewarded enough for the
difficulty that was being added by map mods. We have significantly increased
the value of all prefix map mods.
We have changed all map prefix mods, but some example changes we have deployed are:
Rarity mods have been increased by 2.5x
Quantity mods have had extra rarity added to them (This is now in a later
We removed the bottom tier of some mods
You are much more likely to roll modifiers that affect drops or pack size
rather than less useful mods
In addition, it has been identified that some areas are not being affected bythe "Increased Number of Monster Packs" mod as they should be. We will be
fixing these maps to work correctly in a later patch.
----"Unlucky" Drop Protection 衰小掉落的保底機制----
One of the major issues we have identified are outlier "unlucky" drops. A
single Unique boss dropping badly, especially early on can significantly
affect your character.
We have deployed the following changes:
No more than 50% of an Unique monsters drops can be gold
Act Bosses and Map Bosses will always drop at least 1 rare
The first of these changes is more significant than it first appears because
players can't see the difference between "normal" and "rare" gold piles. You
will get more equipment and currency items which can take more advantage of
the rarity increases that unique monsters provide.
---Click to Move點擊移動模式----
There was an issue where the "Move Only" command was namelocking. This would
often result in your character confusingly attacking in an unexpected
direction while holding down this action.
We have deployed the following change:
Move Only no longer namelocks
----Endgame Maps終局地圖----
A concern for players in endgame maps is accidentally missing Rare monsters.
In addition, many maps did not have the number of rare monsters that they
should have had.
We will be making the following changes in an upcoming patch:
Rare monsters now appear on the minimap when there are 200 monsters remaining, instead of 50
Many maps have had additional rare monsters added to them to make sure that
there are a minimum number in every map type.
Over the coming weeks we will be continuing to work on map layouts and monster density issues in maps.
We will be posting patch notes for these changes when they're deployed. For afull list of what's just been deployed, check out the patch notes here. Thereare still a lot more changes to come, these are just some of the changes thatare fast for us to make. We will be continuing to monitor feedback and
adjusting things as we go.
我們會持續收集意見來進行改善,已實裝內容會在接下來的patch note個別寫明。
在地圖的門口跟出口都會加重生點 吧
喔對 因為大部分傳送點都在入口 我腦袋卡到
終於 可以好好玩了
看金怪詞墜變多 宿敵還玩不夠爽就是了
商店的裝會多一倍 想想就刺激
打太快打錯 那是必掉黃裝 不是傳奇裝
笑死 火牆召火靈要動刀了
有聽到玩家聲音給推 都有改到痛點
這才是真正的EA 三天左右就開始給回饋了 一些無恥
如果自己往怪堆裡面跳 暈眩門檻不搞 就是會被圍毆呀
然而偷取的問題還是沒解決 據說怪的偷取抗性現在都
讚 反觀D4
看的出來為了讓每次的一般交戰都是“史詩級”的戰鬥 遠
距離傷害靠走位 近距離傷害靠當下的地形和站位來避免圍
毆 但圍毆還單位碰撞外面太擬真
POE當初工藝台是不是大師賽季才出阿 希望以後會有==
reddit 也說如果有工藝台這次抱怨聲音估計能在少8成
沒改造石 很難做裝欸
拆完裝符文也消失 過渡裝要不要塞符文超猶豫
符文不值錢 沒差吧
天賦重置費用問題也很大 想換流派可能要幾十萬 一代可以跟
別人拿後悔石 這代金幣只能自己打 如果你的流派被官方一刀
砍爛 是真的寸步難行 怎麼換流派? 跟朋友要百件裝備來賣?
地圖的標記 應該npc顯示的
[魔物] 為什麼Rise一直被嘴魔物比W少?前陣子看到MH相關討論就時不時看到這種說法 按照網路上找的資料,要是這網站算法有問題再指教一下 Rise # Small Monsters: 26 # Large Monsters: 4680
[情報] What we're working on放假回來準備hotfix囉 --- 宿敵詞綴 平滑的減少紅圖以下的怪物強度,在紅圖不變66
[情報] 3.20 詛咒改動TLDR: 1.隱藏的怪物對詛咒的懲罰已被移除。 (應該是指黃怪橘怪減免,然後宅爸賽勒斯還減免更多那個) 2.咒術現在對獨特的怪物更強,對後期頭目的強度至少是原來的兩倍65
[閒聊] Darkee不到兩天時間達成Gauntlet全擊殺昨天看得實在太震驚了 結果今天還沒人分享我就來水個文章 Zizaran's Krangled Gauntlet Ziz的手套杯,算是POE"競賽型"玩家的重要大型賽事 內容是HCSSF限定,一命+自立38
[情報] 3.24賽季內容 鬼魂肆虐 NPC送葬者會送你油燈抓鬼 油燈會讓你看到鬼28
[情報] 3.20 異能祭壇讓我們請出萬能的估狗翻譯XD 在 Forbidden Sanctum 擴展包中,我們對 Eldritch Altars 進行了一些更改 特別是它們的獎勵、它們生成的怪物群以及 在完成地圖其餘部分之前沖向地圖 Boss 的激勵措施27
[情報] Monster's mods FAQ講幾個比較重要的 各類眾神Touch詞仍保留(GGG用 very rare 來形容) GGG自己還不確定MF對於(通貨)轉換系統要不要做調整 HH去旁邊玩沙 GGG沒空理你 新增可以偷的詞綴還不謝3G榮恩24
[閒聊] 遊戲王MD 未來可能加入的預組MDM解包資訊 Dragonmaid-To-Order "Dragonmaid" monsters can change their forms throughout battle, and their effects activate at the beginning and end of the Battle Phase. Master their22
[情報] 輿圖圍城 FAQ慣例的請估狗幫忙翻譯修飾 Can we get the Altar mods on the Map Mod UI? Q. 我們能在地圖介面上看到祭壇詞嗎? A. 3.20實裝8
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