[情報] 輿圖圍城 FAQ

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Can we get the Altar mods on the Map Mod UI?

Q. 我們能在地圖介面上看到祭壇詞嗎?

A. 3.20實裝

Can you make Altars more readable in the heat of combat?

Q. 你能讓祭壇的字更方便閱讀嗎? 尤其是混戰時

A. 我們還沒找到理想解決方法,各方法都有缺點,最好的方法就是殺死祭壇旁的怪
(如果是舊宿敵詞我一定嘴...(?) 熔岩護盾+毒素+晶瑩剔透)

How common are Awakened Gems from the Maven?

Q. 釋界的覺醒寶石掉落率?

A. 打死釋界時,掉落率為相當常見(quite common)。

How common are Rusted Scarabs in the core drop pool?

Q. 鏽蝕聖甲蟲掉落率?

A. 未定案。目前暫定比盜賊印記稍低

Why does currency drop in stacks of one now?

Q. 為啥現在通貨要掉成一堆(這誰問的....)

A. This change only applies to rewards from Influenced Monsters. Altar rewardsthat say things like "Map Boss Drops Three Vaal Orbs" will still drop in
stacks of three requiring one click for pickup.

One of the goals of the Altar changes from the outset was to retain the feel
of Altars such that the gameplay feels familiar, as we're generally happy
with how that feels to play. Part of retaining this means we want to keep thefrequency of encountering Eldritch Altars relatively common. If we want to
give you Altars relatively often, it means we're giving out rewards
relatively often so one of the ways of balancing this is to make the stack
sizes of those rewards lower.

Most Currency rewards from Influenced Monsters already dropped in stacks of
one, but there were a few outliers (most notably Map Currency rewards). The
outliers are generally the only thing that is changing here in terms of stacksize.

(3通貨會亂噴3個隨機通貨,3瓦保就是噴一個 3 X 瓦爾寶珠)

Are you nerfing Heist and Expedition rewards?

Q. 你有要砍劫盜跟探險嗎?

A. We have no plans regarding this


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y3004811/23 12:32推推

Alicputster11/23 12:42沒有計畫 但是不小心砍到的不在此限

fff41711/23 12:47笑死 覺醒寶石的回答太經典了 我看好你的掌握喔GGG

kelvin060311/23 12:50劫盜機器人又要開跑了

aa001122qq11/23 13:22我們沒有相關的企劃 既然你提到了就放進去吧:D

mavs0711/23 13:25做成像祭壇2.0那樣一點就暫停不就好了....

mavs0711/23 13:27認真覺得這樣暫停選擇真的友善

su4vu611/23 13:59暫停問題在 他要大增數量 你玩起來會一直停頓

A10JQK11/23 14:39沒有計劃要回答你。但是還是要暗削

scott41411/23 14:50已經砍完了 所以沒計劃了

Barbarian12311/23 15:09因為砍完了啊 換到魔血機率都不知道砍多少了

babyalley11/23 16:19覺醒寶石的回答到底是三小啦 你要不要聽聽看你在說什麼

su4vu611/23 16:27就不會稀有到打不到 但也不會氾濫到影響價格阿

pilirich11/23 16:41不會讓他們太好噴導致價值降低 -> 當作不會掉就好了

fantasybard11/23 16:45看到覺醒寶石那段真的笑出來

lovehina930411/23 17:31所以還是繼續普通圖開紅藍王、特殊圖開釋界,有差嗎

laputab11/23 17:39自從會暗改後,faq和patch note都不要當真好。

tatamikuo11/23 18:40覺醒寶石改成殺完紅藍王就能跟npc買不好嗎?王掉落的

tatamikuo11/23 18:40有經驗值3等起跳這樣還是有吸引力啊

amsmsk11/23 23:01真的 先把怪清光在來開詞綴 很棒

ilove305mm11/24 02:24為啥要一直往延長遊戲時間這方向發展

stkissstone11/24 03:30這篇跟遊戲時間長短沒啥關係阿

stkissstone11/24 03:30就些不著重點的東西 玩家真關心的還沒講明確

Darksto11/24 13:11不期不待不受傷害. 建議一個月開季後再玩

Merkle11/25 00:33沒有計畫要砍 那就是一定會砍 還砍到見骨的

sorryfly11/25 12:56沒要砍 只是平衡調整 什麼調的像NERF? 那是你的認知問題

MoneyBlue11/25 14:23全部都是平衡啦,沒事~沒事,各位玩家記得買贊助包喔,

MoneyBlue11/25 14:23最好是核心包

mylove061711/25 18:22不敢講還是沒計畫~掉落率偷改也沒講 是被玩家發現的

stkissstone11/26 04:28這就有點太被害妄想了

ddavid11/26 06:23不是啥被害妄想吧,都被害多少季了還認為是妄想XD

ddavid11/26 06:24「下……下一季一定不會偷砍吧?」

poboq000211/26 09:29好了啦 G衛兵

stkissstone11/26 10:46不就說沒消息的時候不用管這遊戲 這樣就G衛兵

stkissstone11/26 10:47你沒事也在心心念念光頭想幹嘛比較像G衛兵吧

stkissstone11/26 10:47還是你是光頭狂粉?

c87111111611/26 11:45掉落率都因為把號稱"上季機制拿掉 所以這季忘了補正"

c87111111611/26 11:45幾次了 第一次還能當你不小心忘了 還能搞多次

lovehina930411/26 13:17笑點是這季機制沒加掉落,單純是怕宿敵怪掉落太高直

lovehina930411/26 13:18接砍全部

poboq000211/26 15:06好了啦 護主心切還想裝中立的G衛兵

Eliphas11/26 19:56還我關南的大獎率