[情報] 種子工藝百科全書

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文章第一部分是如何種菜 這裡先跳過

總共有三種能量體系 四個工藝階級

但如果想體驗遊戲 慢慢挖掘這些樂趣的話

可以不看 因為這算一種"劇透"

圖 種子工藝百科全書



Okay so the party play information is as follows:

When you're playing in a party, opening a seed cache only benefits the map
owner. The seeds that drop are allocated to the map owner and only their
garden grows in response. This is because there is no additional challenge
associated with having other players standing around nearby.

If party members help you with fights in the Sacred Grove, then the fights
are harder, drop additional items and grant additional experience (like all
other content in Path of Exile). We are considering increasing the drop rate
of Tier 2/3/4 seeds from Grove fights for additional party members (who are
present for the entire fight). This change would come in the days following

In terms of growth cycles, it's roughly 3 cycles for Tier 1 Seeds, 6 cycles
for Tier 2 seeds, 9 cycles for Tier 3 Seeds and 15 Cycles for Tier 4 Seeds.
There are variations to this based on the seed's rarity. The growth required
for the final boss fight is a lot lot lot longer.


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Arofate06/19 11:13隱瞞 ZIZ分析

doom306/19 11:1920等技能5%機率變覺醒技能 95%消滅

doom306/19 11:23 輔助

ja220006/19 11:24已汙染20等技能不知道可不可以

shinkus06/19 11:27可以然後修正

bored6060606/19 11:37看來可以練一堆20等施放迴響來賣了

ss90006506/19 11:43覺醒寶石要掉價了==

hope4ever06/19 12:01未汙染20技能會漲價才對吧XDDD

cutethomas06/19 12:04T2種子就可以凹覺醒寶石了 應該是不難出(指種子)

Silwez06/19 12:05想到以後要怎麼交易收穫工藝,就覺得有點頭痛

※ 編輯: dase1352 ( 臺灣), 06/19/2020 12:08:46

johnppe3216506/19 12:09這條種子辭出現率應該不高,ex價囉

※ 編輯: dase1352 ( 臺灣), 06/19/2020 12:17:06

hanmas06/19 12:27工藝幾乎都T1跟T4ㄟ 有想到T3種歪會崩潰XD

hanmas06/19 12:28可以穩定(?做5T1物理工藝武器了

hanmas06/19 12:30fracture鎖一個前墜 alt骰攻速 物理種子骰前墜 暴擊種子

hanmas06/19 12:31骰暴擊 勢力種子骰一條前墜 最後再工藝一條後墜 完美

hanmas06/19 12:32不知道崇高系列出現率如何

hanmas06/19 12:44阿破碎不能加勢力 GG

hanmas06/19 13:095TI元素武器超好做ㄟ 骰好攻速暴擊 卡滿後墜 元素前墜用

hanmas06/19 13:09種子一條一條骰出來

hanmas06/19 13:11不知道有甚麼用就是了 給判官嗎XD

ChikanDesu06/19 14:2710c換EX 貨幣控制???

doom306/19 14:39跟胖子買鏡子一樣意思

su4vu606/19 14:505%很高耶 隨便都能成功吧

je78952006/19 22:27看來挑戰會很難搞

greattower06/19 23:20 這三小?爆炸飾品?

圖 種子工藝百科全書

greattower06/19 23:20