[情報] 0823 上市櫃外資投信買超金額排行
排行 股票名稱 百萬 收盤價 漲跌
1 2330台積電 2776 552 +11
2 3231緯創 1226 127.5 +4
3 3661世芯-KY 1134 2390 +10
4 2363矽統 681 33 +3
5 2356英業達 567 59.2 +1
6 3017奇鋐 524 356 +5.5
7 3044健鼎 506 189.5 +5.5
8 3037欣興 505 177 +1
9 2357華碩 439 414.5 +19.5
10 2317鴻海 434 106.5 0
排行 股票名稱 百萬 收盤價 漲跌
1 1477聚陽 400 331.5 +17.5
2 8210勤誠 334 234 +10
3 3044健鼎 246 189.5 +5.5
4 2357華碩 223 414.5 +19.5
5 2345智邦 216 468 -5
6 3533嘉澤 158 829 +12
7 2383台光電 135 442 +8.5
8 3017奇鋐 125 356 +5.5
9 2059川湖 121 935 +31
10 2382廣達 107 262 +3.5
以上 謝謝
"When you live in the right way or you just given everything
to whatever you're doing, things happend organically and it's
not supposed to make sense but it just happens"
LeBron shares his fondest memories of Kobe
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Re: [標的] 台積電 鴻海 2330 2317 川登基空