Re: [新聞] ISS 報告出爐 表態支持智冠公司派

看板Stock標題Re: [新聞] ISS 報告出爐 表態支持智冠公司派作者
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※ 引述《loveisq》之銘言
: 原文標題:
: ISS 報告出爐 表態支持智冠公司派
: 原文連結:
: 發布時間:
: 2024/06/14 13:38:09
: 記者署名:
: 陳昱翔
: 原文內容:
: 智冠(5478)股東大會即將在6月24日召開,13日在外資投票中具有相當影響力的國際投: 票建議機構ISS (Institutional Shareholder Services),表態全數支持智冠公司派所提

: 名之十席候選人。
: ISS的報告指出,針對網銀國際將其提名之獨董候選人放在第一線,與一般董事候選人共: 同為網銀國際發聲與背書,已然有失獨立董事基本所應具備的獨立性與客觀性。
: 另針對智冠(5478)與榮剛(5009)換股案看法,ISS報告則表示,換股效益是需要長時: 間去驗證的,股東們可持續觀察對公司長期發展的影響。就客觀財務數據分析,智冠經營

: 團隊自2019年開始,智冠(5478)營運表現,經營績效與公司治理,各項表現都是相當穩
: 定,也符合大環境整體產業趨勢。
: 智冠科技2023年合併營收為62.49億元,稅後淨利8.6億元,每股盈餘7.09元,創下13年次

: 高紀錄。智冠上櫃23年來持續創造良好的經營成果,股利分配居同業之牛耳,同時榮獲證
: 券櫃檯買賣中心金桂獎的「卓越股東報酬」殊榮。足顯示智冠公司在公司治理、董事會運
: 作、監督管理等方面的努力,獲得了資本市場與主管機關的認可。
: 智冠經營團隊表示,公司自掛牌以來,秉持為股東、員工、客戶的共同利益,戰戰兢兢,

: 始終堅持走對的路,今年更是轉型建立跨產業生態系關鍵的承接轉化時間點。在如此重要
: 的一年,獲得ISS出具的報告支持,除了是對智冠經營團隊與路線的肯定,增加轉型的力: 量外,也讓股東們能藉著客觀專業的外資報告內容,破解諸多坊間謠言,並再次請股東們
: 全力支持有具體治理績效與營運成績的經營團隊,繼續向前行,共創智冠公司與股東的雙
: 贏。
: 心得/評論:
: 版友大家好,又是我,自己發的標的自己追
: 距離股東會倒數1週,今天意外的出了外資表態新聞
: 但之前記得蕭董說過外資是偏向網銀的才對
: 實際上外資爆買橘子(6180)應該也是因為網銀
: 而且這段期間也不斷減持智冠
: 但是今天又說這個機構全挺公司派(?) 所以要轉向了嗎
: 還有既然如此,現有外資手上的2成不說
: 蕭董網銀到去年底增持也有2成多
: 如果選舉結果不如預期這些股票會如何...?
: 附註:距離上次發文後我的智冠只有加碼,無停損/出場




“We do not disagree with such argument in terms of relevancy given the usage of longer periods in determining the average market prices is unable to reflect the company's performance in a timely manner, hence, the relevancy of the selected share swap ratio.”

“However, we do raise concerns over the related parties involve in the deal, as well as the extent of business synergies between the company and GMTC.”

“Further, according to the announcement, the alliance between the company and GMTC is formed aimed to jointly layout health entertainment and other business to enhance long-term competitiveness by integrating resources of both parties. However, given the discrepancies in both parties' core businesses as outlined in the preceding paragraphs, it has left us to question if other protentional targets who have been stakeholders in the gaming industry were under the company's consideration for such a deal, and the reason to choose a strategic partner who renders less business synergies with the company. Given the above, the motive of the share swap transaction is seemingly vague at this point.”

“Although we do not rule out the potential of such a deal is running on the expense of minority shareholders' value, as many other allied partnerships, time is required for marinating business of both parties. In this case, we should continue to monitor how the newly formed alliance sits into the company's long-term business plan.”


“In this case, given there have been lack the solid proof indicating management's misconduct at this point and the company's rather stable performance since 2019. We are of the view that the Dissidents have not built a sufficiently compelling rationale to warrant a board refresh and after considering the management'sfamiliarity with the company's current business, thus, it is to our opinion that it is not warranted to place any dissident nominees on the board at this point.”


“The proposed amendments, once approved, would grant chairman greater authority in making transaction decisions without any checks and balances from the boardand independent directors;
The proposed increase of caps in securities investment may expose the company to unnecessary risks; and
The company has failed to provide a compelling rationale for such changes.”









※ PTT留言評論
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bikuri 06/21 19:22這新聞也沒提GL直接精準計算 換股至少貴了30%的價

bikuri 06/21 19:22差 這也是

bikuri 06/21 19:22他們反對智冠董事長的原因 太隨心了 根本沒在管小

bikuri 06/21 19:22股東的想法

※ 編輯: st883540 ( 臺灣), 06/21/2024 21:51:00

bucket 06/21 21:54智冠原本可以買,現在我不敢,榮剛根本沒加成效益

bucket 06/21 21:54外,換股換這麼多隨時都有經營權風險,很抖

sine 06/21 22:12台灣記者 你意外嗎

error125 06/21 22:39業配新聞很多 大多都自說自話

jaihi 06/21 22:56標題直接漏餡了呀 人家只是照常理支持公司派 並不

jaihi 06/21 22:56是說你亂搞的東西都支持欸

suneo229 06/21 23:07然後智冠還提案董事長繼續擴權 其實沒實力真的別上

suneo229 06/21 23:07市 為了經營權這樣亂搞 難看

vaxoqa 06/21 23:24看到台鋼就快跑哦…還想靠職棒洗形象

mufu791 06/21 23:36客觀來說 網銀提的幾個董事 背景真的算乾淨 至少沒

mufu791 06/21 23:36什麼市場禿鷹 炒股專家