Re: [新聞] AMD以1.9B收購Pensando

看板Stock標題Re: [新聞] AMD以1.9B收購Pensando 作者
時間推噓11 推:15 噓:4 →:25

: → a000000000 : 地緣政治玩到現在 那些賣武器的公司股價都噴惹 04/05 04:14
: → a000000000 : 賣晶片的沒噴 合理嗎 就投資人還不懂而已 04/05 04:14
: → SILee : 二月剛開戰在大跌的時候,我還跟朋友說飛彈裡面都是 04/05 04:16
: → SILee : XLINX的晶片,縮下去就對了XDDDD 04/05 04:16

請問為何飛彈主要都是用XLNX的晶片啊? 因為FPGA的關係嗎?




※ 引述《Severine (賽非茵)》之銘言:
: 原文標題:
: AMD to buy Pensando for $1.9 billion to build out its data center business
: 原文連結:
: build-out-its-data-center-business-2022-04-04?mod=investing
: 發布時間:
: April 4, 2022 at 8:13 a.m. ET
: 原文內容:
: Shares of Advanced Micro Devices Inc. AMD, 0.87% rose 0.2% in premarket
: trading, after the semiconductor company announced a deal to buy privately
: held Pensando for about $1.9 billion. AMD aims the deal for the provider of: computing, networking and security services, which is expected to close in
: the second quarter, to expand its data center offerings. "To build a
: leading-edge data center with the best performance, security, flexibility an
: lowest total cost of ownership requires a wide range of compute engines,"
: said AMD Chief Executive Lisa Su. "Today, with our acquisition of Pensando,: we add a leading distributed services platform to our high-performance CPU,: GPU, FPGA and adaptive SoC portfolio." AMD's stock has tumbled 24.8% year to: date through Friday, while the PHLX Semiconductor Index SOX, 1.00% has shed: 14.7% and the S&P 500 SPX, 0.49% has slipped 4.6%.
: 機器翻譯
: AMD宣佈以約19億美元的價格收購私人控股的Pensando。
: AMD的目標是與計算,網路和安全服務提供者達成交易,預計將於第二季度完成,以擴

: 其數據中心產品。
: AMD 首席執行官 Lisa Su 表示:"要構建具有最佳性能、安全性、靈活性和最低總擁有

: 本的領先數據中心,需要廣泛的計算引擎。今天,通過收購Pensando,我們將領先的分
: 式服務平臺添加到我們的高性能CPU,GPU,FPGA和自適應SoC產品中。
: 心得/評論: ※必需填寫滿30字,無意義者板規處分
: 好像前幾天有版友說AMD應該重啟併購 忘了是買甚麼 不過不是這家就是了.
: 這點小東西 買著還好吧QQ
: 不是很懂這方面 所以找了一點yahoo鄉民的評論
: 1)
: Pensando’s data-flow and fully programmable packet processor capabilities
: combined with AMD’s high-performance CPU, GPU, FPGA and adaptive
: system-on-chip (SoC) portfolio is a very, very smart move for Lisa and team: and differentiates AMD even further from the pack. The software stack
: extending beyond applications capabilities to smart switches/networking and: security rounds things out beautifully. Addressing multiple infrastructure
: services simultaneously is the game and AMD just bagged it.
: 2)
: The acquisition of Pensando (and Xilinx) further bolsters Hans Mosemann's
: BULL CASE that AMD is a DATA CENTER play,
: This all goes to building customer relations.
: They will have solutions NOBODY else has, one stop shop.
: 3)
: Just another piece of Lisa's road map strategy to move into other areas by
: buying Pensando.. Her plan all along has been to get to a point where AMD is: not competing nearly as much with INTC directly in future, but moving into
: new areas with new TAMS.. Now with XLNX, she has the scale she has wanted an
: can offer that scale to huge customers going forward, to become a
: one-stop-shop in a sense? ;-)
: --


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addy7533967 04/05 12:34FPGA簡單來說就是基本元件都幫你裝好,要使用時再另

addy7533967 04/05 12:34外規劃裡面的邏輯

peter98 04/05 12:35把原文推文刪掉啦

addy7533967 04/05 12:35不像全客製化的晶片出廠的硬體架構就不太能再更動了

addy7533967 04/05 12:35,FPGA還能保有一定程度的變動,算是半客製的商品

tigertiger 04/05 12:36Xilinx 前兩大客戶一個美軍一個華為...

tigertiger 04/05 12:37台灣最大客戶也是中科院

addy7533967 04/05 12:37以世紀帝國舉例,一般晶片就像是制式士兵,功能大概

addy7533967 04/05 12:37都定了

addy7533967 04/05 12:38FPGA就是村民,可以捕魚、伐伐伐木工或是打仗

kathy790407 04/05 12:43對產量需求少,但可能易有較大幅度變化的晶片,無

kathy790407 04/05 12:43論時程或是成本,比asic還親民一些

bunjie 04/05 12:44你想成FPGA類似幹細胞好了 功能要用時才規劃就好

thbygn98 04/05 12:52Fpga成長很快的,對運算速度面積等不太在乎的應用

thbygn98 04/05 12:52都很適合,成長速度除了看xilinx也可以看snps

thbygn98 04/05 12:53除了拿來直接當產品也可以加速驗證

CORYCHAN 04/05 13:07市場去年有成長

CORYCHAN 04/05 13:07但牙膏FPGA去年持平是何原因?

CORYCHAN 04/05 13:07又要把買來的玩具放生了嗎?

CORYCHAN 04/05 13:07(理由寫缺產能)

sophieo 04/05 13:28讓我想到billionaires 第三季第一集

lolpklol097504/05 13:35Intel FPGA 用在 網通 伺服器處理晶片

Appleaday 04/05 13:47原文一堆無腦多 看了就倒彈

※ 編輯: foxconn1080 ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 13:58:54

CORYCHAN 04/05 14:00樓上SQQQ要進場時麻煩講一下

CORYCHAN 04/05 14:00感恩 謝謝 功德無量

aegis43210 04/05 14:14FPGA一般是拿來做晶片前期驗證,確定有達成預期的設

aegis43210 04/05 14:14

aegis43210 04/05 14:16以免開了光罩試產完,才發現事情大條了

Appleaday 04/05 14:26是不會自己看QQQ壓力位喔 ZZZ

zanthia99 04/05 14:42xlinx有作比較多車規和軍規等級的晶片,適合航太應用

kevinmeng2 04/05 15:08教主現在跟晢晢一樣,天天在那邊凹,真丟臉

bigair888 04/05 20:13教主應該沒差吧,他成本不是很低

kevinmeng2 04/05 21:56教主自己沒差,但他140還要人家加碼捏懶

kevinmeng2 04/05 21:56除非他ㄧ點良心都沒有,不然正常人都會覺得內疚

ilovetaida 04/05 22:44挺教主到底,沒收你錢還幫你分析,鄉民真難伺候,

ilovetaida 04/05 22:44相信時間會證明一切

mmnnoo 04/05 23:00教主又不是130开始喊揑力的…

tsukimiyu 04/05 23:03i大,還好吧,有人說零奈怎樣了嗎?

Appleaday 04/06 00:53被無腦多鄉民一直捧的小丑 科科

kevinmeng2 04/06 00:56發現信徒腦迴路有問題,當然知道他不是130才喊

kevinmeng2 04/06 00:56但140還在喊200…你要幫被套的負責?

achangfree 04/06 15:45都幾歲了還要別人幫負責,真丟臉

achangfree 04/06 15:46沒自主判斷力的被淘汰剛好而已 市場樂見

cyshowen 04/07 09:51動不動就要別人負責?? 都幾歲人了?? XDDD