[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/07/11
Dear Taurus, the transit of the Moon in Aries boosts your self-confidence today. Use it to your benefit and you are sure to receive gains. Your optimism and self-assurance will surely impress others. Today brings many opportunities for you to help expand your horizons, predict Astroyogi astrologers. So, what are you waiting for, Taurus? Go ahead and grab these opportunities with open hands. Wear the color white for good luck today. The time between 2 pm and 3 pm is lucky for you so plan your significant tasks or meetings accordingly.
※ PTT留言評論
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/15很快地,你經歷的不幸將會變成一個幸運的機會。當然,這種事一直在發生,但我們並不 會特別注意到它。這就是為什麼無論我們在生活中面臨了什麼,保持開放的心態和樂觀的 態度是件重要的事。失望、拖延、難題,這些都能夠變成幸運的機會。請在今天記住這一 點,阿牛,並相信宇宙正在讓你贏得這場遊戲。這是真的! ———8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/30你現在應該感到精神振奮、樂觀且非常正面。如果沒有這種感覺的話,親愛的阿牛,那就 想辦法達到目的吧。雖然你目前可能正遭受挫折或困難,但你肯定能感受到正面的浪潮正 流經你的生活中,並向你提出不該拒絕的建議。利用這段時間讓自己置身其中、充滿希望 ,並決定自己的下一步將會是美好的。力量就掌握在你的手中。 ——7
[情報] 03/17 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 17 2022 很多人認為你不該因為拖延而錯失一個意外到來的好運, 並且不在幸運到來的時候迎接它, 但你也有可能超過它吧,魔魔? 這是有可能的,6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/12今天儘早,並且多完成一點工作,或許會出現你不想錯過的機會,尤其是在和你的個人熱 愛 有關的良機。儘管一開始你可能沒有興趣,但幸好這件事能激發你開始想像宇宙為你準備 了什麼。透過幻想你最夢寐以求的夢想,你就能讓自己有動力,親愛的阿牛。當你走得更 遠,等到機會來臨時你就能獲得更多的樂趣。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/21親愛的阿牛,今天為自己奉獻吧。這是對的,為了要鼓勵你將自己放在第一要務上。由於 各種原因,你可能把每個人放在自己前面,而這讓你疲憊不堪,即便你不認為是這件事讓 你感到疲憊或沮喪。我們都需要自己的時間來放縱自己的需求和慾望,而你現在正在一個 時間點,在這個時間裡,做你想做與需要去做事。今天找到一種方法讓自己快樂和滿足吧 。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/07儘管你現在可能在自己的事業或與金錢有關的個人冒險中掙扎著,但未來的道路越來越清 晰了。或許你會懷疑這一點,阿牛,因為直到現在還是有許多矛盾與使你困惑的資訊傳到 你面前。拭目以待吧。你或許會從想幫助你的人那裡獲得你所需要的知識,並且你也可能 會經歷一個機會,這個機會能夠讓你用更正式的方式學習到你需要的知識。記得對這些機 會保持開放的態度。2
[情報] 03/04 the daily horoscopeThe month has only just begun, Gemini, but you can probably already see that M arch is going to be very good for you. There is a new air of optimism surround ing you today, and you may even already be seeing opportunities that are heade d your way. But today and the days ahead will only be as good as you make them . You are entering into an auspicious and prosperous period of time, but you h1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/26金牛座每日運勢 2021/05/26 某件跟錢有關的事物可能會在今天浮上你心頭,阿牛,而你可能會為此而感到焦慮。 這不是因為它可能會變得很糟糕,千萬別這麼想。 會這樣的原因也許是因為你的直覺正在正常發揮 ,並讓你知道這並不是執行計畫的最佳時機。1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/09不尋常的人事物很有可能帶給你一個獨特又非常誘人的機會。由於你是保守地懷抱著合情合理的期待,你通常不太會被奇怪的東西給吸引,阿牛。說真的,你甚至或許會快速地選擇另外一條路來走。但是當事情感覺有點吸引人的時候,你必須保持開放的心態來面對這又新又不一樣的東西,因為一旦你挖掘越多,你越能夠看到它將帶來的許多好處。敞開心胸面對新的機會吧! Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 9 An unusual person or experience could lead you to a unique and highly desirable opportunity. Because you are more of a traditional person with reasonable expectations, you don't always gravitate to things that are out of the norm, Taurus. In fact, you might even walk the other way rather quickly! But you need to remain open to something new and different that is a bit intriguing, because the more you explore it, the more you will see the many benefits it offers. Be open to new opportunities. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[情報] 01/04 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your life may seem to be able to see your immediate future more cle arly than you can. But they are certainly basing their predictions only on wha t they can see you doing right now. This is not some ultimate proclamation of your fate, dear Gemini. Let this message serve as a reminder that you are the one in control. Your future is not set in stone, despite certain lucky breaks