[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/06/16
Dear Taurus, as the Moon is in Taurus today, today is a day when you must be very cautious of what is happening around you. Make sure you keep your eyes and ears wide open for any misunderstanding which might come your way, especially with those close to you - family, co-workers, and friends. As per the adviceof Astroyogi astrologers, you should be very selective with your words and watch out for everything you say. It is essential to be super sensitive today, as this will keep you away from controversies. Moreover, try and speak less, asthis will also keep you at bay from any inviting problems.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/09親愛的阿牛,今天當你在參與談話時做點小變化可以帶來很大的不同。過去,不論你多大 了,你總是用一種孩子氣的方式與某個家人相處,而這可能會影響他們對你的看法。雖然 這可能是你們長期累積的關係和舊習,但現在該是時候做些改變了。讓他看見你的改變, 並且願意用與之前相比更加複雜的方式去分享你的意見和觀察。隨著時間流逝,這會讓你 們的關係更加深厚。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/24你分析複雜情形的天賦在今天被強化了,阿牛。用這股神力來有智慧的去處理一直以來困擾著你的麻煩吧。大部分的時候,想到這件事就讓你感到窒息,但是今天,你可以直接用實在的解決方法來化解這個焦慮來源。雖然你很有可能有其他事情想一併解決,這件事絕對要放在第一順位。在今天你所想出來的解決辦法應該能夠把麻煩永遠封印起來。 Taurus horoscope for Thursday Jun 24 Your gift for analysis of complex problems is magnified today, Taurus. Use this power wisely to work through a problem that has been troubling you. Most of the time, you probably feel overwhelmed whenever you think about this issue, but today, you can meet that worry with a genuine sense of resolving it once and for all. Although you may have other things you would also like to straighten out, this is your top priority. The solutions you come up with today should put a permanent end to a problem. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/20放輕鬆吧,阿牛。如果你沒注意到今天出現的其他訊息,至少這個能好好提點你。你正開始要進行,或者已經深深涉入著對你來說很重要的付出,由於其重要性,或許你覺得壓力很大、焦慮,又擔心不能把它做好。但是,如果你從一個緊繃的心境做為出發點來面對你所做的,你將無法如你所能地富有生產力。你也無法保持開闊的心胸來看待有辦法讓你事半功倍的事情。放輕鬆吧,親愛的阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Aug 20 Relax, Taurus. If you heed no other message today, this one will serve you well. You are approaching or maybe you are already involved in an effort that means quite a lot to you, and because of its importance, you may be feeling stressed, anxious, and worried about getting it right. But if you approach what you are doing from a state of mind that is tense, you won't be as productive as you could be. You also won't be open enough to consider things that could enhance your efforts. Relax, dear Taurus. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 8/25Taurus horoscope for 星期二 8月 25 當你尋求一個問題的答案時,親愛的牛牛,你可能在思考一個看起來毫無意義的線索。即使如此,你也知道一定有辦法去想清楚,且你有可能得出這樣的結論:如果不瞭解這個線索,你永遠找不到答案。但那些都是胡扯——線索也可能都是胡扯。 今天別爲一些你弄不懂的事情如此煩惱。有時候當生活丟給你一個令人疑惑的信號,最好的方法是繼續前進。繼續加油吧。 ----- As you seek an answer to a problem, dear Taurus, you may be pondering a clue2
[情報] 17/03/2022 Daily Horoscope聽到的音樂、家裡牆壁上油漆的顏色、圍繞周遭的人、甚至可能使用的香水-所有這些東 西都會對人的情緒產生影響。 親愛的月之子,這對你來說更是如此,因為你是一個感官極其敏銳的生物。 而今天,你的感官得到了極大的增強,因此,相當強大。 今天要對你的環境和環境中的東西有很好的選擇。2
[情報] 02/07 the daily horoscopeIn the desire to be helpful, you might want to intervene in an argument or in some sort of misunderstanding among family members or friends. But think twice before you jump in, dear Gemini. It might be more complicated than you realiz e. It might also be about something completely unrelated to what they seem to be discussing, as it might have its foundation in some other matter entirely.1
[情報] 13/09/2020 Daily HoroscopeYours is one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, dear Moonchild. You may even be the most sensitive sign of all. A harsh word can bring your mood down. An unfriendly exchange can ruin your day. A remark that contains criticism can cause you to question yourself and wonder if you are good enough. Even a misunderstanding of this nature can cause you to1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/05/26金牛座每日運勢 2021/05/26 某件跟錢有關的事物可能會在今天浮上你心頭,阿牛,而你可能會為此而感到焦慮。 這不是因為它可能會變得很糟糕,千萬別這麼想。 會這樣的原因也許是因為你的直覺正在正常發揮 ,並讓你知道這並不是執行計畫的最佳時機。1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/02你絕對已經接受過以下訊息,阿牛,但值得再重複一次:相信你的直覺。就這麼簡單。你可能正在歷經學習、考核、探索的過程,並且正在考慮各種關於你在進行的某件事的可能性,但它取決於你是怎麼想整件事的。如果感覺對了,但且謹慎地信任它。相反地,如果感覺不對,去想一下原因,並相信它。你的直覺比你所知道的更前所未有的強烈。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 2 You have most definitely received this message before, Taurus, but it bears repeating today: trust your gut. It really is that simple. You may be in the process of studying, examining, exploring, and considering a wide range of possibilities for something you are embarking on, but what it really comes down to is how you feel about all of it. If something feels right, be cautious but trust it. And likewise, if something feels wrong, figure out why, and trust that too. Your instincts are now sharper than you realize. --1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/02/12親愛的阿牛,一個簡單的小技巧可以幫助你在今天避免衝突。你可能不得不跟一個讓你不 爽的人合作,也可能已經預見了你們之間的衝突,或許你已經預期到最壞的結果了。但如 果你在開口前先安靜的想想自己想說出口的話,就可以避免自己說出一些挑起衝突的話語 。你真的不希望今天發生任何衝突,對嗎?當你這樣做之後,每當你的腦中出現憤怒的想 法時,你就能夠為自己創造一個更快樂也更充實的一天。