[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2023/06/25
Dear Taurus, with the Moon in Virgo, today will bring you good fortune and luck. It is very likely that you will get a breather after the hectic past few days. Use this opportunity to revitalize and re-energize yourself. Spend time with your family, your friends, or your partner. There is no better remedy for regaining your balance and a sense of purpose than being close to the people who know you the best. Your lucky hour for the day is between 9.30 am to 10.30 am. Use this hour to take care of pending tasks. White is your lucky color forthe day.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/27如果你覺得今天感到被召喚或被激勵要去做一些你今天通常不會做的事,那就去做吧,阿 牛。這可能是你的直覺在召喚你,讓你朝著一個為你準備好的方向前進。有時好運會用一 種微小的聲音呼喚你,當你利用它時,你會知道這是正確的事。今天有驚喜在等著你,這 能為你帶來幸運的時刻,但你必須仔細聆聽。如果你這麼做了,這將會是個神奇的一天。 ——7
[情報] 02/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 15 2022 你可能會認為某項冒險中你的運氣不知道為什麼用光了, 魔魔,一開始看似所有你接觸到的東西都閃閃發亮或緊密連結, 但現在好像所有事都不再如此。 不過運氣是不會用光的,7
[情報] 03/17 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 17 2022 很多人認為你不該因為拖延而錯失一個意外到來的好運, 並且不在幸運到來的時候迎接它, 但你也有可能超過它吧,魔魔? 這是有可能的,6
[情報] 09/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 13 2022 你今天會處理一些情緒風暴,親愛的魔魔, 通常你很能好好管理你的情緒, 但現在這件事可能變得有一點困難。 然而此刻不是好時機跟人分享這件本來該謹慎處理的事務,2
[情報] 5/28 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 28 2021 If you were to put all of your friends into one room, would it be crowded? Many people think that the answer to that would be yes, but that's not necessarily so. If you have even one good, true friend, you are a lucky soul. Remember that today if you are inclined to turn down an invitation from2
[情報] 08/06 the daily horoscopeWhen a moment of good fortune presents itself, you will be much better off if you are prepared to act on it. Lucky moments happen all of the time, Gemini, b ut many people either don't recognize those moments, or they aren't ready to t ake them to the next level where the reward is waiting. You have many things y ou want to accomplish in the weeks ahead. Start tuning yourself in to be more2
[情報] 02/02/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,今天可能會是你的幸運日嗎? 這會是你希望的一個大突破、或者能夠實現夢想的日子嗎? 這是有可能的! 雖然這可能不會立即表現成為你夢想的一切,但你可以看到你生活中有一波好運和富足的 開始。1
[情報] 09/19 the daily horoscopeIt may seem as though all hope is lost with something you have been looking fo rward to. It isn't the end of the world, of course, dear Gemini, but it could be quite disappointing. You may even be chastising yourself for being upset ov er it, but there is no reason to do that - we all deserve joy in this life. So don't give up. Sometimes at the eleventh hour, good fortune calls upon us, an- You may be evaluating a situation based on the successes you have seen. You ma y think that a current opportunity will be easy to succeed with because someon e you know or someone you are acquainted with has succeeded. But even fools ha ve a lucky day now and then. Don't base your estimation on what someone else h as done in the same circumstances. Instead, you need to take a close look at w
- We all have days when it seems that the energy is flowing in the right directi on. There is just a different kind of buzz in the air. Things are going our wa y. We may feel upbeat and excited for no obvious reason. Some might call this a lucky day. That's what's in store for you, Gemini. But how will this "luck" manifest? Will it be a breakthrough with a goal, a raise in pay, or some other