[吃草] DailyHoroscope11/21
You may not be happy with the way a main story in your life is going now , Taurus.
You wish it had gone in a completely different direction , as you thought that
it would.
But sitting back passively and regretting where " fate " took you isn't going
to change anything.
Furthermore , believe that fate has any hand in it at all may be self-defeating.
Aren't you the storyteller of your own life?
Aren't you the one who has the power to protest and to make a change?
Yes , of course you are.
So , get started!
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[情報] 18/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou sometimes have a very resigned attitude about life, Moonchild. When you are in one of your moods, you start to think that whatever you do, fate will intervene and it will go in the direction of your destiny. But if we had no power over our lives and the directions we take, what would be the point of it all? You do have an incredible mind, and there is great7
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[情報] 05/03/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may be experiencing some gloomy thoughts about your life or your future, Moonchild. You may think that somehow you strayed away from the path that you were meant to travel, and now it is too late to fulfill some aspect of your destiny. But even if there really is a grand plan, dear Cancer, how could you ever stray from it completely or forever? If there1
[情報] 25/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeThis is the story of your life, Moonchild. Yes, this life you are living is very much your own story. Right now, though, you may believe that someone else is writing your story, and you may not be especially happy with the way it is turning out. Drama ensues. Problems arise. Trouble seems to follow you. But what you might be forgetting is that you are the1
[情報] 08/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeDo you believe in reincarnation? How about the idea that life is on one continuing cycle, and we all have the chance to repeat the same life for time unending? There are many theories and many possibilities, Moonchild, and this kind of deep concept may be something that came up recently or might come up. But there is so much of this world that we do not know, andX
Re: [閒聊] 沒生小孩,感情會比較好嗎?人生是一條不歸路,有些事情在做出選擇後,是沒有後悔重來的機會 當然有一些人是連選擇權都沒有(這種人對應的就是單身的人) 當你有生小孩的選擇權時,就要好好的思考自己未來的人生要怎麼過 有沒有生小孩的未來人生是兩種截然不同的人生 每個人出生都有他的天命,父母提供資源的多寡,老實說影響不大X
Re: [問卦] 幼兒學習什麼比較有用?助 : 。 : 有沒有幼兒學習什麼比較有用八卦? 教他認清人生的成就主要由命運主導,天命跟運氣。 人一出生看父母是誰就決定了天命,這佔了人生至少一半的部分,