[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/28
Taurus horoscope for Saturday Aug 28
You would love to completely overhaul some aspect of your life. Maybe it's the place you live. Maybe it's your job. Whatever it is, Taurus, it is something that affects you every day, and the more you think about it, the more you want a significant change. But change can't always happen automatically or all at once. In fact, it rarely does. The best kind of change is well-considered, planned, and enacted in a logical, reasonable way. If you want a big change, take that one first step, and then that
second step, and so on. You will get there before you know. Don't try making a big change in one fell swoop right now.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/09親愛的阿牛,今天當你在參與談話時做點小變化可以帶來很大的不同。過去,不論你多大 了,你總是用一種孩子氣的方式與某個家人相處,而這可能會影響他們對你的看法。雖然 這可能是你們長期累積的關係和舊習,但現在該是時候做些改變了。讓他看見你的改變, 並且願意用與之前相比更加複雜的方式去分享你的意見和觀察。隨著時間流逝,這會讓你 們的關係更加深厚。11
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/30你可能需要一些精神上的支持,但你並不知道要去哪裡尋找。有些人相信著你,阿牛,如 果知道你正在經歷些什麼,他們會是你的靠山。你要知道,當你承擔一項重要任務的同時 ,宇宙是站在你這邊的。你現在正處於一個可能改變你生活的事件的開端,也許是搬家、 一個新工作,又或是其他某種新的開始。相信圍繞在你身邊的善意,也對自己更有信心一 點吧。6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/17你或許正在一個往前推進太多會疏遠某人,而推進得太少則會錯過讓你做出正面改變的狀 況。要找到平衡很難,阿牛,但你必須嘗試。你需要看到改變的發生,而它確實會發生。 與其提前策劃一個固定的計劃,不如跟著當下的感覺走。允許自己做出調整,讓這種感受 引領你吧,它不會帶你走上錯誤的道路。 ——4
[情報] 0312 DailyHoroscopeIf you feel like you need to make a change in your life because you aren't fee ling satisfied or content, the first thing to do is to take that first step. B ut what if you don't know where you want to go or what kind of change you want to make? Then take the first step - any step - anyway. This may be a situatio n where you will need to figure it out as you go along. But as long as you are4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/17你或許會覺得自己沒有什麼能力,但如果有的話,去改變生活中你沒那麼喜歡的那些事吧 。你可能會認為做出這樣的改變需要某種小小的奇蹟,或是需要那些比你有著更好連結的 人幫忙。話說回來,阿牛,也許你只是沒有意識到自己有多強大。也許你沒有發現你們間 的連結,包括那些真正喜愛且欽佩你的人,並且渴望幫助你做出你心目中的改變。當然, 開始考慮這件事並不會怎麼樣,這是個勇敢和挑戰的好時機。4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/20一個人的意見與選擇往往是基於他們周圍的環境,而這並不令人意外。如果你希望改變某 個人的意見或影響他們的選擇時,必須牢記這點。你可能認為對這個人來說,某個選擇比 另一個更好,但你也認為自己沒有能力說服他們,但事實上你有,親愛的阿牛。如果你能 幫助他們改變環境,你就能為這個人的生活帶來相當大的改變,想一下你能如何做到這點 。3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/19人們會改變嗎?這當然是個老問題了,阿牛,而這可能是你正在思考的問題。如果某人的 核心個性是可敬有又可靠的,那麼他們能改變或完善他們的特質或習慣,讓自己成為更好 ,或最好的自己。但這件事並不該取決於你或其他人。如果你認識的人表達了真正的想法 ,希望改變一些東西使自己成為更好的人,也許他們能成功,不過他們必須是自己想要這 麼做的。必須是他們打從內心想要改變,而不是來自外部壓力。2
[情報] 30/09/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou are about to take an important step toward your future, Moonchild. Yes, of course, this is something you do every single day of your life, for you determine your future with every step you take. But this is a bit different. This is the beginning of a big and powerfully positive change. You will need to be bold and brave, and you need to take this step with1
[情報] 11/02 the daily horoscopeA change of heart could come over you today about something big in your life, perhaps connected to an important relationship, or maybe it would be something else. But are you sure this feeling isn't about getting along and getting on with things, rather than a genuine change in the way you see things? Don't lea p into change based on this initial feeling. Give yourself some time to think- A small change in a plan that has not been working may be the key to success. Even if you have already tweaked this or even done a major overhaul, dear Moonchild, you have gotten to the point where only a minor adjustment is needed. Even if you are skeptical at this point, it certainly can't hurt to fool around and make a small creative change. In