[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/11
Daily Horoscope for Friday 03/11
You may fear that something you would like to say to someone in your life could result in a conflict, and so speaking up involves a level of risk. But saying what's in your heart also holds the potential for a deeper, richer relationship. And if you speak from the heart, Taurus, your sincerity will be obvious,and no one who deserves a place in your life could be upset about that. You may even find that speaking your truth will be gratefully received because it will open up the path for the other party to do the same.
推 感謝翻譯
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/02你可能希望表達你的善意,甚至想用揮金如土的姿態來打動某人。這個訊息是要提醒你, 不需要那麼極端。相信你的真誠、關懷,並且作為一個可敬的人,你不需要花錢就能輕易 地傳達你的深情。只要說出你的心聲,做你能做的,並知道你的感覺將會被認可,這樣就 夠了,阿牛。 ——6
[情報] 6/2 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 2 2021 You value the self-empowerment of those who are outspoken. You respect the strength and courage it takes to say exactly what you think. And yet, you often avoid doing that yourself for fear of offending or creating conflict, which is something you will avoid at any cost. But you do have to stand up4
[情報] 07/05/2022 Daily Horoscope你很可能很快就會有機會與一個有巨大影響力的人建立友誼。 這可能會成為與一個有權力地位的人的非常密切的聯繫,他實際上可以幫助你最終實現某 個夢想。 關鍵是首先要認識到這個人,然後要自由和開放地說出你是誰。 月之子,說出你的心聲,敢於發揮你的創造力,展現你的激情-他們會理解並有同樣的感2
[情報] 12/01 Daily HoroscopeYou may be tempted to make a knee-jerk judgment about someone who has recently appeared in your life. Something that they did or said may have caused you to frame them in a certain way and to assign them to a less-than-positive catego ry. Give it some more time. Give yourself a chance to observe more of who that person is and what they have to offer. Rejecting someone so easily could deny- You may be hiding how you truly feel about a matter that is up for debate amon g family members or friends. But if you don't speak up - and you don't speak y our mind authentically - you are likely to wind up with something you don't wa nt. You don't want conflict, and that is understandable, Gemini. But having th ings turn out for you in a less-than-desirable way will be an internal conflic