[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/02
You may have a strong urge to complain today and to bend the ear of anyone who will listen so that you can vent about recent troubles. It may even feel like Murphy's Law is ruling your life right now - that everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. But rather than directing your energy toward complaining, use it to create a plan for something better. Try to see just how lucky you areto be here in the present moment. There are so many choices you can make to create a brighter future. Start there.
bend sb’s ear 對某人嘮叨、訴苦
Murphy’s Law 墨菲定律:任何事情如果有出錯的可能性,那就有極大的機率出錯;如果一件事可能以錯誤方式被處理,那最終肯定有人會以錯誤方式去處理。
ruling 主宰、統治、裁決
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/27如果你覺得今天感到被召喚或被激勵要去做一些你今天通常不會做的事,那就去做吧,阿 牛。這可能是你的直覺在召喚你,讓你朝著一個為你準備好的方向前進。有時好運會用一 種微小的聲音呼喚你,當你利用它時,你會知道這是正確的事。今天有驚喜在等著你,這 能為你帶來幸運的時刻,但你必須仔細聆聽。如果你這麼做了,這將會是個神奇的一天。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/30不能再延遲跟那個你生命中相當特別的人的對話了。在你開始說出一長串應該要延宕這件 事的理由之前,請停止這個思考方式。你知道自己開始失去曾擁有過的信念了,但你仍有 重要的事需要說出口。如果繼續迴避,你會逐漸忘記為什麼這件事這麼重要,而且可能永 遠不會發生。制定一個計畫吧,阿牛。一旦你這麼做了,你會感覺好一點的! ——5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/09/29最近你可能花了很多時間在擔心你無法控制的事。你可能會想著如果自己用不同的方式做 一件事會發生什麼事,或許你在幻想一個更好的結果。你也許希望自己能回到過去重新來 過。但這些都是不可能的,阿牛,所以這麼想有什麼意義呢?更好的利用這些時間和精力 來扭轉生活中的事情,並讓它變得更好。你能做到的! ——2
[情報] 08/15 the daily horoscopeIn even the best-laid plans, there is always something that can go wrong. It i s one thing to recognize this possibility and to plan for it accordingly. But it is another thing entirely to become so focused on it that you are always wa iting for something to go wrong. If you have traveled to that place in your mi nd over a current endeavor, Gemini, reel yourself back in. Although there is a2
[情報] 11/09 the daily horoscopeIt may feel as though there is a lot of friction surrounding you right now. Yo u can feel the crazy energy, and it may be causing you to feel nervous, which may lead to fears of something going wrong. But that wild energy you are feeli ng - it is something good. It's the universe stirring things up so that someth ing can be put into place. There are changes that have to happen, and when a p