[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/03
Is a nervous state of mind causing you to worry needlessly? Are you a bit restless right now, dear Taurus, and therefore more inclined to make mountains out of molehills in your mind? If you are blowing a problem out of proportion, it might not be obvious to you, but it is something you need to consider. Because you are already a bit anxious over something unrelated, you could be subconsciously magnifying other problems that really aren't that serious. Take it back a step and be more realistic. You probably have nothing to worry about.
make a mountain out of a molehill 小題大作、過度反應
proportion 比例、部分、比重、規模
subconsciously 潛意識
magnify 放大、誇大、擴大
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/18你可能對即將開始的一項工作有著疑慮。在你向前邁進之前,感覺到不安全是很正常的, 這是種自我保護的表現。但你需要相信自己,並相信當有任何不該繼續的好理由時,你會 認知到這點,你會相當肯定它,而不只是覺得緊張。你已經感到有自信了,讓自己放心, 讓這種自信回歸吧,阿牛。 ——7
[情報] 09/04 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 4 2021 魔魔,你最近是否有點像個隱士? 你有沒有拒絕了一些有趣的邀請, 或避免撞見一些你知道會與你交談的人? 你絕對不是個邊緣人,7
[情報] 05/31 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 31 2022 當你真的對某事很擔心或感到壓力, 要找出你接下來要做的事會變得很困難。 在束縛下嘗試解決問題, 會讓事情變得比原本更複雜,6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/20你可以期待未來有著十分美妙的事物,並且可能在不久的將來就會出現。然而你可能沒有 想到這點,因為你太專注於當下的問題了,阿牛。但你能對尚未到來的事物感到高興,同 時仍用一種流暢和樂觀的方式處理任何挑戰或問題。這的確是幸福的關鍵,也鼓勵你更有 意識地以這件事為目標。 ——6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/16現在你的生活可能發生了一些事,這使你有點緊張,阿牛。這跟你必須開始實施的改變有 關,而你現在可能非常懷疑它。一開始這感覺是個很正確的好主意。但現在你相當擔心且 關切它。不要擔心!讓它顯露。對你開啟的事物要有信心。給它一個機會證明自己。你可 能很緊張,因為最近其他事都沒有成功,但你應該要對這件事有信心,讓它發揮出來吧。 ——5
[情報] 7/16 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling overwhelmed because you are facing a lot of problems. In fact, you can probably reel off a long list of issues to deal with in your mind right now, dear Leo. But it may be your approach to this that is causing you to feel stuck and overwhelmed. If you think about it, the troubles you have right now may be many, but they are mostly very small. Attack the bigger5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/20放輕鬆吧,阿牛。如果你沒注意到今天出現的其他訊息,至少這個能好好提點你。你正開始要進行,或者已經深深涉入著對你來說很重要的付出,由於其重要性,或許你覺得壓力很大、焦慮,又擔心不能把它做好。但是,如果你從一個緊繃的心境做為出發點來面對你所做的,你將無法如你所能地富有生產力。你也無法保持開闊的心胸來看待有辦法讓你事半功倍的事情。放輕鬆吧,親愛的阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Aug 20 Relax, Taurus. If you heed no other message today, this one will serve you well. You are approaching or maybe you are already involved in an effort that means quite a lot to you, and because of its importance, you may be feeling stressed, anxious, and worried about getting it right. But if you approach what you are doing from a state of mind that is tense, you won't be as productive as you could be. You also won't be open enough to consider things that could enhance your efforts. Relax, dear Taurus. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.