[情報] 囧:希望能和阿卡對戰好多次

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Novak Djokovic hopes he plays Alcaraz as many times as he played Nadal, Federer, & Murray:

“I think it's great for out sport that there are more rivalries happening, obviously with Federer & Nadal but also with Andy Murray are right up there for me.Carlos, I just played him 3 or 4 times. Hopefully I'll play him as much as I played the other guys, meaning that I'll be playing for years to come."




圖 囧:希望能和阿卡對戰好多次
圖 囧:希望能和阿卡對戰好多次

囧 VS 費 27:23
囧 VS 豆 30:29
囧 VS 莫 25:11
囧 VS 卡 2:2

Roger Federer disappointed he didn’t get to play Carlos Alcaraz, Holger Rune, Jannik Sinner:

“Current tennis is doing well. If I look at what Coco Gauff did at the US Open, it was very special & unique. She is incredible. On the men's side, we are experiencing great moments. Novak rewrites history, Alcaraz wins Wimbledon, Medvedev played fantastic in New York. There are young people arriving, a generation against whom I haven't played at all, Rune, Sinner, & Alcaraz. Unfortunately, I couldn't play against them. The future looks bright, the game will always evolve, & the good thing is that I really enjoy watching & following many results.”

(via Eurosport)



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※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 09/28/2023 15:58:25

kakashi71 09/28 16:04費大爺欽點新big 3嗎

QoGIVoQ 09/28 16:05沒辦法 只好多打幾年了

Giovinazzi9909/28 16:06是壯卡 還是 胖卡

pclemens 09/28 16:12網球佐為 經過千百年仍持續在追求神乎其技

AJIMMY 09/28 16:18怎麼有種找到新玩具的感覺

wayne77925 09/28 16:19以他們年齡差,能打到10次我都覺得不可思議

thumbd08057 09/28 16:28他們現在要打都是決賽了,是想聯手統治下個時代嗎XD

kenkdie2 09/28 16:29請樓下支援世代梗圖

egg10015200209/28 16:35我囧找到新目標了

cruisewu200309/28 16:38永遠的永遠 囧囧

YNHuang 09/28 16:48阿卡: 可以不要嗎(抖)

sammyymmas 09/28 16:49囧:好多次(舔舌)

unred 09/28 16:50如果明年奧運雙打 豆+阿卡vs囧+??? 會很有趣

elvis30901 09/28 16:57阿卡:*

calculus9 09/28 16:57真的要打到洛杉磯喔

walkmen 09/28 16:58這樣至少還要30次以上~~~

HanKWanG199409/28 17:05病嬌囧….

HanKWanG199409/28 17:08

圖 囧:希望能和阿卡對戰好多次

airmark 09/28 17:24就怕囧口沒鬥志 推

airmark 09/28 17:36費爸跟阿卡相差超過20歲 太難對上了 可惜

ZaneTrout 09/28 17:38找到新玩具

ak8118 09/28 18:23Ruud表示:

wwwxxx1999 09/28 18:43笑死 他看起來真的是又找到新動力的感覺

KingSteven 09/28 18:43新生代其他人:......到底什麼時候退......

Taiwanpoker 09/28 18:50兩人大滿貫再對打超過12次其他人接下四五年不用玩了

wwwxxx1999 09/28 18:55

圖 囧:希望能和阿卡對戰好多次

epephanylo 09/28 19:12阿卡 : 有完沒完 我甚麼時候才能開刷GS

jason90814 09/28 19:17Rune跟囧H2H 2:1 虐爆你各位

koexe 09/28 19:37網球還是勢均力敵比較好看

bloodsea 09/28 19:39未來….恩,不是你的

devilhades 09/28 19:46有新玩具欸 好想要一直玩

SC30mvp 09/28 19:47囧:未來是我們的:)

samsam80821 09/28 20:43卡:先不要

jacky6302 09/28 20:44拜託不要啊,阿卡真的成為囧的新動力...

jacky6302 09/28 20:46有種西索看到小傑的變態感....

avon4570 09/28 20:50網球佐為笑死

lane34 09/28 20:57阿卡表示: 先不要!!

carlchang09209/28 21:01原本競爭對手退了找不到挑戰的動力,突然有超級新人

carlchang09209/28 21:01出現找到新的刺激了

littlecula 09/28 21:38西索看到小傑 XDDDD

blairchief 09/28 21:48卡:老師我不想上課

LeeJiEun 09/28 21:56阿卡:魔虛囧甚至還沒出全力 有點對不起他

qk3380888 09/28 21:56哇 未來是屬於這兩個人的

tiffany0510 09/28 22:19攜手共創未來

vincentgotu 09/28 23:00好色

qaxsw 09/28 23:24澤北榮治遇到流川楓:沒想到一年級中,還有像你這

qaxsw 09/28 23:24樣的高手

GeeBen 09/29 00:13阿卡:以後有囧的比賽 我都不比

Midiya 09/29 02:47"再"啦! XD 話說囧好像真的被激起鬥志了 這樣

Midiya 09/29 02:47應該有動力再多打幾年了 耶~

benson502 09/29 07:46未來是我們的

hughjetman 09/29 19:40西索看到小傑莫名的對得上…