[情報] Barty重現獅子王經典場景!!!

看板Tennis標題[情報] Barty重現獅子王經典場景!!!作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:3 轉自WTA新聞

Barty獲頒澳大利亞榮譽勳章 並跳到冰水中支持慈善活動 Barty打扮成獅子王的拉菲其(狒狒)

圖, Barty重現獅子王經典場景!!! 經典場景重現
圖, Barty重現獅子王經典場景!!! 退休一樣忙碌的Barty
圖, Barty重現獅子王經典場景!!!

"I hoped I performed a little bit better on the tennis court, but this is
just the most beautiful day for the right reasons," Barty said after
finishing her descent.

Barty and her fellow celebrities surpassed their goal of two million dollars
in donations for the FightMND charity.

The Aussie legend has been gathering plaudits and experiences since
announcing her retirement in March while still ranked World No.1. Barty endedher career on top, winning her third Grand Slam title on home soil at the
Australian Open in her final event.

心目中的ACGN --- TOP1:
A: 凪のあすから (P.A. Works)
C: To LOVEる -とらぶる- ダークネス (矢吹健太朗)
G: バイオハザード (CAPCOM)
N: アクセル・ワールド (川原礫)
同場加映 同人MOD: 姜維傳 (Ratchet)


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Gillli 06/16 11:34XDDD好可愛

lcy0425 06/16 11:36感覺過的很繽紛!

yankeefat 06/16 11:39不是把辛巴扔出去嗎

o0991758566 06/16 11:41太可愛了吧

kakashi71 06/16 11:51太可愛了啦!!

ZaneTrout 06/16 11:57可愛

fb194854 06/16 12:02超可愛XD

cczx123123 06/16 12:12感覺很開心阿 為她開心~

gp03dan 06/16 12:34很鬧XD

mnyan0503 06/16 12:36好快樂的感覺XD

joey0602 06/16 12:46好可愛哈哈

shargo 06/16 12:51沒有比賽壓力 心情真好

LCWA103A 06/16 13:37退休前兩年比賽時也沒什麼壓力吧(誤

lumy0721 06/16 13:39哈哈,好可愛啊~

apple8335 06/16 14:02好可愛XDD

nutxik 06/16 14:03好可愛!!XDDD

Architect 06/16 14:36媽呀好可愛!!!XDDDDD

KKSlider 06/16 16:03感覺超冷XDDDD

sofisofi 06/16 16:10太歡樂了~

hilary12871406/16 18:52太可愛了啦!!!

ExcellentSun06/16 19:02我的天啊!怎麼這麼可愛啊~

nessie97 06/16 19:26狒狒裝太可愛了吧

tsuping 06/16 21:32好可愛

mn40316 06/16 22:55好可愛!!

slippera 06/16 23:57這個超可愛!

niou 06/17 20:44XDD

GBDog 06/17 22:20那隻辛巴玩偶我也有欸 哈哈哈 迪士尼樂園買的

kidooo 06/18 21:23哈哈哈哈這橋段好俏皮