[情報] Angelique Kerber懷孕

看板Tennis標題[情報] Angelique Kerber懷孕作者
時間推噓36 推:36 噓:0 →:10


I really wanted to play the @usopen but eventually I decided that two againstone just isn't a fair competition

For the next months, I will take a break from traveling the globe as a tennisplayer but then again, I believe it's for the best possible reason !
I will miss all of you.

New York has often been a turning point in my career and it feels like this
year will be no different in some way! From restarting my career in 2011 to
winning the title in 2016 and becoming #1 in the world… the @usopen have a
special place in my heart and I wish I could have said goodbye to all of you
on court before not being around on tour for a while.

Being a professional athlete means everything to me but I'm grateful for the
new path I'm heading to. To be honest, I'm nervous and excited at the same
time. Thanks for your continued support - it means everything to me #TeamAngie——————————————————————————————


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rattss14 08/24 18:222打1不公平XD好可愛 恭喜柯姨

todd0101 08/24 18:32生父是誰啊?印象中沒結婚?

s155352 08/24 18:37Kerber去生產的話,應該也是等同要高掛球拍了吧,

s155352 08/24 18:37畢竟不年輕了


jcj125 08/24 18:39她男友好像是她教練

apple8335 08/24 18:43恭喜Kerber

FUNyuyu 08/24 18:44wow恭喜

vivian2534 08/24 18:46教練男友是很久以前的事了,後來不是還換了教練?

v123510 08/24 18:47恭喜柯伯

jason90814 08/24 18:56小威:沒錯2打1不公平

ineda 08/24 19:37真幽默

RT1994 08/24 19:40恭喜柯姨

funnily 08/24 19:46這兩位科姨是約好的嗎 XD

funnily 08/24 19:48男友至少這兩年大滿貫都會在她的包廂裡看到

iamthebest0808/24 19:59恭喜

dill2315200208/24 20:11What!!!???

blademan 08/24 20:16一打二XD

windsson 08/24 20:21是不是在偷臭小威XD,拿澳網那年其實已經懷孕

MiGuzi 08/24 20:23恭喜科姨

calculus9 08/24 20:32研究指出懷孕時身體素質會變強

zcxvbb736 08/24 20:32哇 真的恭喜柯姨!難怪溫網後就沒再打比賽了 不過這

zcxvbb736 08/24 20:32樣應該也代表…

airflow 08/24 21:25辛公主一打三還是穩穩的


todd0101 08/24 21:28還是借精生子?

imnewvi 08/24 21:29發文也太可愛XD恭喜Kerber

Wall62 08/24 21:30恭喜

oldzealand 08/24 21:31柯姨懷孕啦!

heading 08/24 21:55外國人沒結婚就生小孩的很多

kidooo 08/24 22:30兩個大消息欸! 祝Kerber 生產順利!

todd0101 08/24 22:38Kerber緋聞新男友好像也沒聽過 前教練好像早已分手

todd0101 08/24 22:39突然懷孕真的意外...

namieamuroma08/24 22:41恭喜 她深蹲很強想必一定順產


funnily 08/24 23:02她以前說過單身六、七年 至少出成績那時還單身吧?

※ 編輯: mnyan0503 ( 臺灣), 08/25/2022 00:41:42 ※ 編輯: mnyan0503 ( 臺灣), 08/25/2022 01:10:02

muirhead 08/25 01:43難怪休這麼久!!!

showxl 08/25 01:50恭喜Kerber!

bdgg 08/25 10:28賀 kvi結婚 kerber懷孕 這代的名將也年紀到將離去了

j49222106 08/25 12:28姬芭,懷孕了

airflow 08/25 12:35推深蹲很強,但就怕小孩和淑麗一樣調皮,還是會鬧很久

violin12808 08/25 16:39恭喜

mfo7 08/25 18:09恭喜

redzon 08/25 22:00柯姨的生涯值了

seven711 08/26 01:17推推

angelliao37 08/26 02:59恭喜

Leo0923 08/26 10:40WOW!

Daniel0712 08/26 23:35恭喜

08/29 更新 Kerber限時動態

圖, Angelique Kerber懷孕
※ 編輯: mnyan0503 ( 臺灣), 08/29/2022 20:03:22

maw1019 08/31 16:37恭喜