Re: [問題] 二戰德軍沒攻下列寧格勒是不能還是不為

看板Warfare標題Re: [問題] 二戰德軍沒攻下列寧格勒是不能還是不為作者
(Jerry shou)
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:37

翻了一下The Naval War in the Baltic 1939–1945一書


The Finnish forces had a superiority of two to one and they were able to
advance, while the Soviet forces were on a fast and chaotic retreat. The
German command wanted the Finnish forces to move quickly towards Leningrad,
so that they could meet the German forces as they advanced towards the city
from the south and west. Mannerheim declined. The Finnish government had no
desire to participate in an attack on Leningrad, and Finland also lacked the
necessary dive-bombers and heavy artillery to carry out such an operation. IfFinland had agreed, Leningrad would undoubtedly have fallen around the middleof September.

Mannerheim knew that Finland’s fate would be sealed if Germany lost the war
and he had helped them take Leningrad. At the time around the American entry
into the Second World War, diplomatic pressure, among other things, was put
on Finland by the United States, with the message that if Finland actively
participated in the capture of Leningrad or of the railway line between
Murmansk and Leningrad, then Finnish wishes would not be taken into account
after the war. Unlike Great Britain, the United States did not declare war onFinland.



3.隨著莫斯科的戰鬥陷入膠著,部分部隊被調離列寧格勒戰場。包括德國空軍的VIII. Fliegerkorps
The Baltic Fleet air force had been gradually expanded. The aircraft were,
technologically speaking, not very sophisticated, and the pilots were not as
skilled as their German counterparts, but German air superiority was
gradually reduced in line with the German command being in need of offensive
and defensive aircraft on the other sections of the front. The air defences
in Leningrad had already in 1941 subjected the Luftwaffe to unacceptably highlosses.

Fuel supplies to the northern half of the Eastern Front were almost
exclusively transported by Swedish tankers – the Swedish government had
given its tacit approval to this traffic. The shipowners did incredibly well
out of it, and payment often came in oil, petrol and coal. There was also an
opportunity here to increase revenue, but the shipping transports cost the
lives of many Swedish sailors. Germany paid war reparations if the ships weresunk because of acts of war; the standard marine insurance was no longer
valid, but the Germans were good payers, solely because of their need for
shipping tonnage.




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PAULDAVID02/13 17:55借串問個文章 以前本版有篇文說蘇聯某將領1941時是某大

PAULDAVID02/13 17:55將的副手 被命令帶寡兵作為前鋒打開突破口 結果大將賣

PAULDAVID02/13 17:55了他自帶主力從另一處突圍 而德軍並不相信副將的寡兵是

PAULDAVID02/13 17:55主力 跑去圍大將導致副將所部成為全軍唯一撤出的單位

PAULDAVID02/13 17:56後來副將成長為蘇軍名將

sheep53153102/13 19:55樓上講的應該是巴格拉米揚,後來變元帥

chungrew02/13 20:09

PAULDAVID02/14 00:01找到了 是他沒錯 #13GafUlA 騙他佯攻的老闆是基爾波諾

PAULDAVID02/14 00:01斯 有才 但怎麼說 不太厚道 (歪串)

saltlake02/14 00:54後來這位幸運元帥有個親戚,叫做威利.楊。他吸取前人

saltlake02/14 00:54教訓,也在一次命運的包圍中成功突圍。被譽為魔術師.楊

fetoyeh02/14 01:32威利楊XDDD

dickenst3502/14 10:23艾爾法西爾逃亡XD

XperiaArcS02/14 13:55還因此結識了後來的妻子

PAULDAVID02/14 15:53看來戰前雙方都不知道對方真實底細甚至不知自己極限在

PAULDAVID02/14 15:53哪 馬後炮來說德國機會在於精神方面打垮蘇聯政府 而後

PAULDAVID02/14 15:53者士氣潰了卻奇蹟地沒崩 接著前者的極限就被凸顯出來了

wl0066977302/14 17:27誰知道呢,搞不好租借法案被卡住再拖個一年蘇聯就真

wl0066977302/14 17:27的崩了也說不定

chungrew02/15 00:00蘇聯接受英美的幫助的量非常大

chungrew02/15 00:01大到甚至超過蘇聯本身的生產量

chungrew02/15 00:01如果蘇聯沒有能接受英美的援助

chungrew02/15 00:01蘇聯跟已經征服大半個歐洲的德國單挑

chungrew02/15 00:02誰贏誰輸不好說

chungrew02/15 00:02過往蘇聯的宣傳太過誇大蘇聯的精神意志力量

chungrew02/15 00:03他們沒有強調一個事實:蘇聯接受的援助更多

hedgehogs02/15 00:57不知道俄羅斯的歷史課本有沒有把歐美援助寫進去

tomhawkreal02/15 05:52蘇聯沒有接受援助 東線可能形成僵局 於是開始和談...

PAULDAVID02/15 07:53同意樓上 不過拖越長對納粹越不利 所以還是算蘇方得利?

PeterHenson02/15 13:43其實是打定英美勢必會對德國開戰吧

saltlake02/15 21:42樓上描述的策略和當年老蔣的想法一樣

kuma66022402/16 01:56英國是本來就已經開戰了 不一樣

kuma66022402/16 01:57援助蘇聯是英國本來就必然會做的事

kuma66022402/16 01:59除非英國打算先向德國求和

kuma66022402/16 02:00德蘇突然開戰 英國簡直像中樂透

kuma66022402/16 02:00絕對會希望德蘇打得越拼命越好

cht123402/16 13:54樓上推文有人錯亂了吧,英國拿到的美援助比蘇聯多好幾倍

chungrew02/16 17:51精確的說,我是說「蘇聯接受英美援助的總量」,在部分

chungrew02/16 17:51項目上多於「蘇聯國內的生產量」

chungrew02/16 17:52是跟蘇聯自己的生產能力比較,不是跟國外比

chungrew02/16 17:54以卡車為例,蘇聯把產能都拿去生產坦克,結果蘇聯生產

chungrew02/16 17:54的卡車總量甚至比不上美援卡車量

chungrew02/16 17:57查查租借法案,美國提供蘇聯35.6萬輛卡車

kuma66022402/16 18:46那影響主要是逆推反攻能力

kuma66022402/16 18:47離開本土後連軌道都不一樣 卡車更重要

kuma66022402/16 18:47德國攻勢時要同時生產大量運輸載具

kuma66022402/16 18:48後期戰線往本土退後守勢 才能減少卡車

kuma66022402/16 18:48加碼戰甲車拼產能.

kuma66022402/16 18:49沒有美援 蘇聯每次逆推要集氣時間需更久

kuma66022402/16 18:49他人力物力鋼鐵石油還是優勢

kuma66022402/16 18:50但反推進度應會大幅延後甚至不進柏林

ggghalo202/16 21:06國外援助我記得以前版上的討論結果是剛開戰至1942年的

ggghalo202/16 21:06補給最重要