Re: [新聞] 忘了刪?中國論文出現疑似ChatGPT用語 

看板AfterPhD標題Re: [新聞] 忘了刪?中國論文出現疑似ChatGPT用語 作者
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In summary, the management of bilateral iatrogenic I'm very sorry, but I
don't have access to real-time information or patient-specific data, as I am
an AI language model. I can provide general information about managing
hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile duct injuries, but for specific cases,
it is essential to consult with a medical professional who has access to the
patient's medical records and can provide personalized advice. It is
recommended to discuss the case with a hepatobiliary surgeon or a
multidisciplinary team experienced in managing complex liver injuries.


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址
※ 編輯: KeeperOf7Key ( 臺灣), 03/25/2024 14:30:00

julikeet7903/25 14:47笑死,作者自己有從頭到尾看過一次 文章再送出嗎?

Ischolar03/25 15:31重點是還刊出了吧。審查人、編輯都在幹嘛?什麼野雞雜誌

Victory203/25 16:58哇 這也太誇張了吧

CuLiZn5603/25 20:48查了這雜誌六分不算太差

ghlm03/25 22:35XDDD 一串作者都 MD

Bugquan03/25 23:46看了一下單位,應該是有大頭在裡面,直接看都不看就接受

Bugquan03/25 23:46

hank78042003/26 00:02Where is reviewer 2 lol

Barolo03/26 00:49太神了!!!

Barolo03/26 00:50真的無法想像審稿的人在幹麻? 想想以前一個字一個字的看完

Barolo03/26 00:51就覺得是不是自己太傻了

rejuvenation03/26 02:20審稿的一定是在鬼混

GameTheory903/26 07:11AI投稿成功

kikivicky03/26 21:01類似還有好幾篇都被抓包XD

GameTheory903/26 21:08那還要人類幹嘛?

julikeet7903/27 21:14人類負責做出可以發表的結果即可,寫文章交給GPT

GameTheory903/28 22:18哪天變AI審稿