[問題] 大腸癌病理報告詢問
Sigmoid colon, biopsy, adenocarcinoma (NOS), low grade differentiation. MACROSCOPIC: Quantity: 4 pieces of tissue fragments measuring up to 0.3 cm in greatest dimension. All for section. Note: Irregular and fused, invasive malignant glands lined by columnar cells with desmoplastic stroma. [QC Note] Dr.陳冬英 has reviewed the lesion slide and concurs with the diagnosis of carcinoma. Pathologist: DR. Jie-Yang Jhuang 莊傑仰 病解專醫字第 000478 號
※ PTT 留言評論
Re: [問題] 可以幫忙看一下乳癌病理報告嗎?沒有排版看起來太痛苦了 PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left 4/3, needle biopsy --- Atypical papillary tumor非典型乳突腫瘤 --- Ductal carcinoma in situ原位乳管癌 GROSS FINDING:7
Re: [問題] 肺部腫塊切片等待報告中_求幫看報告板上的大家好 今天病理報告已出來,腦、骨皆沒轉移,報告如下,懇請懂得幫忙一下,畢竟離回診日還有 8天,謝謝各位 Lung, upper lobe, right, biopsy, adenocarcinoma.Description:The specimen submitt ed consists of 7 tissue fragments measuring up to 0.4x0.1x0.1 cm in size, fixed6
Re: [問題] 可否幫忙看一下切片檢查報告後續的病理報告也出來了,不知道有沒有人能幫忙解說一下,謝謝。看起來好像不太樂觀 ? Pancreas, labeled as "P1"; endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle biopsy (EUS FNB): Necrosis (in favor of tumor5
[問題] 乳癌病理報告 乳癌類型大家好 家中有長輩腫瘤大小約1.2~1.4 cm ,上週做了切片,結果是: ER: positive (99%) PR: negative Her-2: positive (3+)3
Re: [問題] 乳房切片報告我是上篇原作者 因太心慌 誤以為上一篇超音波報告是切片報告 今天健保app切片病理報告出來了 再請前輩幫忙解答,非常謝謝! Breast, left, core needle biopsy, invasive ductal carcinoma. SUMMARY OF MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:2
[問題] 可以幫忙看一下乳癌病理報告嗎?PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left 4/3, needle biopsy --- Atypical papillary tumor --- Ductal carcinoma in situ GROSS FINDING: The specimen fixed in forma lin consists of 3 strips of tissue, measuring 0.6x0.3x0.1 cm. The largest meas ures 0.6x0.1x0.1 cm. All for section in one block. Immunohistochemical stains for CK5, p40, estrogen receptor (ER) are done. (WYC) MICROSCOPIC FINDING: Sect2
問題 乳房切片報告因為下禮拜才要回診 想請問病理報告是否有異常 謝謝 The specimen submitted consists of seven tissue fragments measuring up to 1.8x0. 1x0.1 cm in size. Grossly, they are white-yellow and elastic. All for one sectio1
[問題] 大腸息肉報告媽媽上週做了大腸鏡有切除幾顆息肉 剛剛健保快易通報告出來 用google翻譯一下 是腫瘤性腺瘤..請問這是良性還是惡性? 謝謝1
問題 皮膚息肉切片報告去年做了皮膚息肉切除順便做了病理檢查 因為門診沒有再約回診 剛剛才知道健保快易通有報告可看想確認一下報告是否正常 S1144237 病理報告: Pathologic diagnosis: Vulva, excision --- Fibroepithelial po lyp. Gross description: The specimen received consists of a piece of tan gray so1
[問題] 乳房病理報告大家好, 近期要回診, 已在快易通看到上禮拜穿刺的報告, 近期醫生也有安排電腦斷層之類的, 以下有先用翻譯看是乳癌,期數?