[閒聊] 漢莎航空下訂A220-300及737 MAX 8

看板Aviation標題[閒聊] 漢莎航空下訂A220-300及737 MAX 8作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:15


A220-300 40架+20架Options,將配置在Lufthansa City Airlines

737 MAX 8 40架+60架Options,尚未決定配置在哪個公司

A320neo Famiy 40架Options,目前A320neo及A321neo尚有71架尚未交付完成

A220-300跟737 MAX 8將從2026年開始交付,其中737 MAX 8將是737-500自2016年除役後睽違10年737家族回歸漢莎集團




Lufthansa Group orders 80 new highly efficient short- and medium-haul aircraft and agrees on a further 120 purchasing options

The Lufthansa Group is purchasing a total of 80 ultra-modern short and
medium-haul aircraft. The company's Executive Board has decided on

- The purchase of 40 Airbus A220-300s and 20 purchasing options
- The purchase of 40 Boeing 737-8 MAX and 60 purchasing options
- Purchasing options for 40 additional aircraft of the A320 family

The Supervisory Board has approved the acquisition today.

Dr. Detlef Kayser, Member of the Executive Board, Fleet and Technology: "Withtoday's aircraft order, we are accelerating the largest fleet modernization
in our company's history. This increases our order list of around 200
aircraft to 280 – plus an additional 120 purchasing options for further
state-of-the-art short- and medium-haul aircraft. We are pleased that both
Airbus and Boeing were able to convince us on all commercial and
technological aspects. In addition to this, the decision for the Boeing 737-8MAX will also give us more flexibility for the procurement of short- and
medium-haul aircraft in the future. The new ultra-modern aircraft offer our
guests additional comfort. They are also quieter, more economical, more
efficient, and emit up to 30 percent less CO2 than their predecessor models.
The order demonstrates our airlines' future viability and ability to invest,
and it shows that we are living up to our responsibility to reduce our carbonemissions."

Airbus A220-300

This latest-generation aircraft has 148 seats and consumes around 2.5 liters
of fuel per 100 passenger kilometers. The A220 is intended for use by the
newly founded airline Lufthansa City Airlines and will be deployed on
short-haul routes from Frankfurt and Munich. With its ultra-modern geared
turbofan engines from Pratt & Whitney, the A220-300 is ideal for use in
feeder traffic. The first aircraft is scheduled for delivery in 2026.

Boeing 737-8 MAX

The Boeing 737-8 MAX is the further development and 4th generation of the
world's most widespread commercial aircraft. The aircraft will have 190 seatsin Business and Economy Class and, thanks to its efficient engines from CFM
International, will only consume around 2.2 liters per 100
passenger-kilometers. The first aircraft is expected in the third quarter of
2027. As the planned growth path for both Lufthansa Airlines, including
Lufthansa City Airlines, and SWISS is already underpinned by aircraft orders,the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft will be deployed in one of the Lufthansa Group's
other flight operations. The decision on this will be made at a later date.

Airbus A320 family

In addition to the firm orders, Lufthansa Group has secured a further 40
purchase options for aircraft from the A320 family. Around 450 aircraft of
this model series are currently in service with Lufthansa Group airlines,
making it well-established in the short- and medium-haul segment. 71 A320neo
and A321neo aircraft that have already been ordered will be delivered in the
next few years. With the agreed 40 purchase options, Lufthansa Group is now
securing favorable conditions for future orders as part of the Airbus offer.

New aircraft biggest lever for CO2 reduction

With a current fleet of more than 700 commercial aircraft, the Lufthansa
Group is pursuing a long-term fleet strategy focused on cost efficiency and
reducing emissions. Compared to their predecessor models, the new additions
to the Lufthansa Group fleet have up to 30 percent lower fuel consumption andcorrespondingly lower carbon emissions. The Lufthansa Group aims to halve itsnet carbon emissions by 2030 compared to 2019 in order to achieve carbon
neutrality by 2050.

Around USD 9 billion at list price

The aircraft orders agreed today, worth around USD 9 billion at list prices,
are not expected to have a significant impact on the Group's capital
expenditure in 2023 and 2024, the period covered by the current medium-term
plan. Net investments of between EUR 2.5 billion and EUR 3 billion are
expected in 2023. Capital expenditure in 2024 is expected to be at a similar


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qwe75395112/20 21:40我猜奧地利航空會換737 MAX

kugh200512/20 21:44沒辦法,A320爆單交機時程排到很後面了

taxlaw199112/20 22:10當年737的發起客戶就是LH

CORSA12/20 22:45要是A320買到Made in Tienjin的產品就很有趣了

acomp12/21 06:50天津產線沒有大到可以回銷歐洲

iqeqicq12/21 11:12美國阿拉巴馬州莫比爾也有A220生產線

cityport12/21 14:25A220當初跑到Mobile是因為川普嗆聲給龐巴迪課關稅的緣故

cityport12/21 14:26台灣應該不能進口中國製空巴..但可以進口美國製造的空巴

cityport12/21 14:29Max最地獄的是廁所..轉身就撞牆..洗手就噴全身

acomp12/21 14:57Mobile也是美籍航空A320neo的生產地

acomp12/21 15:00FAA年中發佈窄體客機廁所新規範,要求必須能塞進殘障人士和

acomp12/21 15:01一個協助的人

cityport12/21 16:02要能塞2個人? 那不是逼AA全面停飛嗎XDDDD

kugh200512/21 21:56應該要規定未來的飛機都要讓身障者不用下輪椅就能在機上

kugh200512/21 21:56自由活動,這樣A380才能復活

iqeqicq12/21 23:38還不如預留頭等艙商務艙給身障和行動不備者

iqeqicq12/21 23:38畢竟他們有票價優惠

iqeqicq12/21 23:39台灣不是常見輪椅大軍嗎?

domago12/22 06:46能塞兩人變空中砲艇了吧

acomp12/22 12:10製造商沒這麼笨. 搞不好就把兩個相鄰小廁所中間門拆掉

cityport12/22 13:16只有廁所塞在galley裡面的才相鄰..走道2側的無法