[分享] KLaw Top 100 Prospects: 83 林昱珉

看板Baseball標題[分享] KLaw Top 100 Prospects: 83 林昱珉作者
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Lin barely cracked my top-20 Diamondbacks prospects last year, as he wasn’t
throwing that hard (around 89-90 mph) and got inexperienced hitters out becausehe had such good 、offspeed stuff. He topped out in 2023 at 94, and the
secondaries are still there, while he keeps adding and tinkering with his
arsenal, throwing a true screwball (which already makes me a fan),a plus
changeup, a curve, a slider, and now a cutter as well. He’s very athletic andfiercely competitive,fielding his position extremely well, and now that he’s
got a big-league fastball it’s a lot easier to see him staying in the rotation.He doesn’t walk guys because he’s aggressive when he gets to 3-ball counts,
but it’s 45 control right now as he gets a lot of chases on the secondaries.
He dominated High A and moved up to Double-A Amarillo — an extreme hitter’s
park — midseason, becoming homer-prone at home(6 HRA in 34 2/3 innings) but
not on the road (1 HRA in 26 1/3 innings). Lin is going to face a lot of biasbecause he’s small (listed at 5-11, 160, but height don’t measure heart …
or changeups) and because he’s from Taiwan, which so far has produced only twosuccessful MLB starters, Chien-Ming Wang and Wei-Yin Chen.Neither of those isa real issue here — he’s got the weapons, the poise, the competitiveness,
and the athleticism to start, and if he holds this stuff while improving his
command and control, he has mid-rotation potential.

地獄でいきなり聖書なんえ 読み上げやがってえ~~~~~~~~~っ!!殺すえおっ!!


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Zamned02/05 19:34發錯 不能砍QQ

Fitzwilliam02/05 19:35原來玉米會投螺絲球!

※ 編輯: Zamned ( 臺灣), 02/05/2024 19:41:04

seimo02/05 19:40真的很看好 主要是他真的很competitive 這一點真的

seimo02/05 19:40在他這種身軀下更難得可貴。其實他跟林詔恩身高身

seimo02/05 19:40形都像 但投球一個狂一個靜真的很期待他們兩人以後

seimo02/05 19:40進入國家隊。

killua020902/05 19:40請版主刪掉吧

hbk2049102/05 19:41