[討論] Is 陳柏豪 really a good closer?

看板Baseball標題[討論] Is 陳柏豪 really a good closer?作者
時間推噓6X 推:41 噓:103 →:34

I've seen a lot of baseball fanpages and youtubers include 陳柏豪 on their
list for the upcoming premier 12. TBH, I don't think he's really that good.
Ofc his standard stats are pretty good, like a 1.44 era with 30 sv.
However, when you look at his advances, well, I won't use the word "bad"
but he's def not "good". His FIP is 2.5 higher than his ERA, K% LD% is around avg but BB% is "awful". Additionally, his BABIP is much lower than the avg.
Looks to me he doesn't have an outpitch, and I wonder if he can be
as competitive in Premier 12 which is way more intense compared to the CPBL.
Feel like there are other better choices. Just my 2 cents.


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AnnWow10/02 18:23

knightwww10/02 18:23?

※ 編輯: willy1103 ( 臺灣), 10/02/2024 18:23:42

Largebird10/02 18:23講人話

thomas101610/02 18:23

Notif52010/02 18:24? 你還是說人話吧 阿鬼

k38547691610/02 18:24廢文

crayon198810/02 18:24??

WongTakashi10/02 18:24哪裡有賣翻譯蒟蒻?

octopus440610/02 18:24

Kyrieisme10/02 18:24看ptt學英文

chiawww10/02 18:24三小

jerry0011610/02 18:24It's good to drink ?

aerith122610/02 18:24建議寫文章要附照片

cccmn10/02 18:24是不是連放三天假學生太無聊了

lyt556610/02 18:25講人話

Miyanishi2510/02 18:25湖迷水準

buke10/02 18:25維大力?

Godshou50810/02 18:25講中文

pcfox10/02 18:26廢文not "good"

losa10/02 18:26你有事嗎

LeftCorner10/02 18:26放假很無聊?

junhai10/02 18:26I don car

HSUGuangHan10/02 18:26Well received

FatZiiiii10/02 18:26英文報告?

ntuegg10/02 18:27郭天信:

laihom080810/02 18:27維大力?

pad37019810/02 18:27大家說英語?

venom95710/02 18:27統一布丁?

LastDinosaur10/02 18:28at least your English isn't dogwater, I'll allo

LastDinosaur10/02 18:28w it

flylim090210/02 18:28這裡是台灣

popie102310/02 18:28公三小啦

shernway10/02 18:29維大力?

※ 編輯: willy1103 ( 臺灣), 10/02/2024 18:29:25

PGCHAI10/02 18:29This is a book

chihcsck10/02 18:29天哥應該嗆你的

LastDinosaur10/02 18:29and tbh no RP in CPBL is really having an outpi

LastDinosaur10/02 18:29tch, we probably still needs taiwanese players

LastDinosaur10/02 18:29in other leagues to help us win games

How abt 張奕? I think he's been snubbed the whole season. 2.7 FIP 22 K% 8 BB%


HoriMiona10/02 18:29德撲仔不喜歡這篇

daniel020310/02 18:30你認為又如何呢

AlZardZero10/02 18:30台灣IP假鬼假怪

iriswee10/02 18:30idk

ayachyan10/02 18:32丟ChatGPT翻的:

yaieki10/02 18:32來亂的喔

ayachyan10/02 18:32我看到很多棒球粉絲專頁和YouTuber在他們的即將到來的

ayachyan10/02 18:32「十二強」名單中提到陳柏豪。老實說,我覺得他並不算

ayachyan10/02 18:32特別好。當然,他的基本數據還不錯,比如1.44的自責分

ayachyan10/02 18:32率和30次救援。不過,當你看他的進階數據時,我不想用

ayachyan10/02 18:32「糟糕」這個詞,但他絕對不是「好」。他的FIP比ERA高

ayachyan10/02 18:32出2.5,K%和LD%大約在平均水平,但BB%卻「很糟」。此外

ayachyan10/02 18:32,他的BABIP也低於平均水平。在我看來,他似乎沒有拿手

ayachyan10/02 18:32的出局球,我懷疑他在競爭激烈的「十二強」中能否表現

ayachyan10/02 18:32得像在CPBL一樣出色。我覺得還有其他更好的選擇。這只

ayachyan10/02 18:32是我的一些看法。

Eyrie10/02 18:32TKS N BRGDS

pinky84111810/02 18:32阿鬼,你還是說中文吧

a463623010/02 18:32白話文是說R豪不應該被帶進12強

wenfei10/02 18:32Where are you from?

killua020910/02 18:32???

glenliu10/02 18:32I think there’s no restriction about using English t

glenliu10/02 18:32o post discussions

mutta10/02 18:32笑死 超亞洲人的文法

olivier79710/02 18:32It’s good to drink?

pcypcy10/02 18:32請講中文,你之前的文章就有中文。烙英文並沒有比較高級XD

wenfei10/02 18:33欸 我剛剛要按推的 等下補推

iampcuser10/02 18:33Fermez-la

flylim090210/02 18:33I am fine thank u

※ 編輯: willy1103 ( 臺灣), 10/02/2024 18:37:38

captain0310/02 18:34?

mutta10/02 18:34寫的不差 但就很亞洲人文法 建議在ptt用中文比較實際

LADKUO5610/02 18:34看是看得懂 為什麼要特別來棒球板裝歪國人?

wenfei10/02 18:35補血

ned9024510/02 18:36這種文法麻煩就不要出來丟人現眼了

alpacaHong10/02 18:37我都唸Costco

gandalflee10/02 18:37裝啥啊 英文有很好?

ai8610910/02 18:37

mike0210/02 18:38義大利?!

ntuegg10/02 18:38Me’s enaglish are not well

※ 編輯: willy1103 ( 臺灣), 10/02/2024 18:38:45

gary6710/02 18:39

kitsunemihu10/02 18:39笑著看完發現大家都在噓XD

kaiyukuo10/02 18:39下一篇是日文嗎?

TwPeiking10/02 18:39

HANK0508050810/02 18:40英文作文自己去找老師改

stanley8630010/02 18:40omg desu

Suntia10/02 18:40Is this a pen? No,that is a pencil.

hcastray10/02 18:41維大力

sswwer10/02 18:41維大力?!

pon732810/02 18:41WOW

PPLong88910/02 18:42welcome to Taiwan

anomic2410/02 18:42外國球探嗎

ZILY12310/02 18:42笑死 台式英文裝個啥

pogins10/02 18:43想認真討論數據的話,就把每一項的數據都附上吧。除了FIP

pogins10/02 18:43之外,R雞的其他進階數據你就只有說普或bad,但為何覺得普

pogins10/02 18:43或差要附理由啊

a177304210/02 18:43爛到笑

onmyway10/02 18:43不是,跟你的英文一樣爛

cobincarrol10/02 18:44認真回 有些地方你太制式化了

cobincarrol10/02 18:44可以的話盡量口語化一點

supahotfire10/02 18:44郭添信?是你嗎?

Tonyx59902610/02 18:44哪裡寫得不差xd 不行啦

BayAreaUnite10/02 18:45???

jomon81710/02 18:46這咖怎麼又來了

hancao081610/02 18:46還行吧,不選他也沒什麼人能選阿

selena32010/02 18:46??

spicy30510/02 18:47笑死

CusRise10/02 18:47笑死

junhai10/02 18:48幫你改好了

pcfox10/02 18:48故意不用中文喔 算不算亂板?

LanTz10/02 18:48語言就是看得懂能溝通就好 管他什麼台式 氣噗噗是怎樣

d0610/02 18:49颱風假也會有怪人

WongTakashi10/02 18:49邁向雙語化國家終於成功了嗎?

LoseElk10/02 18:50這篇用中文可以 用英文看起來就很廢XD

a2778332210/02 18:50Willy STFU

LanTz10/02 18:52說真的原po再怎樣也講得讓你們都看懂了你們才噓的不是嗎

JohnZhuang10/02 18:54這英文超爛

Yjizz10/02 18:54颱風天就這樣 要是放長假還得了

LanTz10/02 18:54不懂這些人是因為自卑到要噓台式還是真的優越到要噓

Kanojyo10/02 18:54Tian-Shin, Kuo: OTW

GodtoneIsGod10/02 18:56Nobody cares, stfu

sbxkaku10/02 18:56U bad

MillerReggie10/02 18:57這ID也是小有名氣

jumpdog556610/02 18:58英文這麼爛還敢po廢文

a1234974310/02 19:00yea…..don’t bother to read it ! U sucker

sexbox10/02 19:00you的english good bat bat

icou10/02 19:00May show gun more?

jzzy10/02 19:02可憐

EDFR10/02 19:04haha

missweet10/02 19:04I’m fine. Thank you and you?

ultratimes10/02 19:05中肯 25人外選的,我覺得樂天還是要找其他人啦

cyesgin10/02 19:06You article bad

daisybubble10/02 19:09寫得不差了喇 應該有台灣人英文能力PR90以上

Ruly031110/02 19:10已購買,小孩很愛吃

yuchiwang10/02 19:10This is a book

kukukuma10/02 19:12三小?

miumiu131410/02 19:15???

tony71110/02 19:17供三小

ahgjk10/02 19:18這裡是臺灣

king2in9la10/02 19:18笑死給推

cloudin10/02 19:18颱風假可以不要再放了嗎= =

snow556610/02 19:19用AI 呵呵

RicFlair10/02 19:21this is a pen, that is a pencil

takeshikun10/02 19:23im fine,and you?

phoenixhong10/02 19:25good morning,students.

phoenixhong10/02 19:25good morning,miss Lee.

Iori556610/02 19:26請問一下,這種明顯鬧板的文章不退文不永桶說得過去嗎?

kevin996410/02 19:26謝謝你 兄弟

niceright10/02 19:27Well, I know

steven85310/02 19:29lol

bread22010/02 19:31公三小?滾

a7607854710/02 19:32yes he is fine

usercode10/02 19:32you don't even know how to calculate FIP, don't you

eric0210/02 19:35This is a book

ji31g42go6110/02 19:35好,他不強,請讓他多休息。

Touber10/02 19:36看得懂補推

WanYC10/02 19:38I’m fine thank you, and you?

b5410210/02 19:44sorry my english is bed

sorrry3000010/02 19:49

rtka10/02 19:57I want to say 絲髮不拱平


ratom031510/02 20:04RIN CHINESE IN HERE.

Lisanity10/02 20:11Who cars

giancarlo8210/02 20:23using acronyms doesn't make your shitpost better

ssnight10/02 20:26他數據不好,然後呢?

garbage12310/02 20:30

garbage12310/02 20:31about your opinion

coolrock10/02 20:35賴世雄教英語

rickcoo10/02 20:36GG ininder

venom95710/02 20:44wtf

nccu091110/02 20:57See you in the bucket

Mrlegend10/02 21:46XDXD

nkchen10/02 22:08Nice opinion

sustto10/02 22:09水啦

TsaoLuka7110/02 22:14高中英文課的作業?

s22633413310/02 22:57讚啦

Gotou10/02 23:04阿鬼你還是說中文吧

cj092010/02 23:07這是你的颱風天家庭作業?是自選老師派的嗎?

vans72610/02 23:46不能噓 不然大家以為我看不懂 好文