[情報] 伍佩琴拒絕紅襪隊總管面試

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時間推噓17 推:17 噓:0 →:13

Kim Ng has declined her chance to interview with the Red Sox, per @ChrisCotillo and @Sean_McAdam.

A major name taken out of the interviewing process.



Some Red Sox-connected people think she’s taking the year off/not pursuing anything in this hiring cycle.



Red Sox have a new name in the mix to replace Chaim Bloom and it’s Gabe Kapler, per @alexspeier.

Played for the Red Sox from 2003-2006. Managed the Greenville Drive in 2007.

Worked as the Dodgers Director of Player Development and has managed for the Phillies and Giants.

不過也出現一個新名字:Gabe Kapler



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terrymoon10/21 08:59台灣某位二連霸的海外顧問 可以嗎

JimK051110/21 09:00富邦需要你

Chanlin0110/21 09:03紅襪隊總管是多屎缺

johnwu10/21 09:05連談都不要 XDD

eee6010910/21 09:06紅襪有毒

JohnLackey10/21 09:14笑死 Cora自己兼吧

Giovinazzi9910/21 09:15波士頓種族歧視嚴重吧

poz9310/21 09:16美國富邦

Kaberman56910/21 09:19中職某海外顧問可以找

AbukumaKai10/21 09:32太平洋的另一端 有一個海外顧問可以問問看

AbukumaKai10/21 09:33雖然是海外顧問 但不知道為啥人都在島上 不用擔心撲空

flyslider10/21 09:39華人去波士頓當白領 搞自己喔

Lebrono10/21 09:43屎缺

iverson096810/21 09:46我襪好慘

appshjkli10/21 10:00歧視嚴重的地方還是不要了

Kitakami10/21 10:05不去面試中信兄弟海外顧問***嗎

captain0310/21 10:06總冠軍八連勝的***參考一下

captain0310/21 10:06*總冠軍賽

kotchman10/21 10:28以前Theo不是在那當得好好的,現在怎麼眾人避之唯恐不

kotchman10/21 10:28及?

saidon10/21 10:34theo那都多久以前了

smileshou10/21 10:34Theo 超有料到可以打破 2 個球隊的 curses~也是在2011

smileshou10/21 10:34年崩盤後走人~

MapleLeaf15110/21 10:40球迷不友善 老闆不花錢 總欸背刺發怪聲 老屁股高層

MapleLeaf15110/21 10:40限制決策權 這種拿前途當背鍋俠的屎缺 誰來誰倒楣

everysho10/21 10:41我看推特襪迷對他有興趣的說…

saidon10/21 10:48而且伍還不是近期第一個拒絕紅襪gm這個缺的 也就是這位置

saidon10/21 10:48大家都知道有毒沒人敢接

A1358964110/21 11:23邦邦準備好了

JKjohnwick10/21 12:59去波士頓應該會被歧視啦