[情報] 加州聯邦檢察官對一平案的官方新聞稿

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Japanese-Language Translator Charged in Complaint with Illegally TransferringMore Than $16 Million from Baseball Player’s Account


Thursday, April 11, 2024

LOS ANGELES – A Japanese-language translator was charged today via federal
criminal complaint with unlawfully transferring more than $16 million from a
Major League Baseball (MLB) player’s bank account – without the player’s
knowledge or permission – to pay off his own substantial gambling debts
incurred with an illegal bookmaking operation.





Ippei Mizuhara, 39, of Newport Beach, is charged with bank fraud, a felony
offense that carries a statutory maximum sentence of 30 years in federal

39 歲的水原一平來自紐波特海灘(Newport Beach)


這是一項重罪,法定最高刑責為 30 年聯邦監禁

Mizuhara is expected to appear in United States District Court in downtown Los Angeles for his initial appearance in the near future.


According to an affidavit filed with the complaint, from November 2021 to
January 2024, Mizuhara wired more than $16 million in unauthorized transfers
from a checking account belong to an MLB player identified in the affidavit as “Victim A,” who in fact is MLB star Shohei Ohtani. The transfers from this
bank account allegedly were made from devices and IP addresses associated with Mizuhara, who served as Ohtani’s translator and de facto manager.

根據與起訴書一同提交的一份書面證詞,從 2021 年 11 月到 2024 年 1 月

水原未經授權從屬於一名 MLB 球員的帳戶中匯款超過 1600 萬美元

將其稱為"受害者 A",而受害者 A 實際上就是 MLB 球星大谷翔平

該銀行帳戶的轉帳據稱是透過與水原(Mizuhara)相關的設備和 IP 地址進行


In 2018, Mizuhara accompanied Ohtani, who didn’t speak English, to a bank
branch in Arizona to assist Ohtani in opening the account and translated for
Ohtani when setting up the account details. Ohtani’s salary from playing
professional baseball was deposited into this account and he never gave
Mizuhara control of this or any of his other financial accounts, according tothe affidavit. Mizuhara allegedly told Ohtani’s U.S.-based financial
professionals, none of whom spoke Japanese, that Ohtani denied them access tothe account.







In September 2021, Mizuhara began gambling with an illegal sports book and,
several months later, started losing substantial sums of money, the affidavitstates. During this time, the contact information on Ohtani’s bank account
allegedly was changed to link the account to Mizuhara’s phone number and to
an anonymous email address connected to Mizuhara.

書面證詞稱,2021 年 9 月,水原開始在一家非法體育博彩公司賭博




Mizuhara allegedly also telephoned the bank and falsely identified himself asOhtani to trick bank employees into authorizing wire transfers from Ohtani’s
bank account to associates of the illegal gambling operation.



From January 2024 to March 2024, he also allegedly used this same account to
purchase via eBay and Whatnot approximately 1,000 baseball cards – at a cost
of approximately $325,000 – and had them mailed to Mizuhara under an alias,
“Jay Min,” and mailed to the clubhouse for Ohtani’s current MLB team.

據稱,從 2024 年 1 月到 2024 年 3 月

他還用同一帳戶透過 eBay 和 Whatnot 購買約 1000 張棒球卡(成本約為32.5萬美元)

並化名為"Jay Min"將這些棒球卡郵寄給水原,再郵寄到大谷目前所在的MLB球隊會所

In an interview last week with law enforcement, Ohtani denied authorizing
Mizuhara’s wire transfers. Ohtani provided his cellphone to law enforcement,
who determined that there was no evidence to suggest that Ohtani was aware of, or involved in, Mizuhara’s illegal gambling activity or payment of those




A criminal complaint is merely an allegation, and the defendant is presumed
innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court
of law.


IRS Criminal Investigation and Homeland Security Investigations are
investigating this matter.



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BJshow04/12 02:23買棒球卡是要叫道奇的人簽嗎

eric05069204/12 02:2430年要關一輩子了吧 出來都70歲了

moment61204/12 02:25整個看下來還是覺得好扯 所以一開始輸錢就把腦筋動到

moment61204/12 02:25大谷身上了

Timmotor04/12 02:25乾,檢察官背書,谷黑要崩潰了

starchiang04/12 02:25

Roystu04/12 02:26還好有錄音

a6052502504/12 02:26谷黑:全美編故事保一人

qwamnbfgop2104/12 02:26從一開始就幫自己留後路了 細思極恐

starchiang04/12 02:26真的想不到,原本老老實實做個貼身翻譯,這輩子安穩了

QAZQWESDX04/12 02:26偷1000萬台幣買棒球卡…

BJshow04/12 02:26美國調查都會查的很清楚 保人幹嘛==

starchiang04/12 02:27但碰到賭,短短五年內身敗名裂

RanceTsai04/12 02:27唉 太貪了

yang82604/12 02:28沒整形的話回日本也絕對每天被大眾幹死

lazuritechen04/12 02:28最好只有買棒球卡

a095213663704/12 02:28案情那麼清楚了,有一平詐騙銀行行員的錄音餒,所以

a095213663704/12 02:28反谷男孩還要辯啥

JoAdell04/12 02:28從2018就佈局了 真的扯

willowlin04/12 02:29還有一平傳訊息告訴組頭是他偷錢的加密簡訊

lnonai04/12 02:31 所以大谷沒事了吧

zteboom4604/12 02:32一平的老婆好可憐 嫁給這種道德缺陷的人

BJshow04/12 02:33哪裡沒事 損失至少1600萬鎂 +上一些代言暫停

rescueM704/12 02:33可以一輩子過爽爽的翻譯 被賭給毀了

joeynbaheat04/12 02:33爽啦 這種高級蹭仔終於出包了

BJshow04/12 02:33最爽翻譯自己搞掉

moment61204/12 02:34錢是其次 重點是還好沒影響大谷的生涯

ushiwakamaru04/12 02:36谷黑:FBI被買通了 嗚哇哇哇

iAsshole04/12 02:37一定要翻得這麼爛嗎?


happyaw04/12 02:37鍵盤谷黑等下就翻案給你看

Tokuseki04/12 02:38機翻內容正確與否都無法確定的人就別po了好嗎

Kreen04/12 02:38該銀行也是蠻瞎的,改電話號碼、信箱,居然沒有聯絡原本帳

Kreen04/12 02:39戶。考量到帳戶用來存打球所得,扣完稅大概兩千多萬鎂,異

Kreen04/12 02:39常大筆匯款達 16m 到非法營運商也沒有跟本人確認。

sdiaa04/12 02:39不是說正在認罪協商中 那樣就不會判到滿啦

weiyilan04/12 02:39所以是仗著大谷不會英文從一開始就在騙嗎

mouse85113004/12 02:40銀行員不知道大谷英文不好嗎?

fakeoldboy04/12 02:47棒球卡是三小

aska4879A04/12 02:48說明了你的錢就是我的錢

fakeoldboy04/12 02:49銀行的人沒人會日文 讓這件事出奇容易

fakeoldboy04/12 02:49美國銀行好像有點瞎

xd12346dx104/12 02:51機翻好歹也潤一下吧…

sdiaa04/12 02:52美國的銀行也是有類似我們農漁會這種小地區性的

sdiaa04/12 02:53如果是全國性大銀行 比較容易找到會各種語言的員工

willowlin04/12 02:53整件事最可怕的是2018年帶他去開戶的時候,一平就留後

willowlin04/12 02:53手了,告訴大谷美國的財管人員大谷不要他們管這個帳戶

saidon04/12 02:56這機翻文字翻的很生硬 潤個稿八


duo13104/12 03:13棒球卡就洗錢阿~~明明住加州結果在az開銀行帳戶= =

sunrise2504/12 03:20這局也佈真久

Eloye04/12 03:26這看起來早在18年跑去AZ 開帳戶就在下套了好嘛

AirPenguin04/12 03:35大谷信任水原勝過那些美國理財專員結果反而被騙

AirPenguin04/12 03:36八成一開始只A小錢後面越來越貪

AirPenguin04/12 03:36輸都大谷的贏都自己的難怪賭到停不下來

kprince04/12 03:37當初大谷選擇延遲支薪的時候水原應該超慌的吧....

iPolo304/12 03:43所以看起來是不能讓認罪協商嗎?

※ 編輯: rayisgreat ( 臺灣), 04/12/2024 04:02:31

mouscat04/12 03:51Pretender好強 從一開始開戶就在騙

goolgo04/12 04:08球棒卡的功能是啥, 跟賭博有關嗎?

goolgo04/12 04:08喔喔,原來是為了洗錢

saidon04/12 05:35潤完稿讀起來順暢多了 推

Nikagnef04/12 06:15之前那些無腦黑跟一平差不多垃圾 都進去蹲吧

rahim04/12 06:58銀行至少也找個會日文的人去跟大谷確認吧,金額這麽大,而

rahim04/12 06:58且在美國找一個會日文的行員應該不到很難吧

air80113004/12 07:23也不是,是因為春訓在AZ,算是旅美第一站

jurickson04/12 08:05谷黑:不管啦 檢察官無腦保大谷

henry191504/12 08:13這麼早就謀劃了嗎…

discoveryray04/12 08:17水原沒跑路還回美國也是很妙

taeyeon0904/12 08:21為什麼要跑 賺翻了 蹲個幾年就出來享受了啊

vladnya04/12 08:23真的是外勞的風險,出國打工都會被當地人騙

iloorange04/12 08:28現在變負面教科書了

likeyouuu04/12 08:37FBI 國稅局 國土安全部 vs 谷黑 哪邊會贏呢?! lol

puyo04/12 08:46標準老僑吃新僑

terry264004/12 09:24A先生 笑死

sunnyyoung04/12 11:38大谷有提供手機 那調查人員一定有偷看大谷和老婆甜蜜

sunnyyoung04/12 11:38蜜的對話

foxey04/12 14:04全世界都認識水原是大谷貼身的翻譯和夥伴 銀行還能說什麼?

foxey04/12 14:05基本防詐本人確認 但本人還是要過翻譯 翻譯當然能隻手遮天

foxey04/12 14:05電話拿個隨便和大谷說些日文 再回頭和銀行員說大谷說可以

foxey04/12 14:06銀行員也不懂日語 就算書面同意也是丟給水原和他說 水原瞎

foxey04/12 14:07掰一下大谷也是會簽啦 那些點同意前先詳閱幾千字的規章 最

foxey04/12 14:08好每個字都會細看 大老闆也是丟給法務特助之類 哪有那美國

foxey04/12 14:09時間自己處理 身邊親密戰友搞鬼又語言不通 不是因為涉及賭

foxey04/12 14:10博和運動有關還非法 多半會被吸血吸到老都還不知道吧