[分享] Jeff Passan 談佐佐木朗希

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時間推噓17 推:19 噓:2 →:19

Jeff Passan寫的今年自由球員預覽



There has been widespread speculation about whether Sasaki, the 22-year-old phenom from Japan, will be posted to MLB this winter. The speculation is filled with contradictory information that does not reflect the current state of Sasaki's plans. Here, from domestic and international sources, is what ESPN learned aboutwhere Sasaki stands.

1) Sasaki wanted to enter the posting system, which allows for the transfer of Japanese players to MLB, last offseason. He would have forfeited hundreds of millions of dollars in a potential future contract. Any player under 25 years old who gets posted is subject to international signing restrictions, which would limit Sasaki's potential signing bonus to less than $10 million, as happened when Ohtani was posted by the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters at 23. Sasaki's team, the Chiba Lotte Marines, said no.

2) Sasaki's relationship with the Marines was damaged accordingly, and he wantsto leave again. The Marines plan to decide whether to put Sasaki in the postingsystem after the season. Were they to do so before 2026, they would receive a posting fee of less than $2 million. By contrast, the Orix Buffaloes received a $50.6 million fee from the Dodgers on the deal for Yamamoto, who was 25.

3) Sasaki is in the midst of arguably the worst year of his career but still has posted elite numbers (2.45 ERA, 91 strikeouts, 25 walks, two home runs in 77 innings) and impressed scouts with his stuff, particularly a triple-digit fastball and devastating splitter. Evaluators still believe Sasaki is one of the most talented pitchers in the world, but he did miss time earlier this season because of a right arm injury.





In short: No one knows whether Sasaki will be posted. Lotte controls the entireprocess and can keep Sasaki through the 2026 season if it so desires. The decision should come around mid-November, following the conclusion of the Nippon Professional Baseball season. If Sasaki is posted, the mania will not resemble last year with Yamamoto, when seven large-market teams climbed over one another for his services. With the difference in international bonus money available to teamsnegligible, the differentiator in Sasaki's case would not be money. All 30 teams will scramble to find out what it is if the most intriguing player this winterfinds his way to MLB..





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pcfox08/27 23:49姊夫

TokyoHard08/27 23:50講一大堆跟沒講差不多

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 08/27/2024 23:50:54

dragon80308/27 23:51就跟之前日本一些媒體捕風捉影的內容差不多 沒新進展

Edison117408/27 23:51他會損失一大筆錢(X) 羅德會損失一大筆錢(O)

zxc90638308/27 23:51羅德完全沒有放人的理由啊

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 08/27/2024 23:52:31

shengping08/27 23:53主動權在羅德手上 要考慮的只有羅德有什麼理由放人

WindSpread08/27 23:57這故事有啥新鮮的 我整天在板上混也能聽到

b9920207108/27 23:59應該要那些媒體到底在幹嘛

shlee08/28 00:06規定就在那邊 羅德本來就沒什麼理由提前放人讓自己損失一

shlee08/28 00:06大筆應得的入札金

kissmy092608/28 00:08歐牛想要錢不想太早放

TWKaner08/28 00:15感覺還是那些唬爛報放的消息傳來傳去

busters008/28 00:41這篇的情報跟鄉民們掌握的情報差不多

Arodz08/28 00:44覺得羅德不會放啦…又不是傻了

bj45112308/28 00:48等於沒講一樣。都是大家知道的東西

Luciferous08/28 01:00總結就是等25歲後再談

eon408/28 01:07聽君一席話

Sabo556608/28 01:16跟放屁一樣

sencho08/28 01:17這個人的消息來源是東京體育嗎...他還不如請人翻譯吉井最

sencho08/28 01:17新書裡提到的朗希片段呢。

sencho08/28 01:20說他跟羅德關係很差之類的 八卦報也基本寫遍了 包含但不限

sencho08/28 01:20於球團職員 球團OB 隊友 吉井 岩手居民 他高中時的野球關

sencho08/28 01:20係者 全部被寫過對他抱持厭惡

ckeleaf08/28 01:24山本和歐牛有共識啊!他22年達到球團要求優勝、日本一等

ckeleaf08/28 01:2423年滿25歲季末球團就放他去

ckeleaf08/28 01:26佐佐木抽選一指不知道當時有沒有談條件

th11yh2308/28 02:14他是寫給美國人看又不是ptt發文 多數美國球迷沒那麼清

th11yh2308/28 02:14楚npb狀況

GyroZeppeli08/28 04:24沒什麼重大資訊 就等他25

jojo72608/28 04:47講捕風捉影是不想面對現實吧

jojo72608/28 04:48年初看到現在 不同時間點內容都差不多

sawa2608/28 07:02不知為何 覺得他站不穩MLB

Dawei116508/28 08:32那麼想早點出去,當初就不要進日職啊

Aretimis734508/28 08:44先投完完整一季吧 他的HP有夠短

jasonyeh08/28 08:52對他印象不是很好,覺得就是還沒學好走路就想要學飛

Yjizz08/28 08:54閱~

saffron2708/28 09:02傻了才放

tobbaco08/28 09:05先去美國丟10場 開TJ 休兩年

kem060608/28 11:32幹嘛放?尊重合約很難嗎 不是很厲害不簽約 還不是

kem060608/28 11:32簽了