[情報] 綠帽開始籌10億鎂蓋球場&以後能競爭FA

看板Baseball標題[情報] 綠帽開始籌10億鎂蓋球場&以後能競爭FA作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:17

Though Major League Baseball hasn’t yet issued a decision on the relocation ofthe Oakland Athletics to Las Vegas, team president Dave Kaval said Tuesday the franchise is working toward securing the more than $1 billion in private financing needed for the construction of its planned $1.5 billion Las Vegas Strip ballpark.


但根據球團總裁Dave Kaval的說法,他們已經開始在籌錢了


Kaval said the family of A’s owner John Fisher would “make one of the largestequity contributions” ever by a major league owner toward the cost of buildinga new ballpark. The commitment through private funding streams would be second only to the private money used for Yankee Stadium, which opened in 2009.

綠帽老闆John Fisher自然會出其中的一大筆



Nevada lawmakers and Gov. Joe Lombardo approved up to $380 million in public financing on June 15 to fund a portion of the stadium construction. The package includes up to $180 million in transferable tax credits from the state (which the team could sell to other businesses for cash), an estimated $120 million in Clark County bonds and a $25 million credit from the county for infrastructure needsaround the stadium.


Yankee Stadium, which replaced the aging ballpark of the same name, opened in the Bronx, New York, in 2009. The venue cost more than $2.3 billion and was funded in part by $670.6 million from the Yankees' ownership. The remaining $1.2 billion came from public money and tax breaks.



Neil deMause, the author of Field of Schemes, a book about public subsidies forstadiums and the name of a companion website for sports stadium news and analysis, said other than Yankee Stadium, no other baseball stadium has cost anywhere close to $1.5 billion.



the a's are anticipating a "completely new day in terms of the on-field product" following their expected relocation to las vegas:

球團總裁Dave Kaval也表示





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www9017308/17 22:37沒錢x 擺爛想離開奧克蘭0

sorrywow08/17 22:38奧客爛

ccl00708/17 22:39NBA勇士隊走了 NFL突擊者隊也走了 運動家鐵定會走

AhCheng08/17 22:40無情城市快逃阿

marlonlai08/17 22:40奧克蘭回收不了這些投資吧 運動家之前戰績好的時候 入

marlonlai08/17 22:40場觀眾數還是拉不起來

flash71001508/17 22:41要蓋在沙漠裡 感覺就是蓋巨蛋 有冷氣那種 再考慮現

flash71001508/17 22:41在的物價 造價高很正常?

zxc90638308/17 22:42但條子那座快40000人的巨蛋也才12億鎂

zxc90638308/17 22:43綠帽這個30000人 不知為啥要那麼貴

zxc90638308/17 22:43還是物價這幾年漲很多XD

Jaguarsu08/17 22:43還是這筆錢有包括週邊設施?

zxc90638308/17 22:44綠帽這個沒啥週邊開發 地很小

DFTT08/17 22:44洋基有夠爽的

WasJohnWall08/17 22:49不是還要在奧克蘭待一年嗎?

cobras63808/17 22:4915億鎂

Hohenzollern08/17 22:51電影拍的是運動家前任老闆 現任老闆算很有錢的

Hohenzollern08/17 22:53奧克蘭市政府一直弄不出土地興建新球場 他才維持簡

Hohenzollern08/17 22:53

※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 08/17/2023 22:53:30

alvis00008/17 22:59奧克蘭那個提案要花更多

zxc90638308/17 23:01奧克蘭那個是超大型開發案呀 一堆周邊開發

kenro08/17 23:19忽然變有錢了 XD

cityman999908/18 01:59因為在賭城蓋的嗎?所以比較貴

demintree08/18 08:43之前又沒花錢怎麼會快沒錢,跟本吃聯盟補助賺錢

demintree08/18 08:44大概是因為在沙漠中蓋大型冷氣房很花錢吧XD