[情報] 綠帽開始籌10億鎂蓋球場&以後能競爭FA
Though Major League Baseball hasn’t yet issued a decision on the relocation ofthe Oakland Athletics to Las Vegas, team president Dave Kaval said Tuesday the franchise is working toward securing the more than $1 billion in private financing needed for the construction of its planned $1.5 billion Las Vegas Strip ballpark.
但根據球團總裁Dave Kaval的說法,他們已經開始在籌錢了
Kaval said the family of A’s owner John Fisher would “make one of the largestequity contributions” ever by a major league owner toward the cost of buildinga new ballpark. The commitment through private funding streams would be second only to the private money used for Yankee Stadium, which opened in 2009.
綠帽老闆John Fisher自然會出其中的一大筆
Nevada lawmakers and Gov. Joe Lombardo approved up to $380 million in public financing on June 15 to fund a portion of the stadium construction. The package includes up to $180 million in transferable tax credits from the state (which the team could sell to other businesses for cash), an estimated $120 million in Clark County bonds and a $25 million credit from the county for infrastructure needsaround the stadium.
Yankee Stadium, which replaced the aging ballpark of the same name, opened in the Bronx, New York, in 2009. The venue cost more than $2.3 billion and was funded in part by $670.6 million from the Yankees' ownership. The remaining $1.2 billion came from public money and tax breaks.
Neil deMause, the author of Field of Schemes, a book about public subsidies forstadiums and the name of a companion website for sports stadium news and analysis, said other than Yankee Stadium, no other baseball stadium has cost anywhere close to $1.5 billion.
the a's are anticipating a "completely new day in terms of the on-field product" following their expected relocation to las vegas:
球團總裁Dave Kaval也表示
沒錢x 擺爛想離開奧克蘭0
NBA勇士隊走了 NFL突擊者隊也走了 運動家鐵定會走
奧克蘭回收不了這些投資吧 運動家之前戰績好的時候 入
要蓋在沙漠裡 感覺就是蓋巨蛋 有冷氣那種 再考慮現
在的物價 造價高很正常?
綠帽這個30000人 不知為啥要那麼貴
綠帽這個沒啥週邊開發 地很小
電影拍的是運動家前任老闆 現任老闆算很有錢的
奧克蘭市政府一直弄不出土地興建新球場 他才維持簡
奧克蘭那個是超大型開發案呀 一堆周邊開發
忽然變有錢了 XD
Re: [分享] 運動家主場抗議The Nevada state Senate has passed the $380 million bill to help fund the propos ed stadium for the Oakland A's move to Las Vegas. Later today, A's fans will stage a "reverse boycott" at Oakland Coliseum. The ho pe: Fans show up en masse to encourage owner John Fisher to sell. 內華達州參議院通過380M鎂補助運動家搬到拉斯維加斯新球場的法案33
[情報] 奧克蘭運動家可能搬遷到其他城市BREAKING: The Oakland A's will start exploring relocation possibilities after Major League Baseball suggested the organization consider moving to other cities if the Howard Terminal stadium proposal is not approved by local politicians.27
Fw: [情報] 奧克蘭運動家可能搬遷到其他城市作者: johnnyvcxz40 (Edwin) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 奧克蘭運動家可能搬遷到其他城市 時間: Wed May 12 03:28:53 2021 BREAKING: The Oakland A's will start exploring relocation possibilities after25
[分享] 美國小聯盟球場分享幾個美國各層級球場: Triple-A: Sahlen Field 藍鳥3A Buffalo Bisons (International League) 主場13
[情報] 紅襪洋基對戰延期(COVID related)原文: Following positive COVID-19 tests within the New York Yankees organization, Thur sday night's game between the Yankees and the Boston Red Sox at Yankee Stadium h as been postponed to allow for continued testing and contact tracing. Major Lea9
[分享] LeMahieu的滿貫砲只有洋基球場能過牆At 341 feet, DJ LeMahieu's Grand Slam would have only been a home run in 1 MLB ballpark -- Yankee Stadium. Teams are 29-3 this season when hitting a grand slam. DJLM剛剛打的反方向滿貫砲只有341 feet8
[外電] 綠帽付錢拉!!!!!Oakland Athletics will pay minor league players through end of scheduled season, reversing previous decision 作者:7
Re: [閒聊] 台灣為什麼沒辦法蓋好球場?嗯...我把兩千年開幕的球場列一下 Globe Life Field 遊騎兵 2020 Truist Park 勇士 2017 Marlins Park 馬林魚 2012 Target Field 雙城 20102
Re: [情報] 綠帽球迷的反抵制日,票價漲53%The Nevada state Senate has passed the $380 million bill to help fund the propos ed stadium for the Oakland A's move to Las Vegas. Later today, A's fans will stage a "reverse boycott" at Oakland Coliseum. The ho pe: Fans show up en masse to encourage owner John Fisher to sell.
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[討論] 味全是保了什麼樣的豪華陣容?29
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Re: [情報] 樂天FA 補償 呂詠臻31
[分享] 台中國小棒球教練性侵案28
[討論] 接下來補償 會讓爪或龍迷炎上的人選28
[分享] 陳子豪/詹子賢/陳俊秀合約與成績(簡略版)28
Re: [討論] 陳傑憲如果留中職可以拿到多少合約27
[問題] 樂天牛棚海會找一個轉先發嗎?29
Re: [討論] 中信根本沒心想留子豪吧?爆
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[分享] 高橋宏斗 明年年薪1億2000萬日圓38
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Re: [新聞] 炸裂舞屬地不屬人 兄弟不會放手2X
[問題] 為何不將炸裂曲跟山君山君一起買過來