[情報] Brian Matusz過世

看板Baseball標題[情報] Brian Matusz過世作者
時間推噓34 推:35 噓:1 →:9

We are devastated to learn of the passing of former Major League pitcher Brian Matusz.

Matusz, the No. 4 overall pick in the 2008 MLB Draft, spent a majority of his eight seasons with the Orioles. He won his Major League debut on August 4, 2009, as he gave up just one run in five innings. Matusz pitched in 280 regular seasongames throughout his career, starting in 69 of them.

He pitched for two Orioles’ Postseason teams (2012 and 2014), making seven total Postseason appearances out of the bullpen. He made his last Major League appearance with the Cubs in 2016. He was 37 years old.






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jack3403101/08 10:58台灣球迷應該會對他有印象

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 01/08/2025 10:59:20

whorwells01/08 10:59R.I.P 記得他有一年轉牛很殺的樣子?

c257891001/08 11:05跟老王還有殷仔重疊 印象蠻深的

jan5891201/08 11:07生病嗎?也太年輕了

dd1115dd111501/08 11:09哇 這個有印象

Concorde14401/08 11:10R.I.P 偉殷隊友 2k用過

macbook1201/08 11:11沒特別說原因 看到IG還嚇一跳

merchape01/08 11:18什麼

CHRush01/08 11:19R.I.P 這隻2K好用

milleniue01/08 11:19當初金鳥皇家騎士團QQ

Houei01/08 11:19死因?

hiiamhenry1301/08 11:20左投是吧?對這隻其實印象蠻深刻

hakk01/08 11:20嚇一跳

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 01/08/2025 11:22:07

wwfrock1401/08 11:24有強過QQ RIP

KKKAO01/08 11:35有印象.. R.I.P

eee6010901/08 11:35還記得他 QQ

yeng121701/08 11:36記得他轉後援

Blackie921101/08 11:45RIP

Hank599901/08 11:59bbo我記得是翻成B.麥特茲

darvish07201/08 12:03殷仔隊友,r.i.p

eeelnooodle01/08 12:16哭阿 超年輕

Apoohhnahna01/08 12:19R.I.P.

ganlinlowsu01/08 12:26好年輕

cool3401/08 12:34有印象啊 有跟陳偉殷同隊過 左手牛

kymcoco01/08 12:36RIP

eon401/08 12:43靠北 殷仔隊友?

eon401/08 12:45那幾年先發都投的很抖 金鳥鄉民常酸他不能學陳好好投嗎

williamhuang01/08 12:45RIP 有印象 記得當年敗投很多

a8815266001/08 12:48記得11年吧 受傷後球速就不見了 硬讓他上結果就是ERA

a8815266001/08 12:48大爆炸

a8815266001/08 12:49然後前一年下半季才投很好 讓鳥迷短暫看到希望 然後就

a8815266001/08 12:49沒了 最後只是個普牛

ultratimes01/08 13:04會記得他就是因為大爆炸的防禦率

timchen011101/08 13:19啊怎麼突然這樣

timchen011101/08 13:19印象中常常砸鍋搞掉殷仔勝投

TsaiIngWen01/08 13:21R.I.P.

NYYAllRise01/08 14:16馬吐茲QAQ

yeah846601/08 14:40印象他被Ibanez再見轟

minor5214701/08 17:01R.I.P

tsai1801/08 18:51那麼年輕耶…什麼原因啊

f8799201801/08 19:43R.I.P

TBdrays01/08 19:58蛤?這麼快?

banbantone01/08 20:23這支有印象..RIP

frank90121201/08 23:08R.I.P.人生無常

timothy2101/09 21:21R.I.P.