[情報] 藍鳥對小V葛交易的要價超過教士賣Soto那包

看板Baseball標題[情報] 藍鳥對小V葛交易的要價超過教士賣Soto那包作者
時間推噓14 推:14 噓:0 →:9

The Blue Jays reportedly want a package that "exceeds the value" the Padres gotfor Juan Soto in any Vladimir Guerrero Jr. trade

根據報導,在任何交易小V葛的討論中藍鳥都希望獲得的回報要超過教士賣掉Juan Soto那包

看了一下報導,來源是The Athletic

In a report from The Athletic’s Ken Rosenthal and Will Sammon, the Blue Jays have a strong desire to keep Guerrero and that’s based on what type of package they want back in a potential trade.

According to the report, the Blue Jays are looking for major leaguers and top prospects in a package that would exceed the value the San Diego Padres received when they dealt Juan Soto to the Yankees last offseason before they even consider a trade for their perennial All-Star first baseman.





Blue Jays are actively negotiating an extension with Vladimir Guerrero Jr., andhe's the most important hitter in their lineup so the recent NYM trade speculation feels like wishful thinking on the part of the Mets (and possibly an attemptto gain leverage on Pete Alonso).




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ENOZI01/17 11:58本來就沒有想交易 當然隨便喊 而且紐媒聽聽就好

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 01/17/2025 12:00:14

ChienEric01/17 12:04那就等他球季結束FA

JKjohnwick01/17 12:06??

polanco01/17 12:11就沒要賣的意思 除非有人開出無法拒絕的大包

nybbnan01/17 12:15不賣最後會一無所有吧

nadleeh01/17 12:16季中沒辦法延長就會賣了吧

anomic2401/17 12:17喊爽的吧

Brusolo01/17 12:21球員自己也是有可能想跟別人抱團啊,今年賽季結束就知

nadleeh01/17 12:26現在共識金額差那麼多不賣後面就變空氣了吧

Catalyst01/17 12:30笑死 小V葛跟soto比 不想賣直接說就好

kano252501/17 13:03那就是沒有要賣的意思

shengping01/17 13:03藍鳥就沒要賣 除非你給的實在太多

AHEAD09901/17 13:05他現在就市場最大咖 價錢隨便喊啊

AHEAD09901/17 13:06反正沒有非賣不可

railman01/17 13:46這條件梅子會吃嗎?@@

travis91511701/17 14:11留到季中有需求的球隊會更明確 自家如果還有競爭力

travis91511701/17 14:11也可以留著用 反正沒有一定要先在賣

Sechslee01/17 15:21不賣沒差啊 反正明年變空氣

cchhuu01/17 18:55不用到季中就知道會不會續了啊

cchhuu01/17 18:55小V葛不是說只要春訓一開始就不會再談續約了

idtvgame01/17 19:30要賣就季中再賣就好

u9596g1201/17 21:15買到也不會續約 誰要交易

DendiQ01/17 21:53不能賣啊,就已經沒人要來藍鳥了