[分享] 大谷的前隊友們對一平的行為感到震驚

看板Baseball標題[分享] 大谷的前隊友們對一平的行為感到震驚作者
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TEMPE, Ariz. — The Los Angeles Angels clubhouse was subdued Friday morning as players whispered to one another, with many questions dancing in their heads.


It didn’t matter whether you talked to Mike Trout, the face of the franchise, or Patrick Sandoval, who knew his former teammate better than anyone, they were absolutely stunned by the news about their former MVP teammate and beloved interpreter.


In interviews with USA TODAY Sports, the Angels say they had no idea that Los Angeles Dodgers star Shohei Ohtani or his interpreter Ippei Mizuhara had the slightest interest in the world of sports outside baseball, let alone that Mizuhara allegedly racked up $4.5 million in gambling debts with an illegal bookmaker.

在接受USA TODAY的採訪時,天使球員說他們不知道大谷或水原對棒球以外的其他運動有絲毫興趣,更別說水原玩非法博彩欠下4.5M賭債的事。

One player said Ohtani, who is baseball's highest-paid player, was so quiet they didn’t even know he had a girlfriend, let alone was getting married.


“I’m just shocked, and I’m as curious as anyone to see what comes out," Angels outfielder Mickey Moniak said. “I have zero idea what’s going to transpire,or what has transpired over how many years. But great friends, great people. Ippei was as part of the team as anyone else."


While Ohtani became an international star with the Angels, the truth is that Mizuhara was just as popular in the clubhouse, with players like Trout calling him"one of the guys." Never did anyone hear either of the two talking about gambling, or even wagering in clubhouse pools.


Ohtani was a recluse, immediately retreating to his home after games, and leaving his hotel room only to go to games on the road.


Mizuhara, who was born in Japan but moved to Southern California when he was 7,spoke fluently in each language, and was much more outgoing in the clubhouse. Still, except for poker playing, there was nothing to suggest Mizuhara was gambling on even playing fantasy football.


Mathew Bowyer, the alleged bookmaker Mizuhara dealt with, is under federal investigation for an illegal bookmaking operation. Meanwhile, Ohtani’s attorneys are accusing Mizuhara of stealing millions from Ohtani’s bank account to pay Bowyer for his gambling debts.

Mathew Bowyer,水原接觸的博彩公司公司老闆正因非法博彩業務受到聯邦政府調查。與此同時,大谷的律師指控水原從大谷的銀行帳戶竊取數百萬美元償還賭債。

Major League Baseball announced Friday that it had officially began its investigation into Ohtani.


Ohtani's attorney's also expect Ohtani to interview with the federal governmentto determine what he knows about Mizuhara’s gambling, and whether money was stolen from his account or if he helped pay off Mizuhara’s debts.


MLB, which has gone into business with gambling sites in recent years, and evenrequires teams to submit their starting lineups to MGM before disseminating to the public, doesn’t prohibit players from gambling on other sports. They informtheir players they can be place bets with DraftKings or FanDuels


The last time a player was disciplined for gambling was Miami Marlins pitcher Jarred Cosart in 2015, determining that he placed illegal sports bets. He received a fine and no suspension, when the investigation revealed he did not bet on baseball.

上一次有球員因為賭博受到處分是在2015年,Jarred Cosart因參與非法運彩被聯盟罰款但沒有禁賽,經調查後確定他沒有賭棒球。

If a player is found betting on baseball games in which he’s not involved, it’s an automatic year-long ban. If he bets on a game in which he’s involved, it’s a lifetime ban, which all-time hits leader Pete Rose received in 1989.

如果球員被發現對他沒有參與的棒球賽下注,處罰是禁賽一年。如果是在參與的球賽下注就是終身禁賽,最知名的案例即Pete Rose。

“We just have to see what happens, I guess," Moniak said. “I mean, it’s legal in 38 states. So as long as he’s not betting on baseball ... I just hope it all works out.’’


It was a popular refrain for the Angels who were off Thursday and re-convened for the first time Friday since the news broke. They hate seeing Ohtani’s image suddenly sullied.


The Angels kept saying over and over, “Come on, there’s got to more to the story."


Still, it’s hard for the Angels or anyone else who knows Ohtani to believe that this was a sheer matter of ignorance. How is it possible that Ohtani would be unaware that multiple payments of $500,000 were being wired to an alleged illegal bookmaker?


Ohtani, from his baseball regiment to his marketing savvy, is one of the most intelligent men anyone has ever met.


They say it’s also unfathomable that Ohtani could be unaware of Mizuhara’s gambling habits after being almost inseparable since coming to the United States.


If Mizuhara didn’t completely change his story in an interview with ESPN, the story fades away. Yet, by changing the story, he shifted the attention onto Ohtani’s shoulders.


No one is believing that Ohtani only became aware of Mizuhara’s confession because of the language barrier, either. Mizuhara may be his interpreter, but Ohtani certainly understands English and speaks English with teammates and Dodgers’ staffers.


There’s also not a bookie in the land, gamblers will tell you, that would permit Mizuhara, who earns about $500,000, to accrue $4.5 million in gambling debts unless Mizuhara let them know he had the financial backing of Ohtani.


While conspiracy theorists want to believe that Mizuhara is Ohtani’s Greg Anderson, the trainer who went to prison instead of testifying about Barry Bonds during the BALCO scandal, MLB officials want to believe it’s simply a matter of poor judgement.

陰謀論者相信水原是大谷的Greg Anderson,大聯盟官方則想要相信這只是思慮不周的問題

We’ll see what federal prosecutors discover in their investigation, and just what Ohtani and his agents are likely to disclose in a public statement in the next few days, but for now, everyone is guessing, and wondering.


“I don’t know what happened, none of us do,’’ Angels infielder Brandon Drury
said. “But they’re good guys. Both of them.’’

Brandon Drury:「我不知道發生了什麼,我們都不曉得。但他們是好人,兩個都是。」

Provided the investigations don't reveal that Mizuhara’s gambling involved baseball, Ohtani unlikely will receive a punishment.


The federal government, of course, can make its own ruling, but does anyone really believe there’s a prosecutor who’s going to try to put Ohtani behind bars?


The biggest damage to Ohtani likely will be the blemish on his pristine reputation. We’re talking about the biggest star in the game, making the most money onthe field ($700 million over 10 years), off the field ($65 million), and earning huge money for the Dodgers and MLB.


No matter what the finding, there’s no doubt it’s embarrassing, and the timing was brutal, with the Dodgers on center stage playing the San Diego Padres in South Korea when the news broke.


“I can’t imagine worse timing," former agent Leigh Steinberg told USA TODAY Sports. “The whole world is focused on Shohei, and instead of talking about his hopes, his dreams, his aspirations, his likes and dislikes, we have this.

前經紀人Leigh Steinberg:「我想不到比這更差的時間點了,全世界都在關注翔平,但是我們在討論這個,而不是他的希望、夢想、抱負、或是好惡。」

“That trip to Korea was the worldwide coming out part of the branding and celebrity of Shohei Ohtani. He connected in a way baseball often doesn’t world-wide, the center of all of the attention in Korea, and transcended into Japan, was his image.


“He has formally been as golden as possibly can be. He’s handsome, clearly the most gifted baseball player since Babe Ruth, and is a transformational figure that draws attendance across the country to their games."


And now comes this drama.


“Hopefully, we find out that Ohtani knew nothing about any of this and gave the interpreter the power to transfer funds," Steinberg said. “If the facts show no worse than him being deceived, it’s not the best publicity, and people will cast dispersions on his own judgement and his availability to choose friends, but time will pass.’’


In the meantime, we have to wait, while the baseball industry prays it’s nothing more serious than being duped by a friend and having awful judgement.


“The reason baseball is so concerned is that even with this big shift towards gambling,’’ Steinberg said, “the one thing that can damage professional sports is the perception of by fans that the games are not played on an even playing field, and that the games are fixed.


“I’m sure there will be a million conspiracy theories that will be passed around, but often times the truth will be simpler.


“This is just the beginning. And the whole world will be watching."




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TopGun203/23 14:26不震驚 難道要說不意外?

Darvish083103/23 14:27真的很玄

tsai145303/23 14:29天使的前隊友最近震驚了好多次哈哈

octopus440603/23 14:30真要賭也不會在休息室聊吧XDD

JHENGKUNLIN03/23 14:30待很久的前隊友震驚幾天了

Axy803/23 14:31後面說整個棒球界都希望能沒有更嚴重的情況,結果一堆棒球

Axy803/23 14:31迷忙著造謠生事

O10lOl01O03/23 14:32很正常阿 對球迷來講有瓜就吃 當然希望多點瓜

JKjohnwick03/23 14:33真的很玄

Axy803/23 14:35要吃瓜可以,但是自己造謠一堆陰謀論然後到處宣傳的,不知

Axy803/23 14:35道這也是對這項運動的傷害嗎

ramirez03/23 14:35就很玄

bigguy03/23 14:35只在乎大谷有沒有賭而已 人本來不是完美

bigguy03/23 14:35有在行沒在行的事 扯選友能力 多餘的

Nemophila03/23 14:36玩賭博挖了這樣巨大的坑也很難想像 他以為大谷最後會娶

Nemophila03/23 14:36他?

sillyxsilly03/23 14:36對罵 正常都會懷疑 沒本事怎麼可能欠到450萬美金

Fitzwilliam03/23 14:37那段後半我會這樣翻:

Fitzwilliam03/23 14:37他串聯全世界的方式是棒球通常做不到的,而整個韓國

Fitzwilliam03/23 14:37注目之處,還延伸到了日本的,則是他的形象

polanco03/23 14:38哇好 可以借我抄一下作業嗎

Fitzwilliam03/23 14:39好,我自己也是大概翻@@

gnorimim03/23 14:40那段紅色沒翻的不知道翻成這樣會不會超譯或通不通順 「

gnorimim03/23 14:40大谷的形象(標誌?)超越日本(國籍)的侷限 吸引所有

gnorimim03/23 14:40目光成為韓國焦點的中心 他以一種棒球所無法達到的方式

gnorimim03/23 14:40凝聚世界各地」

gekkou03/23 14:41水原只要跟莊家說他跟大谷很好,莊家有錢賺哪會管那麼多,

gekkou03/23 14:41從目前的消息來看,大谷就是有幫水原還錢,不管是不是知道

gekkou03/23 14:41水原有沒有賭,地下錢莊借你錢還會跟你調聯徵紀錄嗎

Fitzwilliam03/23 14:41樓上這個更好

Fitzwilliam03/23 14:42我是說gno大的翻法

finalzerd03/23 14:42本篇邏輯正確,不要改說法,質疑根本不會跑到大谷身上

bj45112303/23 14:42難到賭徒會到處伸張自己賭很大嗎?

gekkou03/23 14:44改說法這件事就很玄,這還是請專業的危機處理團隊來處理的

gekkou03/23 14:44,這樣的危機處理能力不知道要付多少錢?

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/23/2024 14:46:50

shc72303/23 14:48要談也可以用日文 最好隊友聽得懂

book868503/23 14:50道奇只有水原一平這個溝通管道 這點說不過去

ck32603/23 14:50這篇兩個天使球員,一個前年才來,一個去年才來,其他待更

ck32603/23 14:50久的都不想具名採訪嗎?嘻嘻

book868503/23 14:51這後兩日 水原一平彷彿變成了一個高科技賭鬼一樣

book868503/23 14:51天使隊前隊友對一平的行為感到震驚 (X)

book868503/23 14:52美國所有職業運動員對一平的行為感到震驚(O)

book868503/23 14:54我確定會有一百萬種陰謀論在散播,但真相通常應該更簡單

matico03/23 15:01“而是被設定好的情況仍然”,“仍然”是多打的嗎?

jason031203/23 15:02很明顯大家都不覺得是一平賭博吧…就是在幫大谷扛的

befly1001503/23 15:03從天使到道奇很多人都說大鼓英文很好 所以大谷第二版

befly1001503/23 15:03說詞才會讓人覺得如此不可信

※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 03/23/2024 15:05:44

polanco03/23 15:06ok 感謝提醒

damyu03/23 15:14最後一句好像影集還是電影廣告

orze0403/23 15:17神通廣大到可以瞞過球員+隊友+球團+經紀人+律師,那幹嘛

orze0403/23 15:17做翻譯?

dick92903/23 15:30其實水原簽賭也不用刻意陰謀其他人啊

dick92903/23 15:30隱瞞

dick92903/23 15:31大家都是職業球員,誰有那個閒功夫管別人在幹嘛

dick92903/23 15:31何況還只是一個翻譯而已

dick92903/23 15:33筆電、平板、手機都能下注,誰知道你拿著手機平板是在下

dick92903/23 15:33

dick92903/23 15:34我也認識很多沉迷球版的人,平常很正常,有禮貌,見到人

dick92903/23 15:34會打招呼

dick92903/23 15:34然後咧?賭徒終究是賭徒

dick92903/23 15:37至於大谷帳戶被水原盜用有什麼好驚訝?多少名人都有被親

dick92903/23 15:37信背叛的例子

dick92903/23 15:38何況還是大谷還是一個外國人,依賴著水原幫他處理所有球

dick92903/23 15:38場以外,生活上的大小事

dick92903/23 15:38讓大谷可以專注在棒球上

book868503/23 15:39這有必要這麽多推文嗎......

book868503/23 15:40我的意思 是任何一個球團翻譯在加州賭非法組頭

book868503/23 15:41新聞報導會這麽多嗎 不就很好處理掉

yuuyuuderO03/23 15:42英文很好不代表聽得懂一些專業術語吧,就像你讓中文講

yuuyuuderO03/23 15:42很好的外國人去翻解釋函令或法條,一樣一頭霧水

book868503/23 15:42大谷帳戶被水原盜用 美國有這麽多處理上的難度嗎

book868503/23 15:42按你這樣講 我也可以說天使隊友也覺得稀鬆平常

book868503/23 15:43但因為媒體希望 故意弄成這篇訪問文章啊

book868503/23 15:44因為水原一平的錯誤翻譯 導致大谷翔平的錯誤判斷

book868503/23 15:45或是讓道奇對大谷翔平對這事情的錯誤判斷

book868503/23 15:46怎麽想都讓人覺得匪夷所思 又不是只是在說他拿手機

book868503/23 15:46盜用帳戶而已 結果我也推很多orz

kaoruotsuki03/23 15:59請問有沒有人知道這裏爲什麽要提Greg Anderson呀

polanco03/23 16:07文中有解釋 大概就替罪羔羊的角色

appshjkli03/23 16:14終於有媒體正面指出根本沒人會讓年薪50萬的欠450萬

appshjkli03/23 16:15博弈業可能嗎?

dick92903/23 16:19是賭債一次欠了450萬,還是陸續匯款450萬?這一點必須釐

dick92903/23 16:19

dick92903/23 16:21在很多版本的報導裡,都是提到兩筆50萬的欠款,或是陸續

dick92903/23 16:21匯了8、9筆,總額450萬的匯款

dick92903/23 16:21這不能直接解釋為水原是積欠了450萬的債務

dick92903/23 16:22或許50萬就是水原的額度,所以達到50萬就要跟組頭匯兌一

dick92903/23 16:22

dick92903/23 16:25不要忘了,積欠數百萬賭債,然後大谷幫忙匯款償是水原個

dick92903/23 16:25人版本的故事,你們先入為主認定水原的故事是真的,才會

dick92903/23 16:25質疑水原憑什麼可以欠450萬。

bon0121503/23 17:31不管哪個版本都有講不通的地方 真的只能等檢方調查了

safyrose03/23 17:42周遭看過許多欠下不符身價的賭債 看過就覺得還好

knuckles198203/23 17:51有賭棒球怎麼會輸成這樣 直接賭大谷去哪隊不就賺爛

jyunwei03/23 17:57你能把錢弄進來後面要繼續簽應該大家都歡迎的吧,信用良

jyunwei03/23 17:57好呢

chenchen061103/23 18:27水原ㄧ平賭的要身份查核的,要財力證名的,以他的

chenchen061103/23 18:27年薪根本不可能欠到那麼高,

chenchen061103/23 18:28小紅書有人也在玩啦 出來講的

kaoruotsuki03/23 22:58謝謝,原來有寫

Aybar03/24 09:1950萬輸完 再匯50萬又輸完 數次 就對的上報導的數次轉帳 不

Aybar03/24 09:19然誰會讓你一次欠450