[炸裂] Freddie Freeman B2B
B2B homer
Freddie Freeman本季第十轟
Pitch by Pitch
目前三分全都靠三發solo homer得到分數
不過靠隊上王牌投手Tyler Glasnow七局無失分的表現,三分應該夠了
Dodgers 3:0 Royals
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※ 編輯: Oldwood ( 美國), 06/17/2024 06:05:07
第三次 B2B
[情報] Freddie Freeman去道奇 6年162MSources: Freddie Freeman and #Dodgers are finalizing a multiyear contract, as @JimBowdenGM reported earlier. Freeman has chosen to play in his native Southe rn California. @MLB @MLBNetwork 自由人Freddie Freeman確定選擇回家鄉去道奇打球了,正在敲定合約,根據之前的報導58
[情報] Freddie Freeman to Dodgers 6yr/162MSources: Freddie Freeman and #Dodgers are finalizing a multiyear contract, as @JimBowdenGM reported earlier. Freeman has chosen to play in his native Southern California. @MLB @MLBNetwork BREAKING: Freddie Freeman has agreed to terms with the Dodgers on a six-year, $139
[閒聊] Freddie Freeman 再見安打今天亞特蘭大勇士在對決紐約大都會的九局下半時 Freddie Freeman對決Seth Lugo 2出局壘上滿壘 Freddie Freeman打了第一球 擊中了Lugo的腳滾到三壘方向36
[情報] 勇士隊Freddie Freeman感染武漢肺炎來自推特的消息 勇士隊球星Freddie Freeman跟隊友感染武漢肺炎 今年感覺真的一堆人不要打了.. Brian Snitker said Freddie Freeman, Will Smith, Touki Toussaint and Pete Kozma all tested positive for COVID-19. Freeman is still battling a fever. Smith28
[炸裂] Freddie Freeman一局下半 MVP打線歸位啦 自由人跟在大谷後面B2B 敲出一發陽春砲幫助道奇取得領先 也用棒子援護剛回來的飆樂27
[情報] Freddie Freeman 與道奇談約取得進展The #Dodgers and Freddie Freeman are making progress on a multiyear deal, sour ce says. @MLBNetwork @MLB Free-agent first baseman Freddie Freeman in serious talks with the Dodgers, so urces tell @TheAthletic. Deal expected to be in six-year, $160 million range.10
[情報] 藍鳥對Freddie Freeman有興趣The #BlueJays have had conversations with Freddie Freeman’s camp and conveyed s erious interest as his free agent decision nears, sources confirm. Freeman is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada and played for Canada at the ‘17 WBC. @MLBN etwork @Sportsnet @FAN59010
[分享] 今日 Mookie Betts & Freddie Freeman今日 Mookie Betts : 先發游擊手第一棒 AB : 4 R : 1 H : 25
[分享] 今日 Mookie Betts & Freddie Freeman今日Mookie Betts : 先發游擊手第一棒 AB : 3 R : 1 H : 1 (2B, NO.16)3
[炸裂] Freddie Freeman Will Smith B2B前三局都沒有安打的道奇野手們 四局上半一人出局 Freeman和Smith分別都相中第二球 打出全壘打 Smith那球真的很會打欸
[討論] 劉東洋今年休賽季是不是屌虐劉志威39
[情報] 台鋼雄鷹FB 鷹國血統硬起來34
[討論] 味全跟天母合約到期該續約嗎?33
[情報] 勇士將用1.8M簽下多多16歲投手(極速16419
[討論] 大巨蛋明年場次也要聯盟出面談?7
[分享] 統一獅 2/15萊K歌同樂會70
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