Re: [新聞] 真的是彈力球! 兩次恢復係數檢測都偏高

看板Baseball標題Re: [新聞] 真的是彈力球! 兩次恢復係數檢測都偏高作者
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※ 引述《goldsingle (BE A FULLSER)》之銘言:
: 大家是不是太高估彈力球了
: 按照我查的棒球彈性係數的資料
: MLB的用球規定在0.514-0.578之間
: 可是以同樣的力道攻擊 0.514 跟0.578的兩種球
: 距離也不過多增加4.6英尺
: 也不夠就是1.5公尺而已 這是撞牆美技跟剛好過牆的差別
: 但是差距沒有想像中大啊
: 如果中職原來用0.56係數的球 現在偷用0.574的球
: 但實際效果增加的距離可能連1公尺都沒有
: 所以對於彈力球是否過譽了


Finally, much has been written in the media about the ball specications
being so large as to render meaningless claims that \the ball is being made
within specs." For example, with the current COR specications, a ball at
the upper limit (0.578) would have nearly 36 more feet of projected distance
than a ball at the low limit (0.514).
Clearly, this standard is unreasonably
large, given that Rawlings achieves far greater precision in COR than is
communicated by that standard. For this reason, we have recommended in
the Executive Summary that MLB tighten this and other parameters of the
baseball that aect the game.



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arthurhsu12305/19 00:01大聯盟彈辣麼多年還沒改

jerryjack05/19 05:30數據會說話,有些人就愛看美好的幻象比賽。看看小玉去

jerryjack05/19 05:30日職咬中也只到剛好到外野手站位。

GAIEGAIE05/19 09:420.578跟0.514比才差這樣 那0.57跟0.56比可能真得差不多