[情報] Buster Posey退出2020賽季

看板Baseball標題[情報] Buster Posey退出2020賽季作者
時間推噓18 推:19 噓:1 →:4

San Francisco Giants catcher Buster Posey has opted out of the 2020 season. Posey, a former NL MVP and six-time All-Star, had missed the last few days of workouts as he contemplated his decision.
Buster Posey and his wife are adopting identical twin girls. That is why he has missed time in camp. The twins were born prematurely and stable but will be in NICU for some time. He is opting out of the season.


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cobras63807/11 00:15是那個波西條款那位波西嗎?

kji59092907/11 00:15繼Price後最大咖

kji59092907/11 00:15回一樓 對

Drzowy07/11 00:15Bart趁勢上位

Zuleta07/11 00:16他去年只剩下OPS+84而已

echo5003407/11 00:17是那個波西傑克森那位波西嗎?

starxls07/11 00:17打擊已經壞掉了 變鳥打

ponanchen07/11 00:25他衰退的好快

storyf6601407/11 00:27職涯前幾年就什麼都不缺的男人

Ayanami556607/11 00:28有種來中職啊 彈力球讓你轟到叫不敢 單季100轟

z03006037407/11 01:11被撞壞的捕手

lazuritechen07/11 01:22腦震盪就回不去了

kkjjkkjj07/11 01:26現在的posey還算大咖嗎?

austin703707/11 01:49中職收

bighead7107/11 08:12已經退化了沒差

kenny78155807/11 08:45他可是過去十年來最佳捕手,被大家講成這樣

Terry223107/11 09:08貓兒比他強多了

takamiku07/11 09:17生涯初就完全達標 早就是人生勝利組

dunkpoki07/11 09:24我還以為他退休了

GuYueHu07/11 09:40被視為巨人救世主

MarcPolo07/11 11:15最愛貓兒 可惜

aoao333307/11 12:11生涯初期 全能的跟鬼一樣

lala3144607/11 13:26休息一年看會不會回春

ccris07/11 15:58貓兒31歲之後就專職一壘手了,Posey至少還是專職捕手