[分享] 時間會治癒一切,但對道奇隊來說並非如此

看板Baseball標題[分享] 時間會治癒一切,但對道奇隊來說並非如此作者
時間推噓 7 推:7 噓:0 →:9


Time may heal all wounds, but that hasn’t happened yet for the Dodgers, who
still feel the sting of the Astros’ 2017 sign-stealing scandal that many
feel cost them a World Series title.


“I don't know if I'll ever fully get over it,” catcher Austin Barnes said
prior to Tuesday’s opener in Houston. “I mean, winning helps, obviously --
if we never won a World Series, that would have been pretty hard to swallow. I’m not trying to go too deep into it, but we could’ve won two World Series.



Playing in front of the largest crowd Minute Maid Park has seen since 2019 --and with plenty of Dodgers fans in attendance -- Los Angeles opened the
two-game set with a 9-2 win, its eighth consecutive victory. And Clayton
Kershaw had a great deal to do with it.


Kershaw’s most recent appearance at Minute Maid Park, Game 5 of the 2017
World Series, was also one of the most painful nights of his career. In a
wild, back-and-forth slugfest, the left-hander was charged for six earned
runs, getting chased with two outs in the fifth inning. Kershaw didn’t know
it at the time, but a big part of why he struggled was because his opponents
knew what was coming.


Facing former teammate Zack Greinke on Tuesday, Kershaw had a much better
night, striking out six in 7 2/3 innings of one-run ball. Not only was it thefirst time Kershaw has gone more than seven innings this year, it was the
first time he’s gone more than seven innings since August 2018.


The sole blemish on Kershaw’s line was Alex Bregman’s home run in the
seventh inning, a line drive into the Crawford Boxes that would not have beena home run in any other ballpark and had an expected batting average of just
.160. Kershaw did it all on just 81 pitches, exiting with a sizable lead thatthe bullpen -- including known Astros antagonist Joe Kelly -- made stand.

退場休息,把場面交給有太空人頭號敵人之稱的Joe Kelly。


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SinShih05/26 12:28稍微操勞一下的話 其實有機會完投

※ 編輯: Timekeeper ( 臺灣), 05/26/2021 12:29:19

hyd78905/26 12:31真的很少看到柯蕭第8局還上來

SinShih05/26 12:33現在都養生投法 因為要拉長職業生涯去累積數據(尤其勝投

ajyang05/26 12:38道奇去年還是拿了一座冠軍啊,有人想過達爾嗎?啊不過他好

ajyang05/26 12:38像已經釋懷了

Timekeeper05/26 12:39年輕的時候操太兇,現在要養生一點了

Timekeeper05/26 12:39達爾真的又衰又無辜 QQ

promise200305/26 12:41達爾 Q_Q

max260405/26 12:42笑死 81球故意換Joe kelly 看來很有意圖

s04207805/26 12:46達爾當初被罵得跟垃圾一樣 衰到爆

caesst8514905/26 12:52蘿蔔反應也慢 達比修被破解還死不換

kalinlove05/26 13:12問號,去年書僮不是在外卡戰對酒鬼的時候投完8局? 上

kalinlove05/26 13:12一次怎麼會是2018?

Timekeeper05/26 13:14原文指的超過7局只包含例行賽~

n61301105/26 15:22達爾倒霉還少賺一堆錢 太鼓賠錢來

n61301105/26 15:23蘿蔔反應慢又不是一兩天了 不然怎麼叫蘿蔔